Proper cultivation of hot pepper on the windowsill

Bitter pepper on the windowsill is not only a necessary spice, which is always at hand, but also an excellent home decoration that is easy to grow. A pot with a bright beautiful plant will serve as an elegant decor for any home, and the savory taste of such a spicy spice will make this pepper indispensable in the kitchen of every hostess.

It is possible to grow at home sweet and paprika and hot spicy, varieties Drakosh or another. How to plant seeds for seedlings and about the conditions of planting in the apartment will tell further.


  • Feature
  • plants How to grow in the home on the windowsill
    • Preparing the soil and pot
    • growing sprouts from seeds
  • Care potted bitter pepper
    • Fertilizer
    • Watering
    • Fruiting
    • Temperature
  • Diseases and pests

plants Characteristics

for growing on the windowsillbreeders specially bred several varieties of hot peppers. Such indoor pepper is also divided into a fruit variety and decorative( without fruits).

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A fruit variety of indoor hot pepper is a perennial that reaches an height of not more than 40 cm .The plant has bright green leaves and multi-colored fruits of saturated color: scarlet, sunny or orange color.

Growing indoor pepper is not difficult and does not require special knowledge and wisdom. The very is unpretentious and undemanding in the care of .

Window sill is ideal for growing light-loving pepper.
is recommended to grow and plant peppers exclusively on window sills, as the vegetable is very sun-loving, and with sufficient sunshine it will surely please you with beautiful fruits with a piquant spicy taste.

Flowering begins in June. During this period, delicate white flowers appear on the stems with a light yellowish tinge.

How to grow at home on the window sill

In order to get a plant on the window sill with beautiful fruits, it is necessary to sow the seeds for seedlings. This is done by in late February - early March .

To speed up the seed growing process, they can be thermally pre-treated. For this, seeds are poured with warm water( not higher than 40 degrees) and sealed in a thermos for 3 hours.

Preparation of soil and pot

The soil for the seeds must be selected nutrient. You can prepare it yourself. To do this, mix 5 parts of humus, 2 parts of sod land and peat and 1 part of sand. must have drainage at the bottom of the tank. Fine claydite or pebbles are suitable for this.

Pepper needs the nutrient soil

The soil needs to be further disinfected: process with boiling water, or with a solution of potassium permanganate and thoroughly blow through. Seeds are sown to a depth of 1 cm.

Growing seedlings from

seeds. Capacities are covered with glass or film and left in a warm place where the temperature should not be below 20-25 degrees .

As a container, you can use a regular pot or a box, it all depends on how many seeds are sown.

The first shoots appear already after 7 - 10 days .There should be enough sunlight in the room.

When the first shoots appear, the plants dive into separate pots. When several true leaves appear on the shoots, they dive again, while choosing the strongest and strongest sprouts.

The seedlings of pepper must dive after the appearance of the first shoots of
. The plant needs a sufficient amount of moisture, heat and light, at any stage of cultivation.

During the growth of seedlings, it is necessary to ensure that the seedlings do not stretch too much. To do this, they need to provide a certain ambient temperature.

When the first leaflets appear, then within 7 days it is necessary to reduce the temperature to 20 degrees. And when there are three true leaves, it is imperative to reproduce the pick in a spacious pot. is planted at a permanent place after the 2-month period of after planting.

Care for indoor bitter pepper

In order to grow bitter pepper on the windowsill it is necessary to provide with light and heat .


Loves this kind of pepper very different feeding. The most optimal fertilizer is 2 tablespoons of ash mixed with 3 liters of water. The mixture should brew well. It is necessary to fertilize every two weeks .

Wood ash, diluted in water

is suitable for feeding pepper. Nitrogen fertilizers can be used, but much less frequently. With such fertilizers, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can be left without a crop.


The soil should be regularly loosened and watered twice a week. with warm settled or purified water. It is necessary to ensure that the soil in the pot does not dry out, but it is not constantly moist. Both will contribute to different diseases of the plant.

In winter, you can not use fertilizers and water the plant much less. If the air in the room is dry, you can slightly moisten the leaves by spraying them with water from a spray bottle.

In the warm season, the pots are carried out on the balcony or on the street.


If you follow all the recommendations and rules of cultivation, the plant will bloom in May - June , and the fruiting will continue until the end of the autumn period .

If you follow the recommendations, the pepper will bloom in early May.

Temperature mode

Around February, the plant can be kept indoors at a cooler temperature, but is not less than 18 degrees .

But before the beginning of the growing season( usually it starts in February), the pot needs to be moved to a warmer room and trimmed. To do this, cut the stems so that they are no higher than 5 cm.

If you follow all the recommendations for growing and caring for the plant correctly: starting from the seed itself and ending with timely cutting, then this pepper will retain its decorative effect and will actively produce to 5years .

Diseases and pests

This kind of houseplants can be subject to such diseases: blackening of the stem or spotting of leaflets. This happens when too abundant watering, which forms a stagnant water in the pot.

Mealy dew on indoor

pepper. The main pests of this pepper include aphids, spider mites and powdery mildew .Aphids or mites can appear with the help of the wind through an open window.

The plant itself can be used to fight the tick. For this, it is necessary to chop the pepper seeds together with the internal veins and pour water on them for a day. Then it is necessary to add a little ground soap to the mixture and spray the plant. To completely get rid of pests, it is enough to carry out three spraying procedures.

To prevent the occurrence of a tick, it is necessary to provide the plant with sufficient moisture or place a container with water near the pot of pepper.

With proper cultivation and care, the plant will delight the eyes with excellent decoration for 5 whole years, and its fruits will become a spicy spice in the kitchen.

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