Pomegranate Rowan is a healthy berry, with properties that almost all gardeners and gardeners are familiar with. She has beautiful ornamental plants, and her berries have a high level of beneficial substances .Therefore, it is imperative to plant this variety of berries in my plot, so that it pleases not only with its beautiful view, but also with its high useful yields, and the description of this berry can be found below.
History selection
grade Description rowan Grenade
Features wood
fruits Description
Advantages and disadvantages
landing Features
watering and hoeing
Features trimming
fertilizer Features
Diseases andpests
History of
selection The first to start breeding mountain ash is I. V. Michurin. Back in 1925, he made the pollination of flowers of Siberian hawthorn or hawthorn with blood-red pollen of mountain ash. As a result, he received quite high quality planting material.
Hybrid has received the name - Krategosorbus Michurin( Michawin bayaws) .He became one of the best among hybrid plants, for the fifth year he received high yields. Fruits are large with a dark red garnet color .Therefore, this hybrid and was given the name Garnet.
Description of the Rowan Variety Grenade
Characteristics of the Tree
The Rowan Pomegranate has a fairly high tree with spreading branches. The height of the tree can reach up to 4 meters. The standard of living is usually between 20 and 25 years.
Rowan variety Grenade
The main characteristics of the tree:
The crown of the tree is wide, dense;
shoots take root easily, they easily withstand frost and strong heat;
The leaves of the have a decorative appearance. The size of the leaves is large, the color is dark green. Possess a regular, pinnate structure. The composition of the leaves includes 9-11 leaflets oblong;
The size of the leaf length is approximately 12 cm, the size of the width - 6 cm;
The trees have with the mocha root system , the root structure is well developed.
In the period of flowering white flowers appear on the tree. The size of the flowers is small. They are collected in bunches of corymbose inflorescences of 100 pieces each.
The flowers of the Garnet rowan are gathered in bunches of inflorescences.
The mature fruits of young trees are arranged in large numbers on the basis of the fruit twigs .In adult plants, fruits grow on kolchatka, the life expectancy of which is not more than 5 years.
Description of the fruits
The main qualities of the fruits:
The ripe fruits of the rowan are in the form of an ball with a faceted structure;
Coloring berries with a maroon-red shade , which has a gray patina;
is present inside the berries; the flesh is yellow with with a juicy structure;
Berry has sour taste with a sweet taste, in addition there may be a slight tartness;
The weight of one mature fruit is from 1.2 to 1.6 grams.
It should be noted, Rowan Pomegranate berries can be used to eat raw. In addition, they can be used for cooking jam, jam, jam, homemade wine, compotes, juices, syrups.
The yield of Garnet rowan is quite high. Usually from one tree collect almost 18-20 kilograms of good berries with large sizes. The harvest depends on the proper care of the plant - watering, weeding, fertilizer.
A variety of mountain ash Garnet belongs to the varietal varieties. Fruiting begins at 4 years after planting seedlings. Trees have high yields.
It is worth noting that the beginning of flowering occurs in the first half of June. Fruit ripening begins in late August.
During the storage of berries in a dry cool room, the longest period of laying is almost 5 months. Fresh berries can be dried, frozen .In addition, one can prepare various blanks for the winter.
Grape Mountain Rowan belongs to self-fruiting varieties. Still, many gardeners recommend using the cross-pollination method to improve crop levels. Usually for the cross-pollination method varieties of mountain ash are used, such as Dessert, Vefed, Sorbinka.
The advantages and disadvantages of
Before planting a mountain ash variety Garnet, it is worth exploring its positive qualities. In addition to the valuable qualities of this class, there are also negative aspects of , which should also be noted.
Pomegranate rowan fruits
Positive qualities:
The variety is able to withstand strong frosts , so it can be planted in the northern regions of Russia;
High yield , up to 2 large buckets of ripe fruit can be removed from one tree per season;
Rowan Pomegranate belongs to the self-fruiting varieties, so no additional pollinators will be planted during planting. Still, many gardeners recommend planting pollinators for cross-pollination to increase yields;
Mature fruits have large sizes ;
Good taste without bitterness;
Berries can be stored for a long time.
Negative qualities include the following disadvantages:
Short Service Juice. On average, the Pomegranate mountain ash tree lives from 20 to 25 years;
Average resistance to against the effects of harmful insects and diseases .
Features of planting
For planting this variety, you can use drained sod and sod-weakly podzolic loamy soil. On this soil, trees grow best and are faster accepted.
Do not plant a plant on the soil with close groundwater flow. Pomegranate mountain ash can not grow in a swampy and stagnant place.
The autumn season is considered the most suitable season for planting mountain ash. It is also allowed to land in the spring, but the main thing is to produce it before the bud break. In addition, for planting is to choose a sunny place with a good flow of sunlight. In dark places, mountain ash will give low yields with poor quality.
The most suitable season for planting Grenade mountain ash - autumn
How to plant:
The first thing is digging an pit for planting;
The diameter of the future hole should be 1 meter , the depth should be about half a meter;
The bottom layer of the soil is necessary to mix with 20 kilograms of humus, 400 grams of superphosphate, 200-300 grams of potassium sulphate;
To deepen the neck of the of the radical type to the ground should be 4-5 cm;
After this, seedling must be watered with with plenty of water, at least 2 buckets;
Mulching of is carried out with a layer of at least 8-10 cm;
Compost mixed with wood ash can be used for loosening.
It should be borne in mind that when planting, the distance between the planted trees should be at least 2-2.5 meters.
Watering and loosening
Rowan Pomegranate loves to grow on moist ground, but does not tolerate strong water stagnation. In the absence of precipitation rowan should be watered three times. Watering is done according to the following scheme:
The first watering of the is performed at the beginning of the growing season;
Watering a Garnet Rowan is done according to the
scheme. The next is watered approximately 17-21 days before harvest;
The last watering of the takes place approximately 21-28 days after harvest.
Watering should be done in an area in the grooves that runs around the trunk. On 1 square.meter will need about 30-40 liters of water.
It is imperative that you loosen the ground well after each watering, this will allow you to retain the right amount of water in the soil. In addition, loosening the soil is recommended during the early spring and autumn , in preparation for the winter. It is recommended to dig up the earth no deeper than 15 cm in order not to harm the roots.
Features of pruningConducted sanitary and formative pruning.
Features of pruning:
In springtime, trees have experienced early growth, so should be pruned before the kidneys swell ;
Grenade rowan
pruning scheme. Young plants are shortened by 1 bud, shoots are removed, due to which an acute angle is formed;
For adult trees, pruning is done as needed. Usually it is made to form the shape of the crown, as well as for its thinning;
All lower branches, shoots near the roots are cut ;
The other branches of the are shortened by 1/3.
Features of the
Fertilizer If during planting fertilizer mixtures were introduced into the well for planting, then for the first three years the rowan garnet should be fertilized. In the spring, , when digging the ground, it is necessary to deposit 25 grams of ammonium nitrate or urea. From the fourth year of life, except for spring, top dressing is done in autumn. During the autumn period of , during digging, 50 grams of superphosphate and 30 grams of potassium are introduced into the soil.
Distinctive features of
Garnet rowan variety has low-growing trees. Trees have an extraordinary beautiful appearance that brightens up the entire garden area .Trees, even in winter, will delight with their beauty. In addition to this mountain ash Pomegranate has berries of large size. Ripe berries get an unusual dark red shade with a gray tint. Another distinctive feature of the plant is a short lifespan.
Diseases and pests
Rowan Pomegranate has low resistance to the effects of diseases and pests. In order to protect the tree and crop from pests and diseases, it is necessary to carry out timely prevention of .If the plant is already affected, then treatment is carried out with the help of special preparations.
Name of the lesion
How does
affectnitrafena( 300 grams per 10 liters) in the spring before the appearance of the kidneys. After the appearance of the kidneys, treatment with 0.1% Rogor-S solution is needed - 1 liter of
will be needed per 1 sq. meters
used to treat a 1% solution of colloidal sulfur, before flowering. In the autumn period, pristvolny circles are dug up, the old rotten harvest is removed.
Rowan Moth
Damage to the structure of the pulp is observed by the caterpillars
2 weeks after the end of flowering, processing with 0.2% chlorophos solution is performed, 20 grams of the drug must be added to 10 liters of water.
This disease completely damages the structure of trees, it causes the formation of dark growths.
Trees are treated with nitrafen( 300 g / 10 l of water) or copper sulphate( 100 g / 10 l of water) in springtime before the appearance of buds. The affected areas of the trees need to be cut and burned.
Mealy dew
This disease causes the formation of white bloom on the surface of the leaves, which causes their complete death.
Before the start of flowering, it is necessary to cut off all the affected leaves and burn them completely. Processing is performed with a solution of colloidal sulfur( 30 g / 10 l of water).Every 4 days, before the lesion is completely removed, treatments are made from a soap solution - 10 liters of water, 3 tablespoons of baking soda, 1 large spoon of soap in a liquid form.
Rowan Pomegranate is a high-yielding variety that is quite unpretentious in cultivation. Trees of this rowan can grow in almost any climate, they withstand severe frosts and at the same time retain all their properties .Disembarkation and further care does not require much work. The main thing is to water, fertilize and treat against parasites and diseases.
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