You can build a gazebo alone in one day (video)

at workAs soon as the planning of the dacha plot for construction begins, a building point for a gazebo must be laid, without which the dacha yard will seem incomplete. Some summer residents create their own projects of summer houses and turn them into reality.

See also:Strawberry harvesting for the winter in an electric dryer

Fully build a simple design arbors, you can in one day, without attracting assistants. This process is shown in the video.

Aesthetic arbor made of natural wood with their own hands: features of installation and choice of style

Aesthetic arbor made of natural wood with their own hands: features of installation and choice of styleArbor

Article content: Types of arbors How to choose the style of arbors? Do-it-yourself gazebos: where to start? Basement and walls for an arbor Do-it-yourself constr...

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