March efforts on flower beds: what to do with indoor and garden flowers

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With the advent of spring, the hot season for flower growers also comes: the sun shines brighter in the windows, it gets darker every day, all plants begin to emerge from the winter sleepy state and actively develop. In this regard, the hassle on the flower beds in March, the summer resident enough, ranging from indoor plants, and ending with open ground cultures. What will we do first?

First exit to the flower bed

The beginning of March for most of the regions does not differ from the winter weather: the snow cover hides all the beds and beds, and the frost does not want to retreat anyway. Of course, in such conditions there is no point in talking about working on the street, but the weather is aunt with a changeable character, moreover, in the southern strip in March, snow is often not found.

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If you were lucky enough to live in such places, when the whole snow cover melted on the flowerbed, and the soil dry, wait for a sunny day, dress warmer, take a pruner and gloves, and go out on walk. With fan rakes, in order not to burrow deeply into the ground and not to damage the perennials that have not yet ascended, it is neat we shovel foliage and rubbish - when it dries, it will be possible to burn, and ash to use for fertilizing flowers at landing. Also we cut the bushes of perennial asters and chrysanthemums.

Climbing on the flowerbed, we carefully look under the feet, especially if there are planted snowdrops: fragile flower stalks sometimes can be hidden under old dry leaves and they can be trampled.

We prepare the planting stock for the flower bed with roses

In March we also look into the rose garden: it's too early to start cutting the bushes, but it's already possible to harvest the cuttings if the winter was not particularly cold. We choose not frostbitten branches with obvious signs of swollen living kidneys and cut them with a sharp pruner. It is better to take shoots, the thickness of which is slightly more than a pencil - in thin branches there are fewer nutrients. The length of the cut cut in the spring should be greater than in the autumn cuttings and be at least 20 cm. Root them can be first in the water with a further transplant, or immediately in the nutrient soil.

It is worth noting that by propagation cuttings are best reproduced and some varieties of tea-hybrid rose, and also floribunda, but cuttings of wrinkled park and most varieties of yellow-flowered roses take root extremely reluctantly.

Check garden flowers stored

If there was no free time in February to inspect the tubers of plants dug out for the winter and stored indoors, in March we take out the flowers and carefully examine them. We select and discard decayed tubers, and those that have the first signs of disease, clean and disinfect.

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At the end of the month, some overwintered crops can already be placed in pots with wet sand for germination, for example:

  • tuber garden begonia;
  • dahlias.
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Let's start growing flower seedlings

Like gardeners, florists also have a lot of March troubles on the flower beds associated with seedlings. Seed method of growing is one of the most popular: it allows you to easily get into your collection of new varieties of perennials, and grow annuals.

One of the advantages of the seedling method is that the plants obtained in this way bloom much earlier than those that were sown immediately into the open ground.

Approximately from the second decade of March (depending on the specific region of cultivation and its climatic conditions), it is possible to sow such plants on seedlings:

  • ageratum;
  • Chinese astra;
  • dope;
  • petunia;
  • Chinese carnations;
  • lobelyu;
  • verbena;
  • sweet pea;
  • Waller's balsam;
  • Tradescantia garden;
  • marigolds and many other flowers.

Spring troubles with indoor plants

Who has the spring in full swing, even despite the snow and frosts outside the window, so it is for flowers growing in pots on the windowsills. It is with such crops that the hassle of the flower growers is the most in March. With the beginning of the growing season, we arm ourselves with sharp scissors and proceed to pruning:

  • pelargonium;
  • hibiscus;
  • Kalanchoe;
  • azalea;
  • balsam;
  • room evergreen boxwood and other plants that need an annual haircut.

Pruning not only stimulates the branching of plants and the laying of flower buds, but also helps to give them a compact form.

In addition, it is time to plant and awaken from a hibernation culture with a pronounced rest period, such as gloxinia, amaryllis, achymenes and the like.

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One of the main spring procedures is the transplant of flowers. We reserve fresh nutrient soil and flowerpots and go to check their flower possessions: bushes, obviously overgrown their pots, are transplanted into more spacious containers. A transplant can also be combined with the multiplication of plants. Also, starting in March, we are slowly starting to feed up the window players, helping them to build up the deciduous mass and tie buds.

As you can see, the hassle in March with flower beds, including the window sills, is enough, but it's worth it, after all, with proper care, both indoor and outdoor plants will enjoy abundant flowering to envy their neighbors and themselves on joy.

Video about the care of indoor plants in March

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