Pine nut is very popular among fans of this healing product. Cones with kernels can be collected in the forests of Siberia, but further processing of nuts is quite complicated. Previously, the kernels were manually separated from the cones, but this process is very laborious and also takes a lot of time. Now, with the advent of new technologies, special machines have appeared, the activity of which is aimed at peeling and processing nuts. Such mills, today, can be made with your own hands, as discussed in this article.
Table of Contents
- Varieties of machines for peeling pine cones and cleaning pine nuts
- Can I make a pine crusher with my own hands?
- Homemade Crushersimpler.
Processing pine cones into nuts
At large enterprises, a whole band of apparatuses is usually used, thanks to which the starting material is fully prepared for sale practically without human help. Usually, such tapes consist of special equipment that alternately performs the following functions:
- so that the process can be started correctly, pine cones first dry ;
- then kernels are separated from the cones using cones, winders;
- shelled nuts;
- clear the edible kernels from various impurities and cone residues;
- then with a pine nut remove the film ;
- again washed, dried and packaged for later sale.
At the enterprises you can find the following devices:
- Machines that are engaged in calibrating an already cleaned walnut into a fraction of in size. Such devices handle an average of 160 kilograms of nuts per hour, and their cost starts from 85 thousand rubles ;
- Machine, whose work is aimed at crushing pine nut cones ( peeling).Some samples dump all the processed "in a heap" and the person has to manually sort through the cores and debris, while other machines are equipped with a blowing system that separates the nuts from parts of the cones and distributes them into different compartments. The cost of the combined machine on average is 120 thousand rubles , while it can process up to 200 kilograms of product per hour;
- The next step will be removal of the shell; for this purpose, special installations have been created, which peel the shells off the nuts using various mechanisms. The average performance equals 70 kilograms per hour, and the price 100 thousand rubles ;
- A machine that separates the film from the nut will also be very useful, while at the same time practically without injuring the finished product. This device is capable of carrying through itself up to 500 grams of cores per hour, but its price will also be quite high, not less than 150 thousand rubles ;
- Another useful device is the roaster, which in 30 minutes is able to prepare up to 40 kilograms of nuts for use, and there are instances that also pre-wash the product. The price of such a device starts from 130 thousand rubles .
Pine Nut Kernel Film Removal Machine
Pine Nut Crushing Machine
Pine Nut Shelling Machine
Pine Nut Roasting Machine
Calibration Machine CARD ND Tools Nasdra Bean Roaster Pine Roaster
Many manufacturers sell both individual machines and a whole range of devices that allow them to continuously process pine nuts. Moreover, the so-called conveyor or tape is much more convenient, because the manufacturer pre-invent and compare all stages of the process.Can I make a pine nut crusher with my own hands?
Of course, the acquisition of special machines is a good thing, but even they have several drawbacks: :
- Such machines are very expensive and it is for this reason that they are not available to small businesses and just ordinary people who collect nuts for their needs.
- In addition to the price, the special installation of the takes up a lot of space for the , and its use will be inconvenient if there is a small warehouse.
- Also, many people collecting and harvesting nuts note that it would be very convenient for to first separate the kernels from the lumps, and only then transport the almost pure nuts. This is due to the fact that in a cedar cone nuts occupy less space than inedible elements. Special equipment works from electricity and its export to the collection sites is impossible or simply inconvenient, therefore making a more compact means for crushing pine nuts could be an excellent way out.
All the disadvantages of the special equipment would best emphasize the advantages of the self-made device :
- Low cost ;
- Ability to use, both for small business and for personal purposes ;
- Such crushers occupy less space than the and can be transferred to the gathering place and, accordingly, do not bring unnecessary parts of the cedar cone from the forest.
Self-made machine for peeling pine nuts
Having considered all the advantages and disadvantages, many will say that the special equipment is more reliable and that they will be right in this. But why do we need an apparatus that costs more than 100 thousand rubles for a simple resident who harvests several kilograms of nuts for his family. In this case, the is the best fit home-made crusher, which is quite simple to do with the presence of the tool, material and some skills .In principle, everyone can build such a construction, the main thing is to make a little effort. Especially for the manufacture of such a crusher will require a minimum financial investment.
Self-production of the machine for the processing of pine nuts is not such a difficult job as it may seem at first glance. One has only to start and the work will go by itself, but then how much benefit will such a device bring.Homemade Meat Grinder for Pine Nuts
A peeler made from a bunker and a rotating drum with 54 studs and peeler. At the same time, the in this design can be used to tune the crushing to small and large nuts , which helps to improve the quality of processing. This crusher is driven by a manual rotating mechanism, the principle of operation is similar to the work of a meat grinder.
The main features of this design are the , the possibility of attaching it to the tree using holes in the rear wall. And the main advantage is the low cost of the required parts.
pine cone drawing
homemade pine crusher drawing materials Required materials and tools
You can review the list of materials using the drawing:
- rear wall , 4 mm number 3 steel;
- stand-edge , steel angle 2.5x2.5 centimeters, 4 pieces;
- housing bearing assembly in 2 copies of steel number 3;
- Ball Bearing 205, 2 pieces;
- steel left half steel number 5;
- bolt M10 with concealed head, 8 pieces;
- nut M10 , 8 pieces;
- screw M6 with concealed head, 32 pieces;
- side wall of 4 mm number 3 steel in 2 copies;
- hairpin - shelling machine, made from a metal rod with a diameter of 6 millimeters, 54 pieces;
- drum, 25 cm long pipe section 152x7, steel, seamless;
- sidewall , 4 mm number 3 steel in 2 copies;
- semi-axles steel number 5;
- handle sleeve , 3 centimeter length of pipe 32x3, 5, steel, seamless;
- pin - screw M10;
- shoulder grip , 30 centimeter length of pipe 20x3.5, steel, seamless;
- axle grip steel number 5;
- handle corrugated , 15 centimeter length of pipe 32x6, steel, seamless;
- front wall of 4 mm steel number 3.
Required Tools
- hacksaw;
- electric or gas welding;
- drill;
- Bulgarian;
- screwdriver, screwdriver;
Algorithm to independently produce crusher for pine nuts must adhere to the following algorithm :
- of first tube segment 25 centimeters in length is made drum by screwing thereto staggered studs Peelers-cut from a steel rod of diameter 6 mm;
- Sidewalls in the form of a disc are welded to the drum and make a hole exactly in the middle;
- It is best to entrust the production of bearing units to professionals, because ideally they should look like solid, complex parts of complex shape;
- But also bearing units can be made independently by , only in this case it is better to weld individual parts( from a 5 mm steel plate with the required number of holes, 2 centimeters cutting a steel pipe without a seam size 60x4 and a washer 3 mm thick, with an inner diameter of 2.7centimeter and an external diameter of 5.4 centimeters;
- ; A handle is mounted on the right half of the axis; , which will later drive the mechanism;
- The sleeve, the arm of the handle, and the knurled handle are made Then 30 30 cm and cut the axis of the handle in the resulting wall to make a hole with a diameter of 1.8 cm for the passage and subsequent fixing;
- ; The sleeve, the arm arm, and the axis of the are joined by welding; ;
- As soon as the drum is ready, its is framed with 4 mm steel walls, which will be assembled into a single structure using the corners of 2.5x2.5 centimeters and M6 screws with a countersunk head;
- In order for the drum to fit inside the structure correctly, makes grooves with a radius of 2.5 centimeters in the side walls;
- Then you need to install ball bearings ( in accordance with the drawing);
- Next to the grooves, M10 bolts are welded into the side walls, the bearing housings are put on them and fastened with nuts.
Homemade pine nut crusher
The algorithm of actions can be fully understood only after the drawing has been fully studied.
To alleviate the weight of the structure, it is allowed to replace steel with aluminum alloys.It’s not so difficult to make a pine nut crusher with your own hands, the main thing is that clearly follows the drawing and the defined action algorithm. With a minimum amount of financial investment, you can get a structure that greatly facilitates the process of processing pine nuts.