When and how to dive pepper

Correctly grow seedlings of pepper is quite difficult. This is a laborious process that takes a long time. Pepper has a fragile root system, the plant stems are thin and tender. Pepper pick has been used in agronomy for a long time; it helps to grow healthy and disease-resistant seedlings. Asdtolerate transplant than other vegetable crops. The seedlings are restored long enough after planting and is very sensitive to changes in the soil .For this reason, many gardeners doubt whether it is worth picking such a fastidious vegetable.

Despite the existing disadvantages, the pick has advantages. It gives pepper more space for root growth and increases the area for nutrients. The seedlings located in a limited container as they grow start to interfere with each other, quickly growing, the roots can interlace with their neighbors, thereby making it difficult for them to transplant further.

It is especially important to dive the peppers grown in small cassettes or growing two pieces per container. This will help them continue to fully grow and develop.
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Diving helps the pepper to actively develop.

Advantages and disadvantages of diving seedlings

The main advantages of picking:

  1. Increasing the yield of , by sowing a large number of seeds;
  2. Preventing breakage and weakness of the stem of a plant;
  3. Dive helps grow seedling material resistant to strong gusts of wind and with a strong root system ;
  4. Significantly saves space from the beginning of cultivation to transplanting into the soil;
  5. Increases the yield of vegetables;
  6. Improves the growth of the fibrous species of the root system, providing the seedlings with all the necessary nutrients and moisture;

Dive disadvantages:

  1. Deterioration of the development of transplant material due to the active formation of the root system can lead to a change in the ripening period of the fruit;
  2. Most likely to pick up the disease due to frequent ground changes or provoke mass infection of seedlings;
  3. Time-consuming process that requires utmost care to avoid root breakage.
Diving need to be extremely careful, without damaging the root system

When to perform an

seating arrangement It is best to carry out an early picking. It will bring more results and help the seedlings quickly master the new soil.

The most favorable time is considered to be 20 days after the first shoots of , when about 2-3 leaves appear on the seedlings.

You can dive even earlier, for example, during the period of cotyledons. It is not recommended to plant when 4-6 leaves appear, the roots of the plant are already quite formed, you can easily damage them.

How to dive

A dive is carried out in several stages:

  • Preparing dishes for seedlings;
  • Planting pepper.
If the seeds were planted in separate containers, then a dive will not be required.

Tetra pack can be used as a container for seedlings. These are boxes from under juice or milk in volume of 1 liter. To avoid damage to the root, it is better to plant seeds in advance in a separate container, then a pick will not be required. But this is not very convenient and they are sown first in one common container. When the seedlings begin to germinate, they can be transferred to separate glasses. This procedure is called a pick.

Bulgarian pepper is best planted in February. Early sowing will give a good harvest, since the growing season of seedlings is much longer than other vegetables. By the next month, the seeds will give from 4 to 6 leaves. To determine an auspicious day for picking, you can simply watch the seedlings.

Preparation of

By picking better prepare in advance. As a soil, you must use a special mixture consisting of humus, peat and soil with a small amount of sand.

The percentage of organic fertilizer should vary from 30% to 45% of the total amount of soil. It is good to add some mineral fertilizers to the soil.

Amount of fertilizer per 1 cu.soil:

  1. Ammonium nitrate - 0.8 kg;
  2. Superphosphate - 1.5 kg;
  3. Potassium chloride - 0.8 kg.

The prepared soil is laid out in a container intended for diving. The tank must have an drain hole through which water will pass.

. The most convenient way is to dive seedlings with wet soil.

There are two opinions regarding watering seedlings before diving. Someone a few days before it stops watering seedlings in order not to make the soil heavier. And someone, on the contrary, a few hours before the pick, poured it abundantly for easier removal of the peppers.

Features of the

Immediately after the procedure, the seedlings must be identified in a warm place, for 3 days after covering from sunlight. It is better to leave the peppers in the same place where they were, and not to transfer them to places with a different microclimate. So the adaptation process for the plant will be more successful.

The features of the correct picking include the timely use of fertilizer .It is necessary to start top dressing from the 10th day, using the following calculations:

10 liters of warm water:

  1. Superphosphate 40 g;
  2. Potassium sulphate 30 g;
  3. Ammonium nitrate 10 g.

One plant will take from 50 to 100 ml of top dressing. As a fertilizer is well suited decoction of nettle or wood ash.

As a fertilizer for seedlings, you can use a decoction of nettle
Before and after feeding, the peppers must be poured with plain clean water. Seedlings grown separately need fertilizer in the presence of several leaves. The second feed can be carried out after 10 days.

Rules and Scheme The main rule for effective diving is the carefully and carefully removing seedlings from the soil.

The main stages of the picking:

  1. We compact the soil in the tank, make a small hole in the middle, then pour water into it;
  2. Carefully remove the seedling from the common container. If it turned out to take several at once, then the first one is planted out the one that is stronger;
  3. Put the pepper in the hole. Roots should be freely located;
  4. The depth of the pepper must be the same as before the transplant, an extra well may damage the roots;
  5. We fall asleep the roots with earth and compact around the stem;
  6. Pour water.

How to care for spiked seedlings

After diving, it is important to follow certain rules for further care of the seedlings. They include:

  • Maintain the right temperature .For the first time after transplantation, the optimum temperature is 20–22 degrees during the day and at least 14 at night. Then from 23-25 ​​degrees during the day and 18-20 degrees at night;
  • Watering seedlings should be regularly. For the outflow of water must be done in each pot drainage. The first watering after transplantation is carried out after 6 days with clean 25-degree water.

Properly organized picking will help grow healthy and strong peppers, as well as get a good harvest.

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