There are a lot of different melon varieties. Grade Ethiopka - one of the most popular .It is designed by Russian breeders. Its differences from other varieties in high germination of germs and large size of fruits. The fruits of Melon Ethiopka are easy to transport and are remembered for their sweet taste.
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Shrub variety looks compact, without long whips. From one bush it will turn out to collect 5-6 fruits.
According to the description, fruits from Ethiopka are large, round, dark yellow in color and separated by stripes on the peel. Because of this, they look like a pumpkin. To the touch fruits are rough, covered with a fine mesh pattern.
Its pulp is white and juicy, exudes a pleasant melon flavor. On the taste - honey.
Product specifications:
- medium early variety;
- fruits ripen in 80 days;
- average fetal weight - 4 kg;
- fruit storage period - a month;
- thick peel allows you to transport fruits without fear of damaging them.

Preparing for planting
Melon Ethiopia is a heat-loving plant .In the southern regions of Russia, seeds can be sown directly into the ground and expect shoots.
In the middle and northern latitudes of the country, it is preferable to use the seedling method of landing Ethiopians.
This will allow the melon to ripen and avoid unexpected frosts, because a low temperature is detrimental to the melon. And besides, the seedling method will allow to harvest melon earlier in 2-3 weeks.

Before planting, seeds are prepared .They are soaked for a day in warm water or in a special composition for pre-treatment of seeds. This will allow to saturate the seeds with microelements and improve germination.
At the preparation stage, it is easy to identify low-quality seeds: those that surfaced in water are thrown away, those that have fallen to the bottom will give a good harvest.
Seeds are planted in special containers for seedlings, peat pots or homemade dishes. To sprouts not intertwined with roots they are planted in individual containers or seated from each other.
You can take the garden soil, but you need to prepare it:
- Reduce soil acidity with lime, sand, or eggshell.
- Add peat and compost to enrich the soil.
- Disinfect the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
In tanks where the earth will fall asleep, holes should be made to drain excess water. Drainage is poured at the bottom, and a layer of soil is laid on top. Seeds are immersed to a depth of 4-5 cm and covered with a film.
When the first shoots appear, the film is removed .If the seeds were planted in a common container, the frail shoots are removed. The rest are fertilized with mineral fertilizers and placed in a sunny place.
If there is no opportunity to give the seedlings enough light in a residential area, then should get lamps for plants .

Planting and watering
The transplanting should take place in mid-May .It is prepared by reducing watering and exposing the street for a couple of hours. So sprouts adapt to the future environment.
Sprouts are planted in the ground at a distance of half a meter from each other. The bed can be preheated by burying humus mixed with earth to a depth of 40-50 cm. Above it, make holes for future sprouts and pour them abundantly with water.
When water is absorbed into the soil, seedlings can be planted. Melon sprouts buried in the ground at the level of the lower leaflets .
The water temperature for watering Ethiopia should not be lower than the ambient temperature. Care must be taken to ensure that the soil around the stem does not dry out, but it is also dangerous to flood the plants.
For half a month before harvesting, watering should be stopped , so that the fruits get the right amount of sugars, and the pulp does not become watery.

Melon feeding
Melon Ethiopka responds well to potassium-containing fertilizers. In addition, many gardeners use herbal extract for dressing Ethiopia and sprinkle the earth around the plant with wood ash.
It simultaneously nourishes the soil and helps in the fight against pests.
Diseases when growing
Ethiopka is susceptible to fungal diseases:
- Black leg.
- Olive Spot.
- Mealy Dew.
With olive spot , oily gray spots appear on the plants. Decontamination of the soil and cleaning of plant residues and diseased plants from the garden will help to avoid the fungus.
When the first signs of the fungus appear, it is recommended to spray the plants using a mixture of Bordeaux or carotid.

Black leg most often affects the fragile seedlings of the seedlings and destroys them. The roots of affected plants rot, the reasons for this lie in:
- the presence of fungal spores in the soil;
- excess humidity in the room;
- excessive watering;
- temperature drops.
To prevent this from happening, you need to observe the planting regime and make sure that the shoots receive enough light.
The appearance of white bloom on sheets is a sign of powdery mildew. Under the patina, ulcers form, spores of the fungus draw nutrients from the affected plant.
Powdery mildew appears when there is an excess of nitrogen in the soil and in violation of the irrigation regime. Fight against powdery mildew with fungicidal agents: Vitaros
- ;
- Topaz;
- Fundazol.

Growing Melon Ethiopka does not require the specific conditions of .With simple rules, you can easily get a large( on average 100 centners per hectare) crop.
Melon Ethiopia is popular in Russia, the countries of Central and Asia Minor. Breeders are constantly improving this variety. In the future, based on the variety Ethiopka, new melon varieties will appear.