Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Betta

Want to get a tomato crop with minimal labor costs - plant low-growing tomatoes Betta or Beta Lux. From June to August, you will have all-purpose tomatoes on the table.

Tomato Betta ultra early, short and very productive variety. The variety is ideal for summer residents who rarely visit their country plot. Betta variety does not require garter and pinching, it significantly reduces the time of care for him.

Table of Contents

  • Description and Characteristics of Tomato Betta
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    Bushes are small, compact. Leaves on the bushes a bit. Betta belongs to the category of determinant varieties of tomatoes of the stem type. The height of the bushes is small. In the adult state, the maximum height of the tomato bush, as described, does not exceed 0.5 m.

    For a small plant, Betta gives decent yields of small fruits. The average size of the tomatoes is 50 g .Individual items may weigh more -

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    80-100 g .The color of the pulp and skin of a tomato is bright red.

    Fruits are small and weigh about 50 grams.

    The pulp is juicy, with good taste, can be used in the processing of juices, ketchup, smoothies. In simple slicing and in fresh salads, Betta performed well just as in whole canning.

    The fruits, though not large, are quite salable. Their form is rounded, slightly flattened at the top and bottom. Small tomatoes look good in cans with whole-canning. Fruits are collected in brushes of 4-6 pieces.

    Betta variety cultivated for open ground. Due to the compactness of the bush can be grown as a pot culture. In pots tomatoes can be grown indoors, on a balcony or loggia.

    To grow in a greenhouse this variety is unprofitable .Bushes are stunted, so the greenhouse space will not be used rationally. Although the yield of this small plant is high - 2 kg / bush .

    Planting 6 plants per 1 m2, you can get per unit area to 12 kg of tomatoes. An important characteristic of tomatoes is the rate of ripening. Betta has this value at tomato height. The first tomatoes ripen in 85 days.

    Advantages and disadvantages of

    Any variety is selected on the basis of its advantages. Any modern sort of dignity is. We will try to list them all:

    1. The fruits are sown early.
    2. The peel of the fruit is durable, so the Betta tomatoes are well tolerated for transportation, they absolutely do not lose their presentation while transporting them to another place.
    3. To grow tomatoes Betta care from the gardener requires a minimum .This is good news. In the summer there are always many other works around the garden.

    Soil Requirements for Planting

    Soil Tomato Betta needs loose, fertile .In heavy loamy soil in the fall, add humus 10 kg / m², 0.5 buckets of sand, mineral fertilizers and ash.

    Seeding rules

    Tomato seeds Betta

    Propagate Betta tomato in two ways:

    1. The first option is to seed seeds directly into the ground .
    2. The second option is sowing of seeds in boxes for seedlings, followed by picking into separate containers.

    The first option is only for regions with a warm southern climate. In a temperate climate, Bette's tomato is propagated only in seedlings. To sow tomato seeds for seedlings need in early April .

    The seeds germinate at a temperature( soil, air) from 18 to 28 degrees. The higher the temperature, the faster the seeds will sprout. Before the seeds are sent to the soil, they need to be pickled.

    For seed treatment, take any growth stimulant and soak the seeds in it overnight. In the morning you can sow them after thorough rinsing. Use loose earth for seedlings consisting of:

    • garden land;Low-moor
    • ;
    • sand if necessary.

    To speed up the seedlings, cover the boxes with film. You need to have a seedling cups and dive in them seedlings with 2 true leaves.

    Transplantation of tomatoes in open ground

    30-day seedlings

    are suitable for planting tomatoes in the ground. 30 days seedlings are suitable for transfer to the ground. Two weeks before the transplant you need to harden the seedlings. On the day it can be taken out into the street( in the greenhouse, greenhouse), bring it home at night.

    is transplanted into the ground at the end of May - beginning of June .A specific date can not be called. Each region has its own climate, it determines the timing of transplantation. Weather forecasters should not be frightened by frost on the ground, and the soil itself should be heated to 15-18 ° C.

    Small bushes, so no need to put stakes. On 1 m2 you can place up to 6 roots. More frequent( rare) landing is not recommended.

    After transplantation, it is imperative to water the plants with warm water.

    Grade care after transplanting

    Tomato Betta requires simple care:

    1. Watering.
    2. Feeding.
    3. Loosening the row spacing.
    4. Weed Removal.
    5. Preventive measures against pests and diseases.
    6. Treatment of tomato bushes in case of illness.

    Watering bushes need once a week .In case of heat and drought, watering can be slightly increased. Land under low bushes should be covered with grass. The grass will exclude the contact of the boiling fruit with the ground and reduce the evaporation of moisture.

    It is necessary to tie Betta bushes only if necessary.

    It’s not necessary to remove the sidewalks, there is also no need to tie bushes to the support. Bad weather does not affect the yield. According to summer residents, Betta’s yields are stable from year to year.

    Diseases and their prevention

    Use modern insecticides to kill pest larvae and adult insects. After the appearance of the fruit toxic substances should not be used. At this time, go to the popular methods of struggle.

    Prepare insect repellent decoctions from herbs and sprinkle tomato bushes early in the morning .From the different insects saves infusion of onion peel or celandine. Red pepper or ash scattered on the ground around the bushes will protect the bushes from slugs and other insects.

    Occasionally, a Colorado potato beetle visits a planting tomato. His need to collect hands and throw in a jar of water. Only modern insecticides will save from aphids and thrips.

    Harvesting and storage rules

    You can pick the fruits and green, they will reach the

    box. Crush the betta tomatoes from June to August .You can collect green, they still dopeyut and become red, even lying in a box. Larger tomatoes can be removed in the phase of milky ripeness. The smaller tomatoes remaining on the bush will grow and sing faster, as the plant will have more strength on them.

    You have little time - grow undersized varieties. If you choose F1 for sowing, there will be no disappointment in the variety. Harvest get decent, spending a minimum of time and effort.

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