The benefits and harms of red beet for the human body

Beetroot is an annual, biennial, and perennial plant. Belongs to the family "Amarantoe".Beet has 13 species and only 2 of them are cultivated plants. Bred it in vegetable gardens for the extraction of sugar and as a vegetable.

Beetroot for many years occupies a worthy place in traditional medicine, in cooking and in cosmetology. Now it is difficult to imagine a diet without its use in the preparation of various dishes. And this is justified, since the vegetable has almost all the necessary elements for the human body. In this article we will talk about the benefits and harms of the root.

Consider how many and what elements are contained in a vegetable, what it is used for, and in what quantities it can be used without fear of harmful effects.


  • The chemical composition of root crops
  • Calorie
  • beet red dining benefits and harm to human
    • Health Benefits
    • harm
  • leaves Benefits
  • Benefits for the body juice women
    • Contraindications
  • application of fresh vegetable
    • In
    • cooking in cosmetology
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The chemical composition of root crops

Widerange of chemical content of red beet. First of all, it is sugar in the form of glucose, sucrose and fructose. Also, the vegetable is rich in minerals: magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc and other elements. Potassium is the highest content - about 3.5%. Acids are contained in the form of oxalic, tartaric, citric and malic acid.

Beet on a wicker plate

Caloric content of red beetroot

Calorie content is small, only 49 kcal boiled per 100 g. And raw and even less, only 40 kcal per 100g. It contains protein in its raw form 1.5%, fat 0.1%, carbohydrates 8.8%, fiber 0.7%.This suggests that the vegetable has beneficial properties, both raw and cooked, especially for people on a diet. Vegetable contains a large amount of vitamins - A, C, E, PP and vitamins of subgroup "B".

Benefits and harm to humans

Health benefits

Due to its favorable biochemical composition, it is useful for people with various diseases:

Beets in the garden area
  1. For chronic constipation. Since beets contain fiber, organic acids, and a number of other elements, it has a fruitful effect on the metabolic processes in the body;ridding the body of putrefactive bacteria, through the action of various acids, and is a "cleaner" of the body;
  2. In obesity and liver diseases. Root crop contains a lyotropic substance betaine, which regulates the fat content in the human body. In addition, betaine prevents chemical substances from entering the liver;
  3. With atherosclerosis and hypertension. Magnesium contributes to the treatment of these diseases;
  4. As a laxative, diuretic;
  5. With anemia. Vegetable is useful for restoring blood flow, as it has trace elements in itself that are responsible for these processes.
  6. During pregnancy for women. Phioleic acid has a beneficial effect on the formation of the nervous system of the fetus;
  7. In cases of thyroid disease. In beets, like in no other product, a high content of iodine, and the use of this vegetable helps in the treatment of such diseases;
  8. With a diet. In view of the fact that beet is a low-calorie product, use it in any beet diet.

Usefulness is determined by two criteria. First, it contains a whole table of periodic elements.

In the beet is a unique collection of trace elements, which can not be found in any other product in such an assembled form.

Secondly, a vegetable contains many substances that are not destroyed during cooking: the benefits of a boiled vegetable are no less valuable than a raw one.


Beet contains a wide range of various trace elements and amino acids. If used excessively, this vegetable can also cause harm to some people who are prone to the following diseases:

Beet leaves
  • Diabetes mellitus. Sugar is contraindicated for diabetics, and its content in beets is high;
  • Urolithiasis. In the beet is oxalic acid, and in this disease it is contraindicated;
  • Diarrhea. The vegetable itself is a laxative when consumed;
  • Osteoporosis. When eating root vegetables, calcium absorption is reduced.
In most cases, beet juice should be mixed with other juices to avoid indigestion, headaches, and nausea.

Benefits of the leaves

Let us examine in more detail what the benefits of this amazing product are, starting with the tops( leaves).The leaf contains many trace elements with beneficial properties. It contains more vitamins than the root vegetable itself. One of these vitamins is the trace element U, which is indispensable for gastric ulcer.

In early spring, when lettuce and early cabbage did not grow on the beds, the young leaves will completely replace these vegetables and replenish the human diet with vitamin dishes. In some families, even now, traditions still remain in the preparation of the first dish - rich soup and botvinia, where the main ingredient is tops.

Juice benefits for the body of women

Juice is widely used in alternative medicine, both for indoor and outdoor use. It is useful, above all, the presence of a vitamin "B".As you know, this category of vitamins, directly affects the internal organs and nervous system.

Beet juice in glasses

The juice contains elements such as iron, potassium, magnesium, and others. They directly help the bloodstream in the human circulatory system, increase hemoglobin, eliminate toxins. The presence of iodine has a positive effect on the release of radionuclides and stimulation of the thyroid gland.

Chlorine removes slags and cleans vessels, acting as a cleaner.

Fresh natural juices are good for the body due to the content of organic acids. They, in turn, have a beneficial effect on the immune system, strengthening it.

The arginine element slows the growth of tumor tumors, providing a therapeutic effect. Thus, the juice is a by-product in the treatment of oncology. Juice is used for external use in skin diseases. Also, many use beet juice for rejuvenation and skin health.


And now for the contraindications, of which there are not many. But still the root vegetable in this case is better not to eat. You can not eat beets in any form under reduced pressure, diarrhea, diabetes and individual intolerance.

Fresh Vegetable Application

In Cooking

The most famous dish is borsch. An unforgettable herring under a fur coat on New Year's Eve, as well as a vinaigrette, which contains a storehouse of vitamins. In addition, with the addition of beets, they prepare other useful and tasty salads: with cabbage and onions, garlic and mayonnaise, with apples, prunes and others.

The use of beets in cooking for salads

In cosmetology,

Beetroot has long been known for its nutrients and was valued by our beauties. The unique composition allows you to include a vegetable as a cosmetic healing agent with great success. This reputation is justified by the following features:

  • Visible moisturizing of the skin due to the increased content of potassium;
  • Thanks to vitamin “C”, collagen production is stimulated;
  • Skin pore cleansing with curcumin;
  • Protection against pathogens;
If you daily wipe your face with beet juice diluted with water for two weeks, then the feeling of dryness will pass without a trace.

All the above methods have been tested in practice by a large number of people and are more effective and cheaper means compared to many drugs bought from pharmacies.

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