How to feed the little rabbits

It is not difficult to bring up baby rabbits and get a healthy population, if you work hard. After birth, babies in the first weeks of life receive good nutrition with the rabbit's milk. Then they go to the lure. There are some differences in the diet for toddlers and adults. Properly chosen nutrition will improve the quality of the fur and meat , and for this you need to know how to properly feed uneven young animals. In this article you will learn how to feed the little rabbits, as well as consider all the nuances of artificial feeding.

Table of Contents

  • What to feed a rabbit from birth to complementary foodA few tips for artificial feeding of newborns of rabbits with milk
  • What to feed the little rabbits after jigging from the mother, how to make the feed
    • Nia to lure

      Krol From birth until weaning, their main food is mother's milk. When the rabbit behaves normally and she is healthy, then there is no reason to worry. At this time, the care rabbit breeder to provide them with good conditions

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      .This wealth in high-quality food and water. At this time, the female is experiencing a heavy load on the body, therefore, should increase the nutrients in the diet .She produces 170 g of milk per day, or even more. And with it, 25 grams of protein. Therefore, it needs more nutrient feed to replenish more than before the lactation period. For rabbits with an average weight of 5-6 kg, the consumption rate of feed units is 330-700 grams( 1 feed unit equals 1 kg of oats).The menu should be changed every week.

      Rabbit feeds rabbits

      At this time, the rabbit should be fed:

      • in summer: clover, alfalfa, oatmeal, forbs;
      • in winter: bean hay, boiled potatoes, silage, carrots.

      A mixture of peas, oats, bran and oilcake is also added to the menu.

      How much feed do rabbits need per day

      • from hay 100-300 grams;
      • sunflower oil cake 40-60 grams;
      • sunflower grotto 30 grams;
      • fodder yeast 5 grams;
      • fish oil 4 grams;
      • meat and bone meal 7 grams;
      • bone meal 4 grams;
      • chalk - 3 grams;
      • salt 2 grams.
      Be sure to enter green and juicy feed. The growth of lactation is influenced by the shoots of dill and elecampane.

      During the period of feeding for the female it is better to make feed mixtures,%:

      Recipe 1:

      • oats - 60;
      • Alfalfa - 30-40;
      • mineral supplements.
      Rabbit Food

      Recipe 2: Bran

      • - 12;Corn
      • - 10;
      • alfalfa - 10;
      • mineral supplements -2.

      During the day, the rabbit should be given from 20 to 500 grams of feed mixture. On the 20th day, the amount of feed is increased, because the babies begin to eat with their mother.

      In order to increase lactation during this period, it is possible to to pour, in addition to water, some milk. In the morning 0.5 liters and in the evening 0.5 liters. To teach her, use a 5 gram syringe. Pour a little in your mouth and then offer it in a bowl. Be careful with milk in the summer, so as not to make it sour. Otherwise, there may be intestinal problems. Cow or goat milk can be replaced with dry or mixtures.

      How to feed a rabbit without a rabbit at home

      Sometimes there are times that newborn baby rabbits are left without rabbit milk. How to get out of this situation? In this position, they can be fed artificially, even at home.

      Up to 7 days of

      For babies up to 7 days of age, you can feed with cow's milk, goat's milk, or use dry milk mixtures. Cow's milk is diluted 1: 1 with condensed unsweetened, milk mixture is made in double concentration, and goat is given in pure form. Inject milk using a syringe or make a nipple. We wash the penicillin vial and put a pacifier on it. We make the pacifier of the pipette rubber cap.

      The bunny rabbit eats from the nipple of the

      . It’s necessary to feed a rabbit 3 to 5 times a day.

      • once early in the morning;
      • 3 times a day;
      • once in the evening.

      Approximately 1 ml per per feeding.

      For artificial feeding, rabbit is preferable to goat milk. In concentration and composition, it is closer to rabbit milk.

      After 7 days

      Up to a week of age, has only dairy food. After 7 days of age, doubles the amount of food, and feeding is reduced to 3 times a day. By 15 days, the portion triples.

      In the early days of the baby, feeding is difficult, so take a cotton wool, moisten it and gently wipe the mouth cavity with it. Wait for him to lick and continue. When the rabbit gets used, go to a syringe or nipple.

      In the early days, the little one needs a tummy massage and hygiene. Wipe the body with a damp cloth. Pay special attention to the anus. Also wipe the face after feeding.

      From 20 days and up to a month

      Rabbits from 20 days of age can already independently drink milk from a bowl of .We follow the dairy menu until one month of age. After that, it will be possible to give them small quantities of high-quality hay, grated carrots and wetted feed. Mix feed mixes in small portions, preventing souring. Herbal pellets for feeding rabbits can be purchased at a vet pharmacy. How much food to give rabbit? The portion is calculated by weight of the baby and should be 3% by weight.

      At monthly age and older

      From the moment milk is reduced, they need to be watered with additional water. First, we make water drink with the help of a nipple. Later, when they start drinking on their own, the water should be constantly in the bowl. Absence of water threatens rabbits with kidney disease .Up to the age of 45 days, milk feeding and a smooth transition to an adult diet are possible.

      A few tips for artificial feeding of newborns with rabbits with

      milk. If such a trouble has happened and the babies are left without maternal care and milk, then can be fed artificially .Although this process is troublesome and requires tremendous patience. And the result is not 100%, but rather deplorable, but you need to try. Such crawls usually lag behind in development.

      With this feeding of the , keep the clean. All nipples and dishes should be boiled over with boiling water. Since the kids are naked, they should be kept warm. It is possible to put a heating pad in the box where they are kept. When they are covered with fur, it can be removed.

      Artificial feeding of the little rabbit

      is better to feed with goat milk, but if there is no such, then you can buy powdered milk or a mixture for fattening puppies at the veterinary pharmacy.

      Feed need quite often. They need to eat 5 times a day in small portions of .Before feeding, the baby needs help emptying. Under natural conditions, the mother does this, but in this case you need to do it yourself.

      Wet cotton pad, massage movements, wipe the body .Getting to the tummy massage. Slightly pressing we carry out several times from the navel to the tail. We perform this procedure until the baby is empty. Then wipe the anus and feed the rabbit. Massage for emptying to do within 2 weeks. Then it will empty itself.

      It is important to monitor the presence and color of poops. They should be green. If they are not there, then the baby needs help.

      If he is not emptied, then he does not have enough power. Need to add a little milk. A well-fed baby behaves calmly. Not jumping in a dream. Does not crawl on the box. Tummy plump and elastic.

      By 15 days in a box, a place should be marked where it will be dark .Rabbits by this time love to sleep in a dark place. Cover one corner with a rag.

      If the feeding process is successful, then by the 20th day of the rabbit milk can be drunk from the saucer .Also, he can be given finely chopped carrots. Green, high-quality hay or dried grass. If this happens in winter, the greens can be grown hydroponically. Kids can also be given hay meal. Gradually should be in small portions to add to the diet hydrated feed. Boiled thick porridge.

      Cabbage leaves should not be given, although they eat them with pleasure. The digestive system is not yet formed, so the baby may have a distended abdomen and diarrhea. This is likely to lead to death.

      As already mentioned, cleanliness must be maintained. Feed must be fresh .Without souring, without mold. Prepare the mixture immediately before feeding. Vegetables must be washed.

      Perhaps these tips will help you feed a healthy baby.

      What to feed the little rabbits after jigging from the mother, how to make the feed

      Jigging from the mother takes place at different ages from 28 to 45 days .But best of all to do it at the age of 45 days. Jigging at this time reduces the mortality of young. Since by this time he has formed a digestive system. Together with his mother, he eats hay and the rest of the food from the adult diet.

      Black rabbits with a rabbit

      At the beginning they are given the same food they fed with their mother. New for rabbit feed, enter gradually in small portions. Vitamin B is recommended to drip into the water.50 ml are required for 1 liter. It prevents stress.

      The following must be present in the diet of a rabbit:

      • dried green or high-quality hay;
      • boiled potatoes ;
      • pumpkin;
      • zucchini;
      • milk powder;
      • vitamin preparations , if it is winter;
      • hay flour;
      • grated or sliced ​​ carrots ;
      • oats;
      • wetted compound feed ;
      • rolled grain ;
      • bone meal;
      • fish meal.
      • reverse.

      During this period, it is useful to feed:

      • chicory;
      • Yarrow;
      • chamomile;
      • hunter;
      • Dubrovnik;
      • burdocks;
      • tree branches with leaves.
      Rabbits eat cabbage leafs

      Young rabbit should receive:

      45-60 days:

      • 70-125 feed units;

      61-90 days:

      • 145-170 k.e;

      90-120 days:

      • 170-225 a.e.;

      Since the rabbit has an intensive growth during this period, the digestible protein should be 18 grams per 100 ke. Grown up rabbit from 4 months is transferred to an adult ration .

      When distributing hay, carefully inspect that does not get toxic herbs:

      • dope;
      • henbane;and many others.
      Toxic Herb Bleached

      For older rabbits from 4 months of age, they change the ration of .Reduce the proportion of feed. It contains a lot of fat, which in large quantities is harmful to animals. Provide plenty of vitamin hay, green grass and vegetables.

      Winter feeding,%

      • 10-20 hay;
      • feed 55-65;
      • juicy feed 20-30.

      Summer feeding,%

      • green grass 30-40;
      • concentrate 60-70.

      Food is distributed 3-4 times a day .At the same time, if some food remained from the previous feeding, then its rate should be slightly reduced. Do not give sour bags. Such feed must be removed. Fresh grass should be wiped out before feeding .Remove dirt from vegetables and cut into slices.

      Feed in the feeders should be constantly. The digestive system in rabbits is designed so that in order for it to empty, the food must push through the food. Therefore, hay must be constantly .Even a small hunger can lead to problems.

      Do not feed rabbit bread, pasta.

      For a rabbit breeder it is important to raise healthy offspring of rabbit. After all, it is in the future females, bringing the offspring, and hence a good income. In order to make breeders healthy, they need to ensure proper nutrition. and conditions of detention.

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