Proper planting of Bulgarian pepper seedlings in open ground

Bulgarian pepper is very popular among gardeners from Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, whose land plots are located in the southern regions. This is due to the fact that cultivation of tasty and healthy fruits in more severe climatic conditions without using a greenhouse extremely rarely ends with the success of .In order to achieve the desired result, you must strictly follow the rules regarding planting seedlings in the ground and care for it.

Table of contents

  • Is it possible to grow sweet peppers in open ground?
  • most popular varieties of pepper cultivation in the open field
    • Bogatyr
    • Swallow
    • merchant
    • Belozerka
    • Orange miracle
  • planting rules
    • Choice seedlings
    • Soil Preparation
    • Planting in open ground
  • Care pepper
    • outdoors How to feed
  • Reproduction and
  • picking Major mistakes when growing sweet pepper
  • Diseases and pests
  • Harvesting

Is it possible to grow sweet peppers in the open field?

Cultivation of Bulgarian pepper in open ground without any particular difficulties is possible only in the southern regions of Ukraine and Russia.

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Such a culture is considered to be thermophilic and may die when the temperature drops and unexpected frosts , too much precipitation may affect the development of the plant.

Cultivation of sweet pepper in the open field

In order to grow peppers in the open field in the middle lane, Belarus and in the north of Russia should be planted in advance seeds for seedlings. Planted in the open ground at the age of for 3 months , , that is, sowing of seeds should be carried out in January-February.

It is very important that the fruits have time to ripen before the onset of the first frost, so for regions with a cold and temperate climate, it is worth choosing varieties whose ripening period varies from 14 to 17 weeks.

The most popular varieties of Bulgarian pepper for cultivation in open field


Sweet pepper Bogatyr

Maturation does not exceed 120 days. The bush is sprawling, up to 60 centimeters high. The fruits are large, weighing 150-180 grams initially painted green, which gradually flows into red .The wall thickness is 5.5 millimeters. From 1 square meter receive up to 7.5 kilograms of crop variety Bogatyr.


Sweet pepper Swallow

Harvest can be done after 130 days. The height of the bush is on average 60 centimeters. The fruits are smooth, shaped like a cone, colored bright red. The weight of the Swallow fruit varies from 70 to 80 grams, the wall thickness is 5 millimeters.


Pepper Merchant

Early ripe variety, the first fruits of which appear in 100-110 days. Red, pyramidal peppers grow on bushes up to 1 meters. Fruits weighing 110-130 grams have a rich taste and aroma.


Sweet pepper Belozerka

The Belozerka is particularly popular. The ripening period is 112 for days, the height of the bushes does not exceed 70 centimeters. Fruits are cone-shaped, can be painted in cream, yellow, orange or red shades. The wall thickness of pepper is 7.5 millimeters, and the average weight is 130 grams. Fruits ripen amicably, from 1 square meter to collect up to 8.5 kilograms of the crop.

Orange miracle

Bulgarian pepper Orange miracle

This variety is suitable for cultivation in the southern regions and ripens in 110 days. The bush is disease resistant, its height can exceed the 1 meter. Fruits are cuboid, bright orange in color. The wall thickness can reach 10 millimeters, and the weight of one pepper is 250 grams. With 1 square meter you can collect up to 14 kilograms of fruit.

Planting rules

Planting peppers in open ground is considered to be a very demanding job, if not done correctly, you can completely destroy the plants.

Selection of seedlings

The initial step to pass before planting is the selection of seedlings, the state of which will determine the quality of the future crop. Planting material can be grown independently, but it is worth remembering that such work should be started as early as winter , otherwise the seedlings will not have time to grow to the desired size and the peppers will not mature before the onset of cold weather.

Bulgarian pepper seedlings

Buying seedlings in a specialty store is a great option for those who do not have time to take care of and desire to tinker with seeds, but at the same time it is necessary to take into account factors that indicate the condition of the seedlings:

  1. The leaves should be well developed, have a rich greencolor and smooth surface without stains and plaque;
  2. Shrubs must be sturdy, plump and elongated, plants that are drooping are unlikely to come alive when planted in the ground;
  3. If the leaves are too large, they are too lush and tall, , then most likely the plants were overnourished with growth stimulants and nitrogen fertilizers. In this case, they will badly bloom and bear fruit.
Growing peppers in the open field, you should pay attention to zoned varieties that are resistant to local climate and weather conditions.

Soil preparation

Which soil is suitable and where to choose a place for growing sweet pepper? Bulgarian pepper prefers a light and slightly acidic soil, located on a sunny plot. The preparation of the soil for planting pepper should begin exactly one year:

  • in the spring, under the excavation, use organic fertilizer ( 5 kilograms per 1 square meter), which include rotted manure, humus or compost. At the same time, other crops can be grown on the soil, but not eggplants, tomatoes, and potatoes;
Before digging a bed,
  • humus should be applied in the fall after harvesting to 1 a square meter of soil is applied to 50 grams of phosphoric and the same amount of potassium fertilizer( superphosphate, urea);
  • early spring soil fertilized with ammonium nitrate ( 40 grams per 1 square meter);
  • disinfect the soil a week before planting the . You can use one of the folk remedies - watering with copper sulfate or a solution of potassium permanganate.

The beds are formed in the form of furrows located at a distance of 70-80 centimeters from each other. At the same time, set the pegs, which will serve as a support for the bushes.

Planting in open ground

It is necessary to plant such a crop at the end of April and beginning of May, the specific time will depend on the air temperature, which should be at least 20-25 degrees.

Better a little later to plant seedlings of pepper, when the threat of frost has passed, than to hurry and destroy the entire future crop

Sweet pepper is planted in shallow holes located at a distance of 40-50 centimeters from each other. The following rules should be followed when performing work:

  1. At the bottom of each well spread on a tablespoon of complex mineral fertilizer , which is mixed with the ground;
  2. Saplings pass into the holes along with the earth clod ;
  3. The holes are filled in half, , then pour and fill the ground to the end;
  4. The root collar of the should be flush with the ground;
  5. Experienced gardeners recommend to apply mulching planting with peat.
If the air temperature drops below 13 degrees, the peppers need to build a shelter.

Pepper care in the open ground

Proper pepper cultivation consists in timely care and execution of all necessary works, which include watering, weed removal, loosening, the formation of bushes and additional feeding.

Weed grass collects a large amount of nutrients from the soil, is therefore very important to remove it in time. Also, to improve the oxygen supply of the root system, the soil is regularly loosened to a depth of 2-3 centimeters. In order to keep the result of the work done as long as possible, the plants mulch with peat, grass or straw.

Correctly formed pepper bush

The formation of a bush is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. To increase the yield of , the central flower that appeared at the first fork should be removed;
  2. Shrubs form into 2 or 3 stems, for this, it is necessary to remove the side shoots( stepchildren) that appear in time, this procedure is called staving;
  3. No more than 25 pods are left on one plant, otherwise they will become smaller or not fully able to ripen;
  4. High-grade peppers should be tied to a support. This is necessary so that the plants do not break under the influence of a strong wind and do not overwhelm each other, blocking the sunlight.
Pollination of landings will be the most important step. To avoid the death of beneficial insects, plants do not process toxic chemicals since the beginning of flowering.

Sweet peppers are watered once a week before flowering, and twice a week during flowering and fruiting. On hot and sultry days, the amount of watering can be increased. For such purposes I use only soft and warm water. Water the peppers from a watering can, hoses or with a drip irrigation system.

How to properly feed

A plant in the open field is fed every two weeks, using phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Also, twice a season, a bird droppings solution should be applied, prepared in a ratio of 1 to 10.

Peppers always thankfully apply fertilizer, whether organic or mineral supplements

.with dry framing speak of a lack of potassium;

  • dull leaves with a gray bloom, which, while becoming much smaller, indicate a lack of nitrogen;
  • if the plant sheds ovaries and flowers, , then it means that there is too much nitrogen in the soil;
  • purple color the lower side of the plate indicates a lack of phosphorus;
  • marble color is a sign of magnesium deficiency.
  • Propagation and picking of

    Propagation of Bulgarian pepper is carried out using seed germination. First you need to prepare planting material. To do this, perform the following steps:

    • seeds are released into the water with a temperature of 50 degrees for 5-6 hours;
    • at the next stage, their is wrapped in a wet fabric and cleaned into a room with a temperature of 20-22 degrees for 2-3 days.
    Sprouted Bell Pepper Seeds

    The substrate for peppers is prepared in the following proportions:

    • 2 parts of sod or garden humus;
    • 1 part of sand;
    • 1 part garden land;
    • 0.5 parts ash.

    Planting is carried out in wooden boxes and peat pots, , deepening the seeds by 1.5-2 centimeters. After that, they are watered, covered with glass or film and cleaned into a room with a temperature of 21-22 degrees.

    Experienced gardeners recommend sowing seeds in peat pots, because seedlings do not tolerate picking.

    Water the seedlings moderately, avoiding drying out and over-wetting the soil. At the same time it is necessary to use only warm water. The plant loves light, its light day should last from 7 in the morning and until 9 in the evening, therefore in certain situations it is necessary to use artificial lighting. It is also very important to spray plantings in a timely manner.

    As soon as the first sprouts of roll, the day temperature in the room should be at least 26-28 degrees, and the night should be 10-15 degrees.

    The first sprouts of pepper seeds

    With the advent of the first pair of leaves, the seedlings dive into peat pots( if grown in a box) measuring 8 by 8 centimeters. Deepen plants with cotyledon leaves.

    A week before the peppers are planted in the ground, they begin to train them to the bright sun, taking them out for a few hours.

    Seedlings should be fed twice: with the appearance of the first and second pair of leaves. For such purposes, use complex fertilizers for seedlings.

    Major mistakes when growing sweet pepper

    1. Too early planting of seedlings in open ground can cause developmental delays and, accordingly, crop loss or plant death;
    2. If the plants start to stretch, and the ovaries become smaller and smaller, then the pepper most likely lacks sunlight. In such a case, it is necessary to thin the planting, removing the incorrectly growing and damaged leaves. Also, such a problem may occur due to non-compliance with the seedling planting scheme;
    3. Bell peppers have a very fragile root system, so you need to be very careful when transplanting or loosening plants;
    4. Pepper is considered a capricious culture regarding irrigation. Moisturize the soil frequently and use a small amount of water. Drying or over-wetting of the soil can cause ovaries and flowers to fall off;
    5. In order to get a rich harvest of , you need to feed with all the requirements of the plant.

    Diseases and pests

    Bulgarian pepper often suffers from the appearance of various diseases and pests. And in the first case, the treatment of plants does not bring any results, and the damaged bushes should be immediately removed and burned. Healthy plants are then treated with suitable fungicides in accordance with the instructions.

    Gray rot, vertex rot, black leg, late blight, fusarium, verticillis, etc. are most common in the culture under consideration.

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