Unusual ideas for ordinary beds (video)

Registration of flower bedsVery rarely there are cases when there is no floral decoration, ornamental, climbing plants in the country. Compositions of different types of flowers are usually combined on specially bred places - flowerbeds.

See also:DIY to give their own hands

Some gardeners use a conservative approach to the design of flower beds. They believe that flowers are already a decoration, what else can you think of. But there are solutions that can double the beauty and originality of the flower decoration of the flower bed.

See also:The clarification of homemade wine gelatin

To create decorative flowerbeds at their summer cottage, various improvised means are used, unique flower beds are created according to their own projects. More information about the embodiment of unusual ideas and solutions for country beds can be seen on the video.

See also:Making a flower pot from a plastic bottle
Transplantation of perennial flowers on flowerbeds of personal plots

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