There are many varieties of cherry plum in the world, which differ in size and number of fruits, ripening, as well as a number of other qualities. One of the best among them is the Kuban comet cherry plum, , the description of which can be found below.
- history of selection of cherry plum Kuban Comet
- tree characteristics and fruits, description of the variety, pollinator
- maturation and harvesting dates harvest
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Rules landing
- Care Kuban Comet
- Diseases and pests
- Gray mold
- Brown spot
- Rust
- Sapling fruit
- Western unpaired bark beetle
- Down silkworm
- Moth
History of cherry plum Kuban comet
Grade Kuban comet bYyl withdrawn G.V.Eryomina and S.N.Zabrodina at the Crimean Experimental Selection Station of the All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Industry named after N.I.Vavilova. He was born thanks to the interbreeding of plum Skoroplodnaya and Cherry plum Pioneer
.First, in 1977, this variety was taken for state tests. And after 10 years it was entered into the State Register in the North-West, Central Black Earth, North Caucasus and Lower Volga regions.
Large fruit. Their maximum weight is about 45 grams .They are rounded-ovate. The skin on the fruit, although thin, but dense, also has a small wax coating. When the fruits begin to ripen, they first become yellow-red in color, which gradually turns into burgundy. Bones may be small or medium. The flesh has a yellow color and a fibrous consistency. It is juicy, with a good ratio of sugar and acidity, due to which it has a sour-sweet taste, which resembles the apricot .
The variety of this tree is frost-resistant, it can tolerate frosts up to 30 degrees .But the frost resistance of the buds of flowers is below average, but even when they are very cold, the harvest will be good anyway. Flowers also easily survive the spring frosts.
This tree is very undemanding to the soil and can perfectly adapt in different regions from the South Caucasus to the Non-Black Earth Region and the Southern Urals, to the south, Primorye. Still, clay and loamy soils are not quite suitable for her.

The pollinator for the Kuban comet is not needed, since has this variety of self-fertility, rare for cherry plum, but it is useful to plant other varieties of cherry plum or Chinese plum to improve fertility. For example, such as Mara, Traveler, Red Ball and others.
Terms of ripening and harvesting
The seedlings bear fruit very early, through 2 or 3 years after planting .They begin to bloom in late April, and in mid-July - early August, fruits are already appearing.
Advantages and disadvantages
The Kuban comet has its advantages, here are some of them:
- fruits are large,
- is high yields,
- is quick, grows, and is now a good seed,
- is partly self-fertilizing,
- is resistant to disease,
But the variety is not perfect, it also has its drawbacks:
- bone is very badly separated from the pulp,
- to ensure large size of fruits, they need to be cut off, leaving them more space next to each other,
- fruits ripen unevenly.
Planting rules
Trees of this class are planted in early spring or early autumn .First you need to choose the right seedlings. It is best to select them with a closed root system.

A good sapling has the following characteristics:
- height from 1 to 1.20 meters,
- root has a lot of small roots with good branching,
- have swollen buds,
- have a draw,
- need to slice was wet, yellow-green.
When a sapling is selected, are determined with the place of planting.
Alyce like sandy and with low acidity of the soil. It is reasonable to mix the planting soil with humus( 12 kg), superphosphate( 250 grams) and potassium sulphide( 50 grams). The landing pit needs to be dug out with the size 80x80x80 cm .
Landing Stages:
- A bit of earth is poured into the hole in the form of a small hill.
- Insert a wooden stick.
- Root the neck is located 6 cm above the ground.
- Ramming the ground.
- A sapling is tied to a fixed stick.
- Watered with 2 or 3 buckets of water.
- At the end of the top piled chips.
In the case of planting several trees, you need to keep a three-meter distance between them.
Care of the Kuban comet
This variety loves moisture, so it must be watered in addition during the growing season. Do it in June, July and September. One tree requires up to 40 liters of water. After watering, be sure to pour chips.
The main pruning is done in the spring .During this period, a crown is formed and frozen and damaged branches are cut off. In the autumn period, dry, sagging and diseased branches are sawn off. Summer pruning is carried out with great need, while cutting off the young shoots that grow inside the crown.

The Kuban comet must be fertilized annually .The only exception is the first year after planting a tree, if it was planted in fueled soil.
The fertilizer is as follows:
- in the fall pour out the humus with the calculation of a half a bucket per 1 square meter,
- after the flowering of the grains , add 40 grams of urea per 1 square meter,
- after the maturing, and after the maturing, the yield is 40 grams of urea per square meter;.
A young tree, in the first years of its life, must be covered for the winter, for example, with sacking.
Diseases and pests
The Kuban comet is resistant to diseases, and if it is properly cared for and treated in time, then there will be no trouble. The problem is that it pests and diseases from neighboring trees. This variety affects the same types of diseases as the usual plum:
- gray mold,
- brown spot,
- rust,
- gem-cure.
Gray Rot
Gray Rot is caused by botrytis. The site of birth of the infection is sclerotia and conidia, which are found in the soil and plant residues .In the case when the disease affects the Kuban comet, branches begin to wither and a brown tint appears on them, and small gray growths appear on the bark and fruits. The fruits begin to rot.

To destroy gray rot before the flowering trees are sprayed with copper sulphate and Nitrofen, which need to be processed wood and soil. And also after flowering, Captan and Kuprozan are used.
To prevent disease, trees should be sprayed with such preparations in early spring:
- 1% bordovskaya liquid,
- hand-boron for affected fruit,
- whitewash.
Brown Spot
Brown Spot, or it is also called leaf mold, is also a fungal disease. Sometimes it can kill around 50% of the crop. This disease is characterized by the appearance of brown spots with dark rims on the leaves, which have a black dot in the center. Over time, the leaves dry out and fall off.

Trees against brown mold need to be treated with 1% with burgundy solution as soon as the buds begin to bloom and chlorine oxide 2 or 3 weeks after fading.
Preventive actions that will help prevent the disease are as follows:
- need to remove damaged branches,
- before buds are dissolved, you need to sprinkle the tree and soil with 1% copper sulphate.
Another type of fungal disease is rust. With this disease on the leaves appear rusty stains, which eventually turn into dark pads .Rust wood is treated in the second decade of July. You can use Aktofit. They are sprayed with trees 2 times with an interval of 2-3 weeks.
To prevent rust from attacking the Kuban comet, preventive measures should be taken:
- 3% urea solution is sprayed on the tree in early spring,
- when the leaves fall, scrape and burn it.
It is dangerous that it can slow down or stop the growth of a tree, and eventually even destroy it.

Godetreatment is not a fungal disease. The reasons for its occurrence may be mass. Here are the most common of them are : , because of the fact that the company paused,
When you look at the tree, you can see gum( protrusions of amber resin) on its branches; this is evidence of the tree being affected by this disease. It is possible to process the Kuban comet from this disease throughout the entire season. After pruning, be sure to put petrolatum on slices. And also cut gum growths. The place where they were was disinfected with a 1% solution of copper sulphate and covered with a non-brut putty.
In order not to have to fight against cumulative activity for a long time, it is necessary to carry out such preventive measures. :
- soil acidity should be neutral,
- strict adherence to the terms of fertilizer,
- to avoid over-wetting.
Among the pests that love to profit from the Kuban comet, the most common are:
- fruit sap,
- western sparse bark beetle,
- downy silkworm,
- moth.
Fruit Sap
In the case when there is a gum therapy on the tree, and horizontal passages with a diameter of 1 to 2 millimeters are seen on the branches and the trunk, this means that the sapberry has settled on the tree.

Before the egg laying period, females eat tissue at the base of the kidneys. When the larvae appear, they absorb the bark and roots. To destroy these pests, a tree is sprayed at the end of an bloom. The treatment is carried out 2 times with an interval of 14 days.
To prevent a fruit sap from falling onto the tree, needs to saw off dry branches and immediately burn them .The bark is cleaned of moss and lichen, and also the tree is whitened.
Western unpaired bark beetle
Not against the bark, as well as the wood of this tree and the western unpaired bark beetle. Beetles lay eggs and larvae of , and, having hatched, suck the sap from the tree. Treating wood is needed when pests crawl out from under the bark. To kill them, it is best to wet the bark with Dichlorvos or Chlorophos.

Preventive measures against the occurrence of these insects are as follows:
- the affected branches are cut down and burned,
- if the tree is severely affected by this pest, it is better to uproot and burn,
- before the tree starts to blossom, it is necessary to process Trihlorolem-5.
Down Silkworm

Causes damage to the leaves of the Kuban comet, and its web and cocoons can be found in the crowns. Sprayed tree from this pest during the growing season. Well this will help drug Virin-ENZH.And also it is necessary to collect pests and cocoons manually, after which they are burned or buried in a pit, a depth not less than half a meter.
To prevent the emergence of a down silkworm, it is necessary to to spray it with Nitrofen even before buds appear.
Another 1 dangerous pest moth, which lays eggs on the surface of the bark or fruit. The caterpillars of this insect make their way into the fruit, they become wormy and fall off. It is necessary to process the tree from the moth via 20 days after it ottsvetёt .Spraying is carried out 3 times with an interval of 12 days, with preparations such as Avant, Rogor-S, Phosban and Ditox.

In order to prevent further reproduction of the codling moth, they clean the bark of caterpillars and cocoons in the fall, collect the fallen fruits, and also use trapping belts.
If you properly care for the Kuban comet, then the tree will surely bring a good harvest and grow into a healthy and beautiful , and its whole family will be able to enjoy its tasty fruits.