Proper care of garlic in the spring

The spring period for any plant is considered important because of the beginning of the vegetative process. The normal development of young shoots is the key to a generous harvest. Special attention in the spring care is given to the voracious crops, which include garlic.

Table of Contentsautumn planting

Winter crops are planted in the fall. Pre-selected a suitable place for the culture, which excludes shading and strong drafts.

The predecessors in the open area can be: cucumbers, early cabbage, onions, zucchini, pumpkin, squash .After the potatoes, planting beds under spring or winter garlic is not worth it, the likelihood of infection with a nematode, fusarium is high.

The correct open-field landing pattern

The correct pattern:

  • row spacing - 25-30 cm ;
  • distance between the teeth in a row - 15-20 cm ;
  • Depth of Alignment of Cloves - 10-15 cm .

The period of work is the end of September, the beginning of October.

Winter garlic is planted in late September and early October.
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Gardeners recommend planting beds in the direction of from east to west .This will ensure normal warming and illumination of the culture in the summer until the moment of harvesting.

Disturb the spacing between the teeth on the landing is not worth it. Thickening interferes with the production of care for the crop, reduces yield. A shallow immersion leads to the freezing of planting material.

Pay attention and preparation of seed .It needs to be sorted out by removing damaged teeth. It is also recommended to carry out disinfection by soaking garlic in a solution of copper sulfate( 5 tablespoons of water per 5 liters of water).As a disinfectant, a weak solution of potassium permanganate or “Maxime” is suitable.

After planting the beds are mulched with a layer of peat( you can also use sawdust, humus).This will help the seedlings survive the harsh winter. In the spring the mulch is removed, why, so that the shoots are not stuck.

The need for fertilizer and processing in the cultivation of garlic

Garlic is voracious, so it pulls out of the soil a large number of micronutrients needed for vegetation. After harvesting, such a site should be generously enriched with fertilizers, and is recommended to be re-planted on it after 3-4 years .

Special complex fertilizers are recommended for garlic.

Culture perfectly responds to organic matter and minerals. It is better to use them in a comprehensive way to prevent rotting of planting material or forming heads.

The soil is prepared by a month before the planting works. They dig it and introduce humus or compost. Also, to increase the fertility of the soil, superphosphate( 30 g.) And potassium chloride( 20 g.) Are added at a rate of 1 m2.In the presence of an acidic environment, wood ash is used.

After the snow melted( about a week later), the first complementary feed is introduced. At this stage, it is appropriate to use urea( 7-10 grams per 1 m2) or ammonium nitrate( 10-15 grams per 1 m2).The procedure should be repeated in the second half of May, when heads begin to form.

Do not use fresh manure as garlic fertilizers.

Loosening and weeding in spring

To ensure the normal circulation of air, it is necessary to loosen the soil. The first time it needs to be done after the appearance of shoots above the ground in April. Rakes or light harrows should be run( 3-4 times) across the rows, submerging the tool by 8-10 cm.

Loosening is necessary to ensure air circulation

This procedure as much as possible retains in the ground the valuable moisture , which has accumulated at the cottage during the winter period. At this stage, weeds are manually removed.

After 2-3 weeks weeding is carried out with deep removal of weed roots. During the growing season, the neighborhood with them is extremely undesirable, since there is a high probability of rotting of the onion forming. Cleaning weeds from weeds is preventing the spread of diseases and pests .

The absence of dense thickets does not attract insects, because they are looking for secluded places for the deposition of larvae. When performing work, you should remove the ground from the stalks of garlic to form holes. This provides good access to plants moisture from precipitation or irrigation. In total, at the first stage of the growing season 2-4 loosening and weeding are carried out.

Often, to reduce the amount of weeding and loosening, gardeners mulch the soil with peat or rotted manure. The crop is additionally enriched with nutrients, and weeds rarely make their way through a layer of mulch.

Rules for watering with water and salt solution

Garlic belongs to the moisture-loving plants, therefore, at the first stage of the growing season and during the formation of the heads, regular irrigation with water is necessary.

After emergence of shoots, it is necessary to conduct regular watering of

. Adjust the amount of liquid depending on precipitation and soil condition .Approximate norms:

  • with moderate heat and rains - pour 10-12 liters per 1 m2( 1 time in 10 days);
  • in dry weather the rates remain the same, but the frequency of watering increases to 1 time in 5 days;
  • need not be watered when the weather is rainy.
3 weeks before the root crops are picked, irrigation stops.

The soil after watering should be wetted to a depth of to half a meter of .To complete irrigation activities should be harrowing to ensure deeper penetration of moisture into the soil.

Salt watering or salt water is practiced to create onion fly protection .Carry out the procedure should be at the stage of formation of 3-5 leaves. To prepare the solution using a glass of salt in a bucket of water.

According to the advice of experienced gardeners, this method of treatment should not be abused, because the excess sodium and chlorine contained in the product inhibit the growth and development of plants. In addition, this mixture is dangerous for the soil, it destroys its structure, provokes leaching of useful microelements from the nutrient layer. It is necessary to closely monitor how much mineral is added, and if that is to drain the excess and dilute it with plain water.

Typical mistakes in the care of garlic

The simplicity of the plant relaxes many inexperienced gardeners who violate the rules of care. Ardent care is also considered superfluous. garlic does not need an abundance of watering, like many other crops.

If the head is watered excessively, the
may start to rot. Excessive moisture causes the heads to rot, which reduces shelf life.

It is worth taking into account the mistakes that gardeners often make when growing garlic.

  • Planting garlic at the same place leads to a significant decrease in yield. The optimal time interval is 3-4 years .
  • Shading of beds with tall trees, shrubs or buildings is unacceptable. Lack of sunlight affects vegetation.
  • You cannot grow a good harvest in the depleted soil. In autumn and spring, it is necessary to carry out planned activities for feeding the plantation.
  • Nitrogen fertilizers are undoubtedly useful and important for culture, but their oversupply leads to a decrease in shelf life. It is not at all appropriate to introduce them to at the beginning of the period of formation of the head .
  • Abundant watering is appropriate only at the initial stage of development of the shoot. Further, the rate is reduced, and before harvesting for 20-25 days irrigation stops altogether.
  • Some owners practice the cultivation of garlic from cloves and broths( seeds) on the same bed. This can not be done, since the landing technology has different conditions and terms.
  • The planting material must be sorted by the .When splitting cloves, damage the scale is not worth it, because it prevents from rotting.
  • There is an erroneous opinion that it is not worth hurrying with the harvest, as if the heads will gain more volume. This is a delusion, the delay threatens the decay of cloves. After the leaves turn yellow, the root vegetable is ready to be dredged and dried.

Garlic is easy to grow, but you still have to make some effort and care for a rich harvest. For convenience, gardeners make a schedule of mandatory measures, which allows to provide the plant with nutrients in a timely manner and to prevent diseases and pests.

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