How to cut trees right

The tree may require proper pruning in the fall for a number of reasons:

  • Remove diseased or wind-damaged branches;
  • Reduced crown, for updating branches and better air circulation;
  • Height reduction;
  • Remove interfering lower branches;
  • Formation for design solutions;
  • Yield increase.

After the decision to cut was made, consider whether you should do this work yourself. If there is a big tree on your site on which you want to remove large branches at the top of the crown, it is best to hire specialists. In particular, trimming may require lifts and heavy chainsaws. This is a job that should be provided to trained and experienced professionals.

Table of contents

  • When is it best to prune trees: in spring or autumn?
    • Spring
    • Autumn-Winter
    • Summer
  • Tools for pruning
  • How to prune a tree and shrub in the garden?
    • Cut to the kidney
    • Cut to the ring
    • Cut to the side branch
  • How much to trim?
  • Care after pruning
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When is it best to prune trees: in spring or autumn?

Pruning time in the garden always depends on the use of the form and method. Thus, it is produced at different times of the year, in any season, but the spring period takes precedence, before the buds are swollen. Dead branches can and should be removed during the whole annual cycle.

Never compromise personal safety when pruning.
Cutting with chainsaw


Trimming with the aim of enhancing growth is recommended in spring. This is due to the fact that nutrients are distributed from the roots and perennial parts to the younger parts of growth and fruiting. It is best to choose the period immediately before the start of the sap flow, which will have a beneficial effect on pruning. You can not prune shrubs that bloom in the spring.

Pruning a Tree with

Secateurs Autumn-Winter

Pruning during the autumn and winter seasons is often done in areas where it is mostly warm and there is no strong frost. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging the bark and wood in the place where the cut was made by extreme cold or sunburn.

When planning pruning, it is important to remember that the temperature should not fall below - 8 degrees. Pruning during this period minimizes the loss of sap and the subsequent stress on the tree. It also minimizes the risk of infection by fungi or insects, since the fungus and insects are likely to be at rest. Finally, in the case of deciduous trees, pruning after leaf fall will give you a better idea of ​​how the shape of the trunk will change. Fruit trees are not recommended to prune in the fall.


Gardeners rarely prefer summer pruning, because when the buds are swollen and the tree blooms, you can damage the rings and in the summer you have to remove the branches with the crop. However, it makes sense to tackle shoots during this period, which do not require strong growth of , as well as removing the tops that appeared after a large cut.

Tools for trimming

The recommendations for tools are fairly straightforward. For proper pruning of trees and shrubs, buy the best tools you can afford and keep them in good condition.

Here are the main tools:

  • Pruner. The use of ratchet tools is not recommended. It is best to choose a regular and convenient pruner.
  • Garden Saw. This is a specialized handsaw that tapers towards the end of its blade. The teeth are designed so that they do not allow the hacksaw to clog with sawdust. It is not recommended to use a construction hacksaw. For comfortable work get the tool on a profile.
  • Air pruner. This pruner is used for hard-to-reach areas of the tree. It is a bar on which a secateur is attached, actuated by a lever and a rope.
Cutting at height with the help of special equipment

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the tool. To avoid damage to the trunk or bark, it is necessary to use sharp blades. Otherwise, there is a risk of the appearance of surfaces susceptible to infection by harmful microorganisms. Tree diseases are easily spread by infected tools.

Therefore, after each pruning procedure, do not forget to disinfect your instruments in a 1/9 solution of chlorine with water, followed by cleaning with soapy water and then drying.

How to prune a tree and shrub in the garden?

The overall goal of is to cut off an unwanted branch while keeping the trunk intact. The most common mistake is when a branch is cut too close, or too far from the trunk. Or, breaking the sequence, damage the bark, especially when pruning large branches.

Depending on the purpose of the work, you can determine which technology to use.

Cut to the kidney

Using this method of trimming, you can, for example, change the direction of growth of branches depending on your needs. You need to choose a kidney, located on the one-year-old escape, which grows in the right direction. This cut is made at an angle of 45 degrees to the branch.

The pruning shear blade should be pointing towards the part of the tree that remains. Pruning is done by forming a small angle so that the kidney remains intact, but at the same time does not form a stump. Kidney dries if it does not receive the necessary substances. This happens when they make a very sharp cut that falls on the kidney. Here we must remember that our goal is for the bud to form an escape.

At the same time, if a stump is left, it can dry out, and the kidney will not give a new escape. This stump can be left only when trimming a bush.

Cutting a tree at height with the help of the

hoist. Slice on the ring

. Using this method, the entire branch is cut off. Depending on the thickness, you can use a pruner. In order not to leave a sticking out stump and at the same time a “cut” did not occur, a cut should be made along the outer surface of the ring. Rings are located at the junctions of the branches.

Cut to the side branch of the

If you want to leave the side branch and continue to grow in its direction, you need to cut off the unwanted branch. It turns out that the cut in relation to the left branch will be its continuation.

How much trim?

Do not cut more than 25% of tree branches. When deciding how to cut, you need to focus on the very minimum.

Every pruning is a big stress for a tree, and it also increases its vulnerability to diseases and insects.

Ensure that the living branches are at least 2/3 the height of the tree. If you remove more than you need, it will increase the risk of hitting the tree. Sometimes pruning is forced. For example, wind damage, reduction in height due to power lines, municipal requirements to raise the crown, etc. But even in these cases, cut as little as possible.

Care after pruning

Garden varnish, paints based on vegetable drying oil, petrolatum, etc. are suitable for covering up cuts. Branches located on the periphery of the crown, the diameter of which is less than 2 cm is not smeared.

Try to monitor the condition of the tree in the future and heal the wounds if necessary. If you notice any features of how the tree reacts to pruning, try to apply the experience gained in further care.

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