Detailed description and characteristics of Tomato variety Verlioka

Tomato Verlioka has small, tasty red fruits. With proper cultivation, the variety pleases with a large crop of fruits leveled in shape and size.


Verlioka variety is not intended for planting in open ground, it is cultivated only in enclosed spaces .

According to the description, this is a type of early-ripening tomatoes, the first harvest of which occurs on the 95th day from the beginning of the growth of seedlings.

The height of the bush is on average 2 m. Therefore, it requires to remove the tops of the , since this is a semi-determinant variety.

Shrubs require a constant stading with a growing point on the side of the escape. This is done in this way:

  1. After the formation of 6 inflorescences, the main conductor is clamped, removing the top.
  2. The subsequent growth continues from the side stepson.

It is important to follow this rule of formation of the bush.

Tomatoes of this variety ripen simultaneously in one brush and therefore they are clearly visible and convenient to harvest.

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Verlioka variety is not intended for planting in open ground. It is cultivated only in enclosed areas.

Bush is high - up to 2 m. Tomato-like leaf sheets, green. Inflorescences racemes.

Productivity 5 kg.from one plant , the average weight of berries 80 gr. The shape of the fruit is round, the color is red with glitter. The skin is thick. Storage is short.

A special characteristic is that it is absolutely unpretentious and it can be cultivated by a novice gardener.

Grows on any soil and does not require chemical treatments from various tomato diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of tomato


  • skoroplodnost;
  • high yield;
  • excellent appearance of tomatoes;
  • resistance to bad weather conditions.

Lack of one - fruits are watery and poorly stored.

Despite this drawback, the variety is often found as it grows without problems and does not require significant costs.

Pros - skoroplodnost, yield, resistance to weather conditions

Reviews gardeners, gardeners

Galina : “I have planted this variety for many years, and in order to get rid of wateriness of fruits, during their maturation I stop irrigation. Then the fruits are recruited to a greater degree of sugar content. ”

Oleg Nikolaevich :“ I have been growing this tomato for a long time and need to be careful with watering, because on cloudy or cool days with large waterings, the leaf mass increases on the bush, and the amount does not grow. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate watering depending on weather conditions. ”

Olga Alexandrovna :“ I myself grow seedlings of this sort of tomato and are always happy with the result. Has never been without a crop. ”

Is it true that the Verlioka is ideal for a vegetable garden? Verlioka is an ideally selected variety for the gardener , since with a minimum of costs a large harvest of commercial tomatoes is obtained.

This is an ideal cultivar for the gardener, since with a minimum of costs a large crop is obtained.

Tips for growing

In order for a tomato to produce consistently good yields, appropriate care is needed.

A feature of Werlioki is that grows it only in greenhouses .In greenhouses, in addition to generally accepted rules of care, it is also necessary to regularly tie up tomato bushes. They grow quite quickly and gain vegetative mass.

When the tomato clusters, in which there are up to ten fruits, begin to ripen, it is necessary to tear off all the leafy plates to the location of these fruits. But they are cut off not immediately, but gradually, so as not to introduce the plant into a stupor.

That is, 1-2 leaf plates break off daily, freeing ripening fruits. It will also be an excellent prevention from phytophthora disease.

It is important when growing this variety to properly form a tomato bush.

Tomatoes must be tied up; as the fruit ripens, pick off the leaves.

Forming the bush

When forming the bush, leave one or two stems. The remaining side stepsons are removed by unscrewing or cutting the shears.

The growth point is removed after the 6th brush is formed, and further growth will come from the stepson.

All tools that the gardener works with should be processed after each bush to avoid infection with various diseases, such as virus mosaics.


Constant removal of stepchildren, which is carried out on sunny days in the morning, is required. This will help the wounds to tighten in the evening and rotting places will not appear on the bush at the cut points.

Pasynki is better to unscrew, leaving a small stump , it will not stimulate the appearance of the second stepson in this place. If it does appear, its growth will be slow and it will not develop.

Continuous removal of stepsons is required, they need to be unscrewed, leaving a small

stump. Tomato care: watering, feeding, lighting

. Watering should be done regularly once a week. 5 liters are poured under each bush.warm water .After each such irrigation, loosening and weeding from weeds is required.

After transplanting, is fed 15 days later with nitrogen fertilizers to stimulate the growth of the vegetative mass of the plant.

During flowering and fruit formation, is fed with phosphate-potassium fertilizers.

does not have much light. But when it is large, the sugar content of fruits increases.

Watered once a week, fed with nitrogen and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers

Hybrid varieties

On the basis of the Verliok variety, were derived two hybrids: Tomato Verlioka plus and Verlioka F1 .

They have their advantages and disadvantages.

Verlioka plus

The main distinguishing feature is its determinism .The growth of the hybrid stops at a height of 150 cm.

The fruits grow to weigh up to 125 grams. The hybrid is quite hardy and has good disease resistance.

hybrid advantages:

  • endurance;
  • yield;
  • ripeness;
  • disease resistance.

Disadvantages of a hybrid: correctly form a bush in one stem.

This hybrid gives a large crop even in rainy summer, when the illumination drops significantly due to the constantly overcast weather.

Hybrid Verlioka plus

Verlioka F1

This hybrid was developed by Russian breeders and is designed for greenhouse conditions. Tomatoes of this variety have good transportability, long shelf life. Perhaps ripening in room conditions.

Advantages of the hybrid:

  • high flavoring properties;
  • high yield;
  • disease resistance;
  • carelessness.

Disadvantages of the hybrid: the need to form a tomato bush.

This hybrid is an excellent choice for novice gardeners. Having mastered all the methods of cultivation on this hybrid, you can safely begin to master other tomato varieties.

This variety of tomato will please with the presence of any tomato grower.

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