Learn more about the healing properties and contraindications of aloe

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Indoor plants growing in nature up to 4 meters in height are much more modest, but wherever aloe grows, its healing properties and contraindications to its use remain unchanged.

The healing effect of the juice and the moist translucent pulp of the leaves of this plant has been known for a very long time. Fully uncover the effect of aloe on the human body was only about a century ago, when a biochemical analysis of plant materials was carried out.

Composition of juice and pulp from aloe leaves

Aloe’s good use comes from its long, sometimes up to 40 cm succulent leaves, with sharp spikes on its edges. It is from their pulp that the healing juice is obtained, the extract is made, and after digestion and drying a concentrated sabur is prepared.

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For medical purposes, use mature, healthy leaves from plants older than three years of age. By the fall, when collecting raw materials, the concentration of nutrients in the leaf plates of aloe becomes maximum.

What are the beneficial properties of aloe? The leaves of the plant contain:

  • many vitamins, including C, E, A and a number of vitamin B;
  • essential oils;
  • amino acids;
  • polysaccharides;
  • mineral salts;
  • organic acids;
  • phytoncides.

Allantoin in leaf pulp is highly valued. This substance has astringent, anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic effect. Thanks to this bioactive compound, aloe-based preparations actively moisturize, promote regeneration and resist inflammation and infections.

Application of useful properties of aloe

Many useful plants that are grown in the home are familiar to mankind. This lemon, Kalanchoe, cyclamen and many others. Aloe grown on window sills is recognized as a medicinal plant, due to the unique composition of the leaves. It is actively used in traditional and traditional medicine, in cosmetology. What are the beneficial properties of aloe that attract medical attention?

The pulp and juice from the leaves show a pronounced bactericidal effect. Streptococci, staphylococci, and also causative agents of diphtheria and dysentery of aloe bacilli are depressing.

Means based on plant materials are effective for burns, fresh wounds and infections complicated by infections, for inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane and skin. The advantage of aloe in this case is to accelerate the regeneration, healing and antibacterial action.

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Aloin, a substance named after a plant, has a laxative effect, stimulates intestinal motility and contributes to its purification in atonic and chronic constipation.

However, when using bioactive supplements, it must be remembered that the beneficial properties of aloe and its contraindications for use are closely related. Exceeding the dosage or inattention to existing chronic diseases can lead to the fact that the plant will bring not the expected benefit, but harm.

How to take aloe for health benefits?

Today, the use of aloe is practiced for the treatment of asthenia, neuroses of various nature, metabolic disorders, external inflammatory processes, skin diseases. Aloe preparations are useful for diseases of the respiratory and digestive organs, gynecological problems and diseases of an ophthalmologic nature.

The beneficial properties of aloe can be used in different ways. Juice is included in the composition of cosmetic and therapeutic masks, lotions and rubbing. Aloe syrup with honey is an effective remedy for sore throat and other inflammations in the nasopharynx. Tampons soaked with aloe juice, used in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

The use of aloe is well known for cosmetic problems. External products on natural plant raw materials have a beneficial effect in dry skin, prone to inflammation and allergic reactions.

Cosmetologists and dermatologists use the ability of aloe:

  • significantly reduce the intensity of pigment spots;
  • to deal with the purulent foci observed with youthful acne;
  • to cure or alleviate the course of fungal diseases, including seborrhea of ​​the scalp;
  • as part of complex therapy to relieve exacerbations of eczema and even with psoriasis.
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Juice or fresh aloe pulp acts very gently but effectively. There are many recipes where the beneficial properties of aloe are revealed as completely and safely as possible.

With the systematic use of aloe, neither useful properties, nor contraindications of which should not be overlooked, you should not refuse to consult a specialist.

Aloe with honey: medicinal properties and contraindications

Aloe, whether it is plant sap or crushed pulp, perfectly combines with such a useful and active product as bee honey. Sharing only enhances the healing properties of aloe with honey, while contraindications increase slightly and are only possible allergies to bee products.

A mixture of plant juice and honey is used both externally and inward, and in the latter case, you should not abuse the use of aloe. After a month's course, for example, in inflammatory processes of the respiratory organs, they must do the same for the duration of the break. External use of aloe with honey is justified in the composition of masks, lotions and lotions that are useful for baldness, inflammatory processes on the skin, seborrhea.

Aloe injections: medicinal properties and contraindications

Injections with aloe juice have a beneficial effect on tissue repair, affect metabolism and blood circulation. With strong antioxidant effect, aloe juice helps to stop the aging process of tissues and activate natural regeneration.

Cosmetic problems, ailments of the digestive tract, respiratory organs, as well as a tendency to allergic reactions may be indications for the use of injections with aloe.

The procedure is prescribed by a doctor and is performed in a medical institution. Despite the mass of beneficial properties of aloe injections, a contraindication to their use is:

  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • most diseases of the heart and vascular system;
  • urinary tract diseases.
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For the benefit of aloe not to be overshadowed by the side effects or complications of chronic diseases, it is better to consult your doctor first.

Contraindications for the use of aloe

Aloe-based preparations should not be taken if a person has acute or chronic liver or gallbladder disease. Contraindications are acute for gastritis, peptic ulcer, hemorrhoids. Treatment of aloe with cystitis or painful, irregular menstruation is not recommended. If watermelon can be consumed in limited quantities, then take the drug inside and make shots with aloe during pregnancy is absolutely impossible. Doctors advise against such therapy in the evening, as aloe can cause a disturbance of night sleep.

Mandatory advice on the safety and dosage of aloe is required before use by children.

In order for the beneficial properties of aloe not to carry unpleasant surprises, it is important to adhere to the methods of administration and doses prescribed by a specialist. Exceeding the dosage of aloe-containing products due to the laxative capacity of the plant threatens digestive disorders and defecation. At the same time, long-term intake of aloe juice carries the danger of washing out potassium and other salts from the body.

What Heals Aloe?


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