The timing of planting and care for Margilan radish in the open field

Among garden crops, not the last place is Margelan radish. Besides it is very healing, pleasant to the taste and it will not be difficult to grow it, even with a minimum of effort and money.


  • Biological description and characteristics Margelan radish
  • Benefits and harms
  • Agricultural practices for growing root
    • time for planting
    • Soil Preparation
    • planting technology in open ground
  • Proper care radish
  • Susceptibility to disease and pests
  • Harvesting and storage

Biologicaldescription and characteristics of Margilan radish

Radish Margilan is one of the representatives of the Cabbage family. The root crop got its unusual name thanks to the city of Margilan, located in Uzbekistan, where it came to the liking of the local population and became actively cultivated by them. He got there from China, so this country is rightfully considered his homeland.

Margilan( Chinese) radish or Lobo

The plant is characterized by a spreading rosette of leaves. Root crops have a short length, reaching 16-20 cm.

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The fruit underground part of the plant can grow to 500 g weight. In the process of development, the fetus is compacted and takes a round, oval or elongated shape. Depending on the variety, the skin of the fruit may have a white, green, reddish and purple color. White translucent flesh with a greenish tinge. The root crop is characterized by high juiciness and not very pronounced sharpness. Regardless of the shape and color of the peel, the fruits of radish have many useful substances, are not endowed with bitterness, crunch pleasantly when used and are good for salting, boiling, stewing, pickling and fresh use.

Fruitful plant: with appropriate care, up to 6 kg of juicy fruits can be collected from 1 m2.

Benefits and harms

Marghelan radish grown since ancient times is considered a source of vitamins and microelements. One of the favorite foods that enriches and cures the body.

Nutritionists recommend adding Margilan radish to the diet because of its low calorie

The healing properties of radish:

  • strengthens the heart muscle and normalizes blood pressure indicators;
  • ensures work the nervous system without overload and loss of concentration;
  • has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic function , it is responsible for the supply of oxygen and valuable elements to organs and tissues;
  • normalizes the production of digestive enzymes and gently stimulates the activity of the pancreas;
  • removes toxins , deposits of slags and salts;
  • is an effective analgesic and antiseptic agent;
  • helps with skin lesions caused by fungal and bacterial infections;
  • slows down age-related changes , improves the condition of the skin, hair, teeth.

Before introducing Margilan radish into your daily diet, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications, which include:

  • chronic gastritis at the time of exacerbation at high acidity;
  • acute gastric ulcer ;
  • urolithiasis and pathological conditions leading to impaired renal function;
  • in the period of infectious diseases, as it can cause bloating and increased gas formation;
  • pregnancy , because the essential oils contained in the vegetable, can improve the tone of the uterus, causing miscarriage or premature birth;
  • during lactation, because it impairs the taste of milk and causes colic in an infant;
  • prone to allergic reactions .
Cardiovascular diseases are contraindicated in the dietary radish menu.

diseases Agrotechnical methods for growing

root crops The Chinese radish grown in their backyard plots are most beneficial. In addition, this culture does not have any special requirements for the composition of the soil and to care, because the radish belongs to the category of unpretentious plants.

Time for planting

The future harvest of Chinese radish depends on the quality of the seeds.

The main condition for planting is to correctly determine the time of sowing the seeds. Radish can be grown twice a season. In early May, plant the plants and get a crop for consumption in the summer. For winter storage it is better to use radish, which was sown in early July. These landing dates are approximate.

Despite the fact that the cultivation of Margilan radish has historically been practiced in a sharply continental climate, it is possible to plant radish in open ground in the Urals and in Siberia.

Radish is a thermophilic culture of short daylight hours. If during the growing season the length of daylight hours is more than 15 hours, and temperature indicators are higher than 15-25 С, radish will hasten to throw away the peduncle and direct all its power to the formation of seeds, not fruits. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to correctly determine the time of sowing of seeds, focusing on the climatic features of the region.

Soil preparation

In order to obtain a high-quality harvest, it is necessary to give preference to areas with neutral and slightly acidic soil rich in organic matter. To reduce the acidity of the soil, it is necessary to add slaked lime, and in the presence of heavy clay soil, add sand or peat. Onions, tomatoes, cucumbers and legumes are considered good forerunners.

Sowing seeds is necessary in the prepared soil. This requires the following operations:

  1. Since the fall, the bed chosen for growing radish, it is good to dig up to a depth of 30 , see .
  2. To increase the fertility of the soil to make a complex of organic and mineral substances .
  3. With the onset of spring, fertilize again, using with compost or humus.
It is forbidden to add fresh manure, this will adversely affect the quality of the taste of root crops and shorten their shelf life.

Technology for planting in open ground

Planting seeds in open ground is necessary when the air temperature is not lower than 18-20◦ C. Also before planting you need to prepare planting material, soak it for a day, then dry it well.

Radish seeds are sown in grooves of two or three pieces at a distance of 15-18 cm from each other.

. Planting process steps:

  1. Before planting , should be primed and loosened.
  2. Make wells depth 2-3 cm .As the fruits grow large sizes, leave between 50-70 cm between rows, and 15 cm between the holes.
  3. Place 3-5 seeds in each indentation, this will increase the germination of the crop and remove thin sprouts during thinning.
  4. Sprinkle with soil substrate and moisten. Then, to protect the seeds from frost, the bed should be covered with a film on top.
Under favorable conditions, seedlings will appear within 5 days.

Proper care for radish

Most self-respecting gardeners understand that a truly generous harvest will be with constant concern for the crops. This rule applies to Margilan radish. For this, the following activities must be carried out:

  • should be watered regularly and abundantly, especially at the time of formation and formation of fruits;
  • thin out the shoots of , removing small and weak specimens, and leaving one plant in each well;
At the two-three-leaf stage, thinning of the Margilan radish of the
  • is carried out using vitamins immediately after planting and the formation of root crops;
  • destroy all weeds, and also remove yellowed leaves that have fallen to the ground;
  • tearing off healthy foliage, which blocks access of light and air deep into plantations, this will help prevent the occurrence of pests and pathogens on the plant;
  • spud formed above the ground of the tops of the fruit, which will allow vegetables not to be rude in the air and not to be attacked by insects;
  • provide the plant with additional protection against diseases and pests , performing a number of necessary preventive measures.
If you follow the rules of care, large, juicy fruits will form that will delight you with their attractive appearance and excellent taste.

Susceptibility to diseases and pests

Most often this vegetable crop is affected by keel, powdery mildew, white rot, black leg. In order to protect plants from infection, it is necessary to pluck excess foliage for free air penetration to the roots, should deal with weed crops in a timely manner and carefully carry out autumn harvesting of plant residues, as well as follow crop rotation guidelines.

The main pests of Margilan radish, crucifer flea and cabbage flies. These insects can add hassle and lower yields. Therefore, in order to prevent the need to systematically handle crops using ground ash, tobacco dust. You can also plant marigolds near the garden bed, the smell of which will scare away dangerous pests.

Harvesting and storing

The culture is very susceptible to temperature changes, so you should not delay the harvest of root crops, since even a slight cooling can spoil the harvest. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on the time of ripening of the plant:

  • to dig early varieties of after 55-70 days from the emergence of shoots;
  • mid-season or late varieties collected after 75-110 days.
Root crops of Margilan radish are better to clean before the onset of cold weather.

It should be cleaned in dry weather, better in the evening or morning when there is no scorching sun. When harvesting, you need to take the bush by the leaves and carefully pull it out without damaging the plant, since if there is damage, the radish can be stored for only a few days. After that, the roots cleaned from the ground.

When storing the product, it is necessary to observe the temperature condition in the room 0-1◦С and the optimum humidity of 90%.Such conditions will ensure the safety of radish until spring.

Gardeners with great pleasure grow Margelan radish on their backyards, because with love the grown vegetables are much tastier and healthier than those bought in the store. And low calorie and excellent taste root vegetables make it a good addition to various culinary dishes.

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