The most interesting about Kombucha

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Kombucha is a natural source of health and longevity. Experts consider it a real miracle, as they still have not been able to establish the time and place of its origin, understand the characteristics of the development and explain the useful properties. With the help of this plant, people prepare a special drink that tastes like kvass, which can be consumed in a cold, warm and hot form.

Kombucha - what is it?

The body of Kombucha looks like a jellyfish, the color can be light yellow or dark brown. From above it is smooth and dense, and from the inside it is layered and non-uniform. At the initial stage of formation, it is a thin mucous film floating on the surface of the liquid nutrient medium. Culture quickly grows and develops, filling in all the free space. There are cases when Kombucha originated in bulk barrels and reached a weight of one hundred kilograms.

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Kombucha is a biological substrate that exists due to the mutual symbiosis of numerous colonies of yeast and acetic acid bacteria.

The fluid surrounding the fungus turns into a slightly carbonated sour drink - combucha. They drink it in its pure form, adding lime or lemon, with honey and sugar, mixed with water or other beverages - tea, juice, milk, herbal infusions and decoctions. The substance has found application in home medicine, cosmetology and cooking. Culture gained its unique properties due to its vital activity and the products of isolation of beneficial microorganisms. The mushroom is considered medicinal and is used to treat many diseases.

The Benefit and Harm of Kombucha

Kombucha has the official scientific name medusomitset, given to it in 1913 by mycologist G. Lindau. In the process of vital activity, it releases a lot of biologically active substances. These are organic acids, polysaccharides, vitamins, alcohols and ethers, proteins, microelements, antibiotics and enzymes. Together, these components have a positive effect on human well-being and health.

Kombucha drink does not contain caffeine, therefore it is allowed for use with high and low pressure. It quenches thirst well, tones and dulls the feeling of hunger.

Useful properties of Kombucha:

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • rejuvenation and restoration of the body;
  • acceleration of regenerative processes;
  • microflora improvement;
  • antibiotic exposure;
  • immunity strengthening;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • soft diuretic;
  • replenishment of vitamins and minerals;
  • removal of harmful and toxic substances.
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The benefits of Kombucha allow you to use it as a safe natural medicine. It cleanses the body of toxins, protects against viruses and infections, lowers blood pressure, normalizes cholesterol, improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, improves sleep, relieves nervous tension and anesthesia. High therapeutic effect made it possible to apply the fungus not only in everyday life, but also on an industrial scale - pharmaceuticals, catering, cosmetology.

With numerous beneficial properties, the tea fungus has contraindications:

  • the presence of fungal diseases;
  • increased acidity, not allowed for use with erosions and gastric ulcer;
  • gout and diabetes;
  • allergic reaction and idiosyncrasy.

Growth Technology

For the cultivation of Kombucha you will need the simplest items - a three-liter jar, preferably with a wide neck, sliced ​​gauze or a special food napkin, white or brown sugar, tea - green or black, or rosehip tea or herbal tea. The use of sugar substitutes instead of sugar is unacceptable.

How to grow kombucha from scratch:

  1. To grow from scratch, you need freshly brewed tea of ​​medium strength in a volume of one and a half.
  2. In tea, you should dissolve about 100-120 grams of sugar, cool the beverage and pour it into a three-liter jar.
  3. To prevent contamination and insects from entering the jar, it is necessary to cover the neck with gauze or a special breathable napkin. The fabric should be secured with a rope or rubber band.
  4. It is best to place the bank in partial shade, where the air temperature is between 22 and 26 °.

Kombucha does not like darkness and direct sunlight, in cool conditions the growth process slows down a bit.

Over time, a thin darkish film forms on the surface of the tea - this is the beginning of the development of the fungus. For two or three months, it will grow enough, and you can use it infusion. Readiness of the liquid for use can be determined by the thickness of the fungus( at least 2-3 mm) and a pleasant sour-sweet smell.

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Dividing and growing Kombucha

When the mushroom is 4-5 centimeters thick, you can safely begin its division and transfer to another container with a nutrient medium. For transplanting, the upper layer is taken, which is carefully separated, washed and transferred to a new three-liter jar. On a mushroom that is ready for dividing, the layers are well visible, which, even with a minor effect, separate themselves from the parent base. The lower layers are considered to be the most productive and useful, they are darker in color and looser in density.

The maximum concentration of beneficial and nutrients is contained in the infusion, whose age does not exceed one month. The infusion of a mature mushroom is unfit for consumption.

It is possible to grow a new mushroom on the basis of ready-to-use infusion. The drink, which was prepared for 5-6 days, is poured into a clean and dry container, breaks with gauze and remains in this form for a week. A few days later a new organism forms on the surface of the nutrient medium. To speed up the process, it is recommended to add 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to the base solution.

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Care and diseases of the tea fungus

Every 3-5 days, ready-made tea brew is drained, and instead, sweetish boiled water of room temperature is added. The amount of sugar - 100 grams per 1 liter of water. Water is boiled, sugar is dissolved in it, cooled, and only then it is poured into a container where Kombucha lives. It is undesirable to use raw water, as there are a lot of salts and impurities in it, which impair the taste of the drink and precipitate.

Too strong tea has a bad effect on the condition of the fungus. If sugar is added directly to the jar, it can get burned and die.

How to care for Kombucha:

  1. Every 3-5 days it is necessary to drain the infusion and fill the container with fresh nutrient medium.
  2. To keep the fungus healthy and healthy, it should be washed in water every 2-3 months.
  3. Muddy infusion is a bad sign, harmful impurities reduce the quality and healing properties of the drink.
  4. The mushroom should always remain on the surface. If the fungus is darkened and sank to the bottom, it means that he has fallen ill and may die.
  5. Treatment rules are simple - it is clean and good care. The nutrient fluid in the bank can reach 2/3 of the total volume so that the fungus has the opportunity for further development and growth.

Knowing how to grow Kombucha correctly, you can enjoy a natural drink every day that combines high benefits, quality and taste!

Video about growing kombucha at home

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