It is not difficult to bring up baby rabbits and get a healthy population, if you work hard. After birth, babies in the first weeks of life receive good nutrition with the rabbit's milk. Then the...
Read MoreRabbits are often bred in the household, because the meat of these animals has good taste, and their skin has great value. Yes, and in the food, these animals are not quite whimsical. But everyth...
Read MoreBaycox is a necessary preparation for every experienced and beginner rabbit breeder in the treatment of various infectious diseases. Rabbits, like other pets, are susceptible to many infections...
Read MoreThe rabbit runny nose or rhinitis is one of the most common and unpleasant diseases for pets and their owners. Much has been written about the reasons for its occurrence, prevention, and me...
Read More. Decorative can be considered any rabbit, which is held as a member of the family, regardless of the breed and size. However, most often "decorative" meansdwarf animals, deduced specifically to be...
Read More. Breeding rabbits is a great way to provide the family with delicious and nutritious dietary meat, and also to earn skins for furrier enterprises. Breed rabbits and for sale, but such a business i...
Read More. Many rabbit breeders are faced with diseases of the ears.Inflammation, formation of scabies, pus, itching and burning sensation when touched- all these are common symptoms of several diseases. Ho...
Read More. Breeding rabbits has been very popular recently. As the popular joke says, "rabbits are not only valuable fur, but also 3-4 kilograms of dietary, easily digestible meat." Well, on top of that, th...
Read More. These pets are considered useful and very productive. Animals are grown not only for obtaining meat and skins. They still produce manure, used in vegetable gardens as a fertilizer composition.Man...
Read More. Breeding rabbits is a popular branch of the household. After all, these domestic animals have high fertility, and their meat has a high value. However, breeding does not always proceed as smoothl...
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