Early cabbage is distinguished by its positive and negative qualities. Its main advantage is considered to be a short aging period. But at the same time almost any of the varieties has its own characteristics in cultivation.
Contentscracking. But it must be remembered that for a long time this vegetable is not stored by , at the exit from it are small kochanchiki. In a word, you can not count on big harvests, but you will always enjoy yourself with the first cabbage.
If there is a desire to get the earliest possible good harvest, which is collected in the first days of June, it is necessary to use a greenhouse for growing cabbage. In this case, sowing of seeds for seedlings is carried out at the end of winter. A prerequisite for the growth of seedlings - the presence of artificial lighting.
The names of the most popular varieties
Cabbage varieties do not differ much from each other in their taste characteristics. As a rule, forks of their small size, from improper irrigation quickly crack. is not suitable for long-term storage of such a vegetable.
Among the main varieties are the following:
Transfer F1
Transfer is respected by many gardeners. Marking means that the plant is a hybrid, the seeds are not collected from it. The heads of cabbages are dense, juicy, practically crackless, weighing an average of about one and a half kilograms. Cabbage is suitable for making salads. Maturation occurs in 100 - 110 days .
Already from the name it is clear in what month the culture ripens. This early variety is distinguished by rounded or rounded flat heads. At the time of aging, their weight ranges from one to two and a half kilograms of .The leaves are green, turning to the center of the head in light green.
The main advantage is almost simultaneous ripening of the crop, the vegetative period is up to one hundred days .
Excellently suitable for cultivation in open ground, able to tolerate small frosts, contains a sufficient amount of nutrients. Gardeners also noted weak resistance to cracking and increased sensitivity to moisture.
Another hybrid white variety of a variety, which has a lot of advantages. The main difference is resistance to damage by harmful parasites. The cabbage socket is raised, the diameter of the ripened head, according to the description, reaches 65 centimeters. The forms of the fruit are rounded, the foliage is dark green, it is cast in blue. Inside the head is painted yellowish-cream color.
Has an excellent taste, many gardeners grow it for later sale. The vegetation period is 100-112 days .
It contains a large number of useful items. White cabbage is enriched with proteins, sugar, fiber, vitamins and other trace elements.
The annual consumption of this vegetable grows, which affects the extension of its use in the preparation of various dishes.
Certain conditions are necessary for the cultivation of early cabbage varieties:
- beds for planting should be normally illuminated by , the soil composition should be different ease and be constantly hydrated ;
- cabbage planting is carried out in certain periods, but you should take into account the peculiarities of the climate in a particular area. As a rule, the dates are stretched from late March to early May ;
- , when forming three to four leaves, seedlings are transferred to open beds;
- optimal variant of the landing scheme - 30 × 60 centimeters ;
- seedlings should not be embedded too deep. During the formation of kochanchikov cabbage should be periodically spud.
How to pick up the seeds of early cabbage
Buy them only in specialty stores. Taking seeds from the market is not recommended, as you can get a bad harvest. Track on packaging material the names and expiration dates of varieties , which should be between four and five years.
Another prerequisite is that the variety of early white cabbage should correspond to the climate of your area. Today it is possible to order seeds via the Internet, which saves time, helps to find what is required.
Peculiarities of growing
For a good harvest of early varieties, it is necessary to adhere to certain growing conditions:
- vegetable respects water .However, watering should be done carefully, loosen the ground so as not to form a crust. In dry weather, on one calculation, on average, pours up to two liters of water;
- planting seedlings in the bed is performed when the is formed in five to six leaves. At the first stage, seedlings should be covered from bright sunlight, after three weeks you can spend the first hilling;
- early cabbage varieties perfectly tolerate any temperature condition, except for strong heat .However, seedlings feel comfortable only at seventeen to twenty degrees of heat. At night, the mode can be lowered by seven degrees, which will help prevent excessive stretching of sprouts;
- Cabbage needs .Seedlings will require fertilizer formulations applied after irrigation. The first liquid feeding is done after the transplanted shoots take root in the beds;
- for good survival in the garden seedlings should be pre-hardened, carrying boxes on the balcony. This will allow the plants to gradually get used to the outdoor temperature;
- soil loosening is performed throughout the bed to improve the ability for oxygen to reach the root system;
- to prevent a number of diseases, the transplanted sprouts are treated with wood ash.
Cabbage rightfully takes pride of place on our table. This vegetable is really good for the body, and when it is properly grown it gives stable yields. You will always be provided with fresh salads and other tasty dishes.