Detailed description of the Manchurian walnut

Manchurian nut is a nut family and is considered to be the closest relative of the walnut. In addition to the attractive appearance, the culture has pronounced healing properties and is valued not only in various fields of medicine, but also in cosmetology, as well as in cooking.

In this article we will talk about the description of the Manchurian nut, its therapeutic benefits and harm to the body, as well as learn how to care for it in your summer cottage.

Table of Contents

  • Description of the Manchurian Nutrites
  • Therapeutic properties and uses of the fruit of the tree
  • The rules for planting and growing in the UralsThe genus is a nut and is a shrub or deciduous tree. Culture is considered monoecious, in other words, male and female inflorescences grow on the same tree. The second name of the plant is dumbay nut.

    Northeast of China is considered to be the birthplace of culture, and, more precisely, the region called Manchuria. It also grows in nature in the Korean Peninsula and the Far East, in particular, in the Amur region, Primorye, on Sakhalin.

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    Manchurian nut is highly resistant to cold and can tolerate frosts down to -45 ° C. Due to this, it is quite possible to grow a culture in almost any climatic zone. Including the Urals, Siberia, Moscow region and other areas.

    Externally, the Manchurian nut is quite remarkable. The crown of the tree is different spreading and something like a ball. The color of the bark is closer to dark gray, but the tint of the shoots is more brown. Under natural conditions, the height of adult culture representatives can reach 30 m, and the can also have a long lifespan - up to 200-250 years old .In this case, the active growth of the tree lasts only up to 80-90 years, after which the process slows down.

    The leaves of the Manchurian walnut are characterized by rather large sizes, unlike the closest relative - walnut. Interestingly, one leaf consists of 8–20 oblong and smaller leaves with jagged edges. On average, the total length is about 50 cm, but there are specimens with sizes reaching 100 cm. In the summer, the foliage has a rich emerald color, and by the autumn it acquires a golden hue.

    At 10-12 years of age, the plant begins to bear fruit. In this case, flowering occurs in April-May, but the harvest of fruits can be collected only at the end of summer - beginning of autumn. As for the appearance, the shape of the nuts resembles an oval, and the size is about 3-5 cm in diameter. Grow in clusters of 2-7 fruits on a branch. It should be noted that the Manchurian nut shell is durable, and the thickness reaches 5 mm.

    Young tree of the Manchurian nut

    Benefit and harm to the body in Siberia

    The Manchurian nut can be called to some extent a unique culture. The leaves, bark, and, of course, the fruits of the plant have amazing healing properties. Naturally, such possibilities are determined by the richness of the chemical composition, the main components of which are:

    • vitamins of groups A, C, B;
    • tanning agents;
    • potassium;
    • magnesium;
    • carotene;
    • phytoncides;
    • alkaloids.

    In addition, the pericarp of the nut includes malic, gallic, citric acids, coumarins and vitamins of group P.

    Manchu nut oil, due to its high acid content, is in no way inferior to corn oil, which occupies the first place in linoleic acid content. And also surpasses other useful oils, for example, soybean, sunflower, cottonseed.

    As for the beneficial properties, the following plant features are distinguished:

    • antiseptic, wound healing properties;
    • anti-inflammatory effect;
    • analgesic effect;
    • vasodilator effect;
    • diuretic effect;
    • impeding the development of parasites in the body;
    • air purification;
    • antifungal properties;
    • improvement of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • antispasmodic effect.

    The healing effects of the Manchurian nut have long been known and proven - the body's tone increases, the digestive tract is optimized, the appearance of the skin and hair is improved. But there are some contraindications to the use of funds based on it. The first is to highlight the pregnancy and lactation. And it is also strictly forbidden to take inside the funds on the basis of the plant for people suffering from liver cirrhosis, ulcers and gastritis.

    Manchurian Nut is considered to be a strong allergen. Before using cosmetic products, compresses and other means, you must check the individual reaction of the body. To avoid problems, you should consult with your doctor.
    Harvest fresh nuts. Whole nuts and split in two halves

    Medicinal properties and applications of the fruits of the tree

    The scope of the Manchurian nut is very wide. Of course, the most famous is the use in medicine tinctures and decoctions of plants. Here you can highlight the following areas:

    • for the fastest possible tightening of wounds and other injuries on the skin;
    • stop bleeding;
    • for skin diseases: eczema, versicolor, rash;
    • acne;
    • blood pressure disorders;
    • anemia;
    • heart disease;
    • the presence of parasites in the body;
    • for colds and infections;
    • gastritis, diarrhea, constipation;
    • diabetes;
    • varicose veins;
    • pyelonephritis;
    • thyroid disorders;
    • dandruff, brittleness, hair loss.

    Tinctures based on the Manchurian nut are the most famous among lovers of traditional medicine. They have a tonic effect on the body and normalize the work of all its systems.

    Recipes Manchurian tinctures:

    1. On vodka. Grind 30-40 nuts and pour 1 liter of vodka. Add honey to taste. Insist in a dark place for 5 weeks. Take the tool should be 30 minutes before meals, but not less than 1 tbsp.lper day.
    2. On the water. Grind 1 tbsp.lleaves of the plant and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes, strain. Take orally 3 times a day.

    Directly kernel nuts are fashionable to eat. Also from the fruit is the oil used in culinary recipes. And from small unripened nuts they cook tasty jam.

    Very interesting is the fact that the wood of culture has high strength and extremely attractive texture. Due to this, Dombay nut is widely used in furniture production, as well as used to create various souvenirs. Paint and semi-finished wood products are successfully made from the pericarp of the walnut.

    Manchurian nut in hand. Fruits size

    Rules of planting and growing in the Urals

    Since the Manchurian nut is distinguished by unpretentiousness, it is realistic to plant and grow it in almost any conditions. In addition, designers often use it in landscape design. This can be done by planting seedlings or seeds.

    Planting a Manchurian seedling or seed is possible both in autumn and spring. In this case, the best option would be April or September.

    Each growing method requires you to pay attention to 2 important points.

    1. Location Selection. Culture belongs to the light-loving plants, so the habitat must be open and sunny. And since the root system of the Manchurian nut grows deep and wide, you should choose a site far from buildings and other garden crops.
    2. Soil composition. The soil should be fertile, well drained.

    With regard to the process of landing, here each method involves its own nuances.

    Planting seedlings:

    1. Seedlings should be purchased in advance at a specialty store.
    2. If the soil is rather poor, a mixture of soil, humus, turf and sand should be prepared in a ratio of 4: 2: 2: 1.At the bottom of the pits lay out the drainage in the form of brick fragments or gravel, crushed stone.
    3. A part of the soil mixture is placed in a pre-prepared well, at least 80 cm in size. Potassium fertilizer is introduced or 1 cup of wood ash. The seedling is placed in the hole and immediately tied to the peg, and then powdered with planting mixture. After that a bucket of water is poured into the hole and the remaining soil is poured. Further, the sapling again spills 0.5-1 liters of water.

    Planting seeds is somewhat different from growing seedlings and has its own characteristics. It is worthwhile to clarify here that it is preferable to plant at winter, in other words, in September. In this case, preliminary stratification of seeds will not be required, and seedlings will appear much earlier.

    The following stages of seed planting are distinguished:

    1. For planting, choose nuts that were harvested no more than 3 years ago, since germination is significantly reduced since the third year.
    2. The soil for sowing should be fertile, drained. The site should be previously dig and make 2-3 cups of wood ash. Then you need to form a bed and carefully shed it.
    3. The seed wells are prepared at least 8 cm apart. The depth of the pits should be 6-8 cm.
    4. Nuts are laid in the hole on the edge and sprinkled with earth.
    5. The seedlings of nuts can be immediately moved to a permanent place, but you must first pinch the taproot. It is not forbidden to leave the seedlings in place for another year, and then transplanted to the prepared area.
    Before sowing, each nut should be dipped in kerosene. This will save the seeds from the encroachments of mice and other rodents.
    Adult Manchurian Nut at the dacha

    Rules for the care in the Moscow Region

    Immediately after planting a seedling or a nut fruit, the soil will need to be mulched with sawdust, peat, and healthy foliage. Of course, the bed should be carefully watered beforehand and subsequently also maintain humidity.

    If planting was done in the fall, before the cold, young seedlings will need to be wrapped with non-woven material and covered with a protective net from rodents.

    Further care for the young plant implies the following points:

    1. Watering the plant weekly. After 2-3 years, the frequency of irrigation should be reduced to 2 times per month. Since the third year, the walnut is watered 1 time in 30 days.
    2. Regular weeding, loosening and mulching the soil around the seedling to maintain moisture.
    3. In the second half of the summer, the crop must be fertilized with fertilizer. Here the best option is superphosphate. It will be necessary to dilute 20 g of the substance in 10 liters of water and water the soil around the plant with it.
    4. In order to avoid sunburn, plant stem should be regularly whitened with a solution of lime with the addition of clay.
    Annually, in early spring, frozen, damaged and diseased branches should be removed from a walnut tree. The air temperature at the same time should correspond to the mark of + 10 ° C.

    Diseases and pests

    Manchurian nut is resistant to diseases. But there are exceptions.

    One can identify the following probable diseases of the nut:

    1. Fungal diseases. A sign here is the drying and blackening of the leaves. As a treatment, you will need to spray the plant with Fundazole or another agent containing copper. The procedure is repeated after 2 weeks.
    2. Gall mite. Females lay eggs in the central part of the leaves, which is why they form characteristic tubercles. The plant should be treated with colloidal sulfur diluted in 10 liters of water at the time of bud break. From the beginning of summer, you can spray Fufanon every 10 days. Branches badly damaged by the tick need to be removed and burned.
    3. Nutcracker. This insect affects the bark, leaves and buds of the nut. The best method of struggle is pruning damaged areas of the plant. But if adults emerged from the larvae, the plant should be treated with chlorophos( 0.2%) or karbofos( 90 g per 10 liters of water).

    In general, the unique antimicrobial properties of the culture allow the plant to protect itself from the attacks of harmful organisms.

    Healing properties, taste, and the attractive beauty of the Manchurian walnut make you pay more and more attention to unusual culture. And the ease of planting, as well as ease of further care, determine the popularity of plants among experienced gardeners and beginners.

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