Tiny cherries have long gained popularity and love from chefs, because red balls are not just an elegant decorative element. Small tomatoes are a rich flavor accent of the future dish, which can drastically change the visual component of the dish. In the article we will consider the description and characteristics of one of them - the “Thumbelina” variety.
Representatives of the “Thumbelina” variety, who can easily grow in the summer cottage, and in a small planting container on the balcony, will complement the hearty meal.
- Table of Contentstomato subspecies also has an indeterminate structure."Thumbelina" early ripe, high( up to 2 meters), the stem will delight the gardeners with round fruits after 3 months after germination.
Accurate fruits do not have large sizes, the weight of one fruit is equal to 17g , in one brush is tied up to 13 pieces of dense tomatoes.
The average weight of the fruit is 17 grams.
. Thrill care guarantees up to 5 kg of juicy yield per square meter.Exemplary characteristics of the taste component allow to exploit tiny tomatoes for home canning, eating in their original raw form, culinary experiments.
The advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Among the advantages of the fabulous variety of the jewelry berries of cherry tomatoes are the following:
- Simple care , the variety needs regular watering and a minimum amount of mineral fertilizers;
- self-pollination, the process of fruiting will not stop the absence of pollinating insects;
- small root system that allows you to grow a product in pots;
- disease resistance, rot;
- fruits ripen quickly, stalks yield a crop for 90-95 days .
In addition, the contrasting fruits of the intense red color ripen synchronously , which greatly simplifies the harvesting process. You can pick berries with a single sprig, without wasting time on looking at the bushes in search of a ripe product.
Harvest ripen synchronously, and it can be harvested with tassels
The disadvantages of the subspecies are the need for a stable temperature, a sharp change in weather conditions is often critical. Little "Thumbelina" is also afraid of the cold, so the variety is well grown in greenhouse conditions.
Sowing rules
The main advantage of a fabulous variety is the possibility of growing cherry tomatoes on the window sill all year round, but for a successful harvest you should follow a number of careful care rules.Before a difficult sowing process, it is advisable that the seeds of be kept in warm water for 24 hours with .A special growth stimulator can be added to the liquid, and the grains should be immersed for 3-4 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate( the procedure is performed before soaking).
The soil for planting is prepared from humus, peat .Mineral fertilizer, a modest amount of charcoal is often added to the earth mixture. To tomato grains quickly ascended, the land before planting is better to shed water at room temperature.
Seeds Tomato Thumbelina
Seeds of seeds are planted shallowly in the ground, covered with a thin film, which is removed after the appearance of the first shoots. It is important to have a sufficient amount of light, the plant is strictly forbidden to limit in sunlight and heat.
Grade care after planting
Novice gardeners can familiarize themselves with the following list of simple rules that can speed up the process of climbing future fruits, significantly improve the quality of the product:
- Sprouts need to thin out when the height reaches 6 cm.
- Tomato roots require constant access to air, for which it is desirable to to loosen the ground regularly to loosen the .
- Organic and mineral fertilizers are used to improve the quality of the crop.
- Lack of sunlight means the need to use additional lighting .
- Collecting fruits is desirable when the color gets a rich brown hue, it will accelerate the arrival of the next crop.
Tomatoes also need to be burrowed, tie up to a support, water regularly. In cloudy weather, watering is reduced, instead of generous use of the fluid on the stems, it is carried out with a wet brush, it helps to set fruit.
As fertilizers, not only ready-made mixtures are often used, but also folk variations of top dressing( litter of domestic birds, ash, peat, herbal infusions).Use Kemira Universal-2 as a complex top dressing.
Among complex top dressings, the summer locals, who have already acquired a rather voluminous arsenal of knowledge and experience, are popular:
- Kemira Universal-2 - contains humic substances, trace elements;
- Potassium Monophosphate - has large reserves of phosphorus( 53%), potassium( 37%);
- Magnesium Sulphate - contains 15% sulfur and 18% magnesium;
- Dissolved - different balanced dose of nitrogen, phosphorus, a bright bouquet of trace elements.
It is advisable that avoid feedings that have nitrogen in the structure. We must not forget about regular foliar fertilizers. Small leaves and thin stems are preferably sprayed with special sprayers.
Diseases and their prevention
"Thumbelina" is an amazing variety that does not suffer from the deplorable attacks of cruel rot, but even this fabulous subspecies faces diseases that can be disastrous:
- Mosaic, in which the leaves change color, making them wrinkled and whiteish, leaving leafy, wrinkly and rotting.;
- Late blight, affecting most of the plants, under the leaves is white bloom;
- Fruit cracking caused by excess fluid.
In case of excess liquid, the variety suffers from the cracking of the fruits.
In order to avoid such embarrassment, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil, control the irrigation processes. For prophylaxis often use complex feeding.. Methods for obtaining
seeds. The procedure for extracting kernels from the dense structure of a small tomato takes place in several stages:
- ripe tomato is cut into two parts .
- A medical spatula meticulously cleans the seeds of .
- The obtained grains are closed in a plastic container for 2-4 days .
- During this time, the seeds ferment, they are washed, removing unsuitable grains during this process.
- The remaining components are filtered, squeezed in a thin gauze.
After grain is washed at room temperature with water, is dried on a sheet of paper.
"Thumbelina" - an unambiguous favorite not only of the cooks! Interesting features of the unusual fruit allow you to create wonders of flavor combinations, brightly brightening the usual color range of dishes with new gastronomic details.
Summer residents also loved the fabulous variety for its unpretentious care, because surprising results of a juicy harvest can be achieved due to regular watering and simple soil loosening procedures.