Usually this is a huge, by our standards, tree up to 25 meters. has a very indirect relationship with Greece: fruits were brought from the south, and “there is everything in Greece”.Surely, there he grows too, wild forms of this tree are common in Europe.
Looks impressively tree. A separately growing nut does not only differ in height - its crown also reaches a diameter of 20 meters.
By European standards, it is a long-liver( second after oak) - there are often instances of 300-400-year-old trees.
The development of a tree begins with the formation of a powerful taproot, which reaches 1.5 meters in depth in the 5th year and 3.5 meters by the age of 20.
Horizontal does not grow immediately - they are formed after the core, located in the surface layer of soil at a depth of 20-50 centimeters.
The tree begins to bear fruit after 10 years of life, and from 30-40 years of age comes the time of full fruiting.
If trees grow in groups, partly shading each other, they rarely produce more than 30 kg of crop, while a free-growing nut can produce up to 400 kg of nuts.
But such cases are rare, only a tree with an age of 150-170 years is capable of such a crop. Usually, an adult tree of 25-40 years old in Moldova produces 1500-2000 fruits or 2000-2500 in Crimea.
Table of contents
Moscow region, central Russia - where else can you plant and grow walnut
How and when to plant and grow a tree from seedlings: conditions of
Care after planting: spring, summer and autumn
and after
Reproduction at the cottage
Moscow region, central Russia - where else can you plant and grow walnut
They are found in the European part from the foothills of the Caucasus to St. Petersburg where they grow The most northern nuts in Russia. But these are isolated cases, exceptions, which only prove the rule.
These trees do not freeze out completely, but they do not grow in full force.
The main factor determining the possibility of growing this southern tree is not a winter subzero temperature. The sum of average daily temperatures above 10 degrees is taken into account. It can not be less than 190 C.
If in winter the temperature does not fall below -36 degrees and within 130-140 days a year the temperature is above 0 С, a walnut can grow and bear fruit.
Manchurian walnut hybrids showed the best winter resistance.
When planting even the best seed brought from the south, adaptation to the cold climate does not occur - such trees freeze slightly and practically do not bear fruit.
It is absolutely not suitable for growing varieties from places with a humid warm climate ( west and south of Ukraine, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus).
Only nuts from eastern Ukraine, the mountains of Central Asia or the Caucasus successfully adapt to the new conditions of central Russia.
Moreover, is better to grow a nut out of the stone. - imported seedling( even from the specified regions) will be significantly inferior in terms of endurance and adaptability to new conditions.
How and when to plant and grow a tree from a seedling: conditions
You must immediately plant it at a permanent place .Already a 5-year-old tree to transplant is unrealistic. Therefore, to determine the need to take into account all the factors and calculate the consequences.
A strong-growing tree is capable of forming a dense shadow over an area of approximately 100 sq.m. This area you have to strike out of circulation - under a walnut does not have much to bear ( the strong suppressive effect of the biofield of a huge tree affects).
On the other hand, this area can be equipped with a summer recreation area - walnut essential oils do not allow flies and mosquitoes to come close.
Select a landing site at the edge of the garden , so as not to shade other trees. The nut is very unpretentious to the ground, although it prefers loose sandy-stony soil.
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