Potatoes - unpretentious culture. With suitable soils, it is successfully grown even in cold climates. Productivity can be significantly increased with strict adherence to the rules of planting potatoes. Consider how deep and how many centimeters deep plant a culture.
the rules
- How many centimeters deep into
- What is needed a shovel forcages
- potatoes How does landing without shovels
planting potatoes Rules Although there are hundreds of varieties of plant breeding, successfully cultivated in our relatively cold climate, all they are demanding to the amount of light, moisture and soil quality .

Correct depth
There are three options for placing potatoes in the ground, different depth of planting:
- Shallow - no more than 6 cm;The method is used when the tubers are still in the cold ground, or the soil belongs to a heavy, loamy variety that is difficult to overcome by a sprout.
- Average - from 6 to 10 cm;ideal for areas with sandy soil.
- Deep - 12 cm or more;well suited for high-quality soils with high fertility, as well as for regions with a lack of natural moisture.
In the chernozem regions, medium and deep planting of potatoes is more common. This is explained by the sufficient looseness of the earth( the sprouts will easily find their way up), and by the early warming of the earth.
The depth for embedding is determined by the size of the tubers. If they are small( less than 50 g), then they should be placed slightly higher.

The distance between bushes during planting
The main task to determine the optimal depth of the holes - to give the plant root system enough space for development .The distance from the neighboring tubers is no less important here.
In this case, it is desirable to use the space as efficiently as possible.
The optimum size of tubers for planting is not less than 50 g and a little more than 100 g. It is necessary to select seed material and prepare it for sowing long before work begins.
- Potatoes weighing less than 50 g - every 20 cm.
- Potatoes weighing 50-100 g - every 20-28 cm.
- Potatoes weighing more than 100g - every 28-40 cm.
Root sweep is influenced not only by the size of the tuber, but also the development of "eye", from which the roots grow. If there are many of them, and the location is spaced, then the structure of the root system will come out especially lush .Each seed should have at least 2-3 eyes.
Distance between rows when landing
With the distance between the rows of plants is the same as with the distance of the holes - the prosperity of the place ensures the rapid development of the plant, the weight of the stem increases, and, as a result, the harvest.
60-70 cm is considered the minimum acceptable row-spacing, but here you should focus on the potato variety:
- Early ripening - 70-80 cm.
- Late-ripening - 80-100 cm.
The rule applies to the most common planting races - 80-100 cm..For the first option, keeping the distance is especially important, since with a small distance of rows from each other there will be difficulties with hilling, which sometimes needs to be done 2 times per season.
Although the placement of potatoes in the garden in all cases is done in rows, they themselves can be arranged differently. A popular experimental method is to plant in double rows with extended intervals between them.
In this scheme, the "half-rows" are located right next to each other - in some 20 cm, but the spacing is made meter instead of the usual 60-80 cm.
The scheme can be further diversified by arranging the bushes in a staggered manner.

It can be calculated that the density of crops on the weave remains the same as in the classic version, but we get a lot of advantages - better access of light from one side of the bush, ease of processing the bushes, and finally, the aesthetic appearance of the beds.
Tips for planting
potatoes Not all gardeners know that potatoes can be planted not with whole seeds, but cut into pieces. This is done either with a shortage of seeds, or with the excessive size of individual tubers.
Abuse of the opportunity is not worth it, because plant viability from cuts weakens .It is also important to remember the following rules:
- Each part of a tuber must have at least 2-3 “eyes” of future roots.
- Sliced seeds are planted only after the incisions have coarsened - so they are less likely to get sick.
- The minimum weight of a cut tuber for planting is not less than 30 g.

You can resort to two simple ways:
- Do the marking of the beds before planting - first mark the first row, in its place draw a marker;the next ones are measured from the row, marking the landing zone on each furrow.
- As a guideline, the uses an ordinary plank with a bed length;as the next row is planted, the board is moved, trying to maintain the required distance by eye.
Ways simple, but effective. With a flat planting on one weave of black soil should be placed from 350 to 500 bushes, depending on the size of the tubers.
Planting patterns: in the ridge and trench,
furrow size Fully realize the quality of the soil and minimize the drawbacks of various planting patterns of potatoes. There are several of them:
- On the ridge - the bed is formed as rows of crests elevated by 10-30 cm;thus, the tubers are located above the soil level.
- In trenches, - potatoes are planted in shallow( 5-10 cm) trenches filled with a fertile layer of humus, peat, sawdust in the fall.
These schemes are an alternative to the most common method - under the shovel. Though more labor intensive, they have a number of advantages.
Scheme of how to plant potatoes in the garden and in the country
In addition to a richer harvest, complex schemes make it possible to fully take into account the climatic features of the region.
On the ridge
In the upper part they draw shallow grooves in which they plant potatoes. In this case, the is important that the comb :
- be undulating, with rounded sides;
- , in no case should it be triangular, otherwise the plant will germinate to the side, not up;
- such landing is easier to spud, it does not accumulate excess moisture in a rainy climate.

In trenches
Depth up to 30 cm, they are filled with fertile humus, in which the tubers are placed;in trenches, water accumulates better, because the method is optimal for regions with arid summer.

On organic matter in the container
Nutrients are better stored in the box, the fertile layer can be changed every year;the ground warms up faster in the spring, because the scheme allows for the planting of early ripening varieties;The scheme is indispensable for cold northern latitudes.

Planting depth when using complex schemes
An important value is the depth of laying the seed plays and with complex schemes. The process can begin, when the soil temperature warms up to 8 ° C .Consider the nuances and the depth of the hole:
- On the ridge - in the hills heated from three sides, the temperature rises faster;the depth of the tuber depends only on the soil - on loam no more than 6–8 cm, and on black soil and sandy - 8-10 cm.
- In trenches - it is important to properly maintain the depth of the trenches themselves, to wait for the fertile layer filling them to shrink and formdeepening no more than 5 cm;in him and put the seed.
- can be planted earlier than on organics in a container - like on ridges in the form of ridges. 6-8 cm.
Containers with organic materials are recommended to be installed in the north-south direction, which gives the plants more light.
How to plant potatoes under the shovel
Despite the growing interest in more complex methods of forming beds, planting potatoes under the shovel has been and remains the most common option. This “grandfather's” way of planting by hand, though simple, also requires some knowledge from the gardener.
How many centimeters deep into
The method is an simple equipment with an shovel - a hole is made in the ground for embedding, half the depth of the blade, i.e., the same 10-12 cm., sprinkled with earth either flush with the surface, or form a mound 5 cm high.
The classical arrangement of tuber placement with a spade method is 70 cm between rows( borovki) and 30 cm between holes.

What kind of spade is needed for planting
potatoes. The most suitable type of spade for working on beds is the bayonet .Its blade is made in the shape of a rounded petal. The material used is high-strength metals - tool steel, or even titanium. Standard blade dimensions:
- Length - 32 cm.
- Width at the base - 23 cm.
There are non-standard options, as a rule, their size varies in a larger direction than normal.
How to fit without a shovel
While preparing the beds, you can completely do without the entrenching tools. First, earthworks are faster performed using a garden plow, but the method is good only if you plant potatoes in furrows.
Subsequently, this will require the laborious hilling of the .

There are many options for gardeners to plant potatoes professionally or in the country. Let the plant belong to the most common and tolerant to harsh conditions, it is no less than other requires a person effort and diligence during cultivation.