Tomato-litter Rotkeppchen, which in translation means “little red cap”, begins to be used by those who like to tinker on the beds. Bush according to the characteristics of the standard, is known for early ripening of fruits. Tomatoes varieties Little Red Riding Hood according to the description have a good taste and versatile use.
- Description and Characteristics of the TomatoesLittle Red Riding Hood
The variety in question, its origin is obliged to German breeding specialists. Fruits differ in rounded forms, bright red.
The sizes of tomatoes are small, so their average weight according to the description is 60-70 grams .The first crop can be obtained three months after transplanting plants into the ground .
Tomatoes are recommended for making salads. For seaming is not suitable because of the thinish skin.The sizes of tomatoes are small, about 60-70 grams.
The variety feels fine not only in greenhouse conditions, but also in unprotected soil. If you wish, it is possible to grow it on the balcony. The height of the bush does not exceed seventy centimeters.
The advantages and disadvantages of
Many gardeners who cultivate this crop give positive feedback about it. The main advantages include:
- resistance to temperature extremes, if the periods are not too long;
- compactness of a plant, which does not need a large space, and it can be planted quite tightly;
- resistance to a number of diseases characteristic of tomato varieties. Little Red Riding Hood almost does not suffer from blight ;
- can not be busted with bushes;
- excellent yield of , giving from each bush grown in greenhouse conditions, about two kilograms of tomatoes;
- excellent taste of the fruit. Tomatoes are pleasant to the taste, sweet, with a slight sourness;
- minimal care, excellent response to fertilizer formulations.
Pastage of Red Hat bushes can be avoided
There are almost no flaws. Only the thinness of the skin does not allow the vegetable to preserve for the winter.
Soil Requirements for Planting
Land for tomato plants should be prepared well in advance. To improve the characteristics of the soil composition, it should be added wood ash, urea, potassium nitrate, bird droppings or manure from herbivores.
Do not mix everything at once, so that the plants do not "burn".As a fertilizer, you can use two - three components. Before planting, the soil should be sufficiently moist.
Planting Rules
As well as the maximum number of tomatoes, tomatoes of this variety are best grown through seedlings.Excellent germination will give you the seeds collected a couple of years ago. Before sowing, it is recommended to soak them in a growth-stimulating solution. Some prefer freshly made aloe juice, which will greatly strengthen the immune system of plants.
Red Hat Tomato Seeds
To prevent possible diseases, seeds can be treated with a weak solution of manganese, then shed with clean water and dried.
can be sowed in mid-March - early April .Under the seedlings prepared nutrient soil, mixed from garden soil, humus and sod soil. You can add a small amount of river sand, ash or superphosphate.
Sowing is carried out in containers or peat cups, the seeds are recessed and a half centimeters .If you do not want to perform a pick, you can use individual pots.
The temperature regime for germination should be about 25 degrees Celsius, with the appearance of shoots it is allowed to be lowered to 17 degrees for a week, then bring back to room temperature.
Moderate watering is carried out, for which settled heated water is used. Picks are performed after the formation of the first pair of leaves.
can be used as a fertilizer complex fertilizer formulations in liquid form .Hardening seedlings begin a week before transplanting it into the street.
Compound fertilizers
are used as top dressing. Transplanting tomatoes into open ground
The most suitable time for transplanting seedlings is May, the second part. By this time, the seedlings will enter into force, and the likelihood of night frost will disappear.The landing pattern is 75 by 45 centimeters .The distance should be sufficient for the plants to develop normally.
Before planting, manure and humus can be added to the beds to improve soil fertility. A prerequisite is good watering, which is repeated on the second day. After this, the seedlings should be left alone, giving them five to seven days for rooting and acclimatization.
Grade care after transplanting
Little Red Riding Hood loves fertilizer. The first feed can be performed after rooting seedlings. For this purpose, superphosphate, chicken dung, potash salts, urea, and mullein are used. In the composition of the feed you can add mineral ingredients.
After rooting seedlings, you can add a solution of chicken manure
Then this procedure is repeated two - three times , the interval between which is between fifteen and twenty days.
Watering is necessary regularly, feeding water under the roots of plants. It is possible to combine water procedures with the enrichment of beds with fertilizer compositions.
To ensure the access of oxygen to the ground, it is necessary to loosen at least once a week .But do not do it deeply, so as not to damage the root system. Simultaneously with loosening, weed vegetation is removed.
Diseases and their prophylaxis
The variety resists well against major diseases, but it should still be carried out. Seed material is calcined in the oven, treated with manganese solution .If cultivation is planned in a greenhouse, the topsoil should be replaced every year.
It is not recommended to occupy the beds under which tomatoes previously grew potatoes, peppers, eggplants and tomatoes under the tomatoes.Experienced gardeners advise to spray with phytosporin or a similar drug. If suddenly there are signs of late blight, then you can apply compounds with a copper content. From the fungus, frequent airing of greenhouses, removal of weeds, mulching with peat, straw or humus is recommended.
Regular removal of weeds will help protect the Little Red Hat from the fungus.
For the bushes grown in the greenhouse, the danger is aphid, spider mite, whitefly .Insecticides are used to get rid of them. They spray plants several times at intervals of two to three days.
As soon as the ovary is formed, toxic compounds can be replaced with a decoction of celandine, chamomile, and even onion peels. Slugs should be fought with ammonia; I will be washed away by soapy water.
The subtleties of successful growing
As you can see, this tomato variety has no peculiarities in cultivation. care is minimal .
Bushes of compact size look very elegant when the fruits start to ripen. The tomato is perfect for novice gardeners who do not have adequate experience in its cultivation.