An unpretentious and beautiful variety of tomatoes, the black prince is not only a beautiful decoration of the greenhouse, but also has good flavoring qualities of .The description and characteristics of this tomato can be found below.
TomatoesIt should be remembered that hybrids do not give seed offspring to , and in order to obtain high-quality seeds, you must first purchase a seed bag, which will indicate that this is the Black Prince variety. Seeds are purchased only from reputable proven firms in specialized garden centers.
Characteristics of the variety

Black Prince is suitable for cultivation, both in closed and open field. Zoned for cultivation throughout Russia. The taste of this dessert tomato is very sweet. Can be applied by making :
- Fresh salads.
- Sandwiches.
- Soups.
- Lecho.
The positive qualities of tomato :
- Beautiful color ;
- Early Maturity ;
- Large-fruited ;
- Large yields ;
- Sweetness taste.
Of the shortcomings, only that is not subject to storage and must be processed immediately after harvesting.

The stem of a bush is resistant and bristly, but because of its growth it still requires a garter to prevent breaking. Brush on a bush leave 8 pcs. it will give the berries to ripen in time .Platinum sheets do not differ from other varieties - green and wrinkled. The root system develops 0.5 m wide and 1 m deep. The first brushes with colors appear after 9 leaf plates - each following three sheets.

The variety of tomato, the average ripening period of fruit is 115 days from the time the seeds germinate. The ripened fruits are round, ribbed have a flattened appearance on both sides. Tomato weight ranges from 100 g to 500 g .Fully ripened fruit is colored maroon with darkening to the base of the berry.
Cultivation of tomato
In order to get a crop consisting of beautiful tomatoes at the exit, it is worth making the first efforts at the seed planting stage.
Step-by-Step Landing Process
First of all, should be tempered with before planting seedlings at a permanent place, gradually accustoming them to open ground. Seedlings are planted depending on the region at the beginning or end of May, when return frost is bypassed.

Planting is done in cloudy weather, or if there is no such weather, then seedlings are planted in the evening and the planted plants should settle down around the seedling to spread out the mulch, and the cut grass will do. So in hot weather the moisture will remain longer, and the seedlings will go through a period of adaptation in a new place.
In prepared soil, holes are made according to the scheme 50x40 cm depth depends on the seedling .If the seedling is too elongated, it is necessary to lay it horizontally and leave only the tip of 10 cm high on the surface of the earth. Moreover, the seedling is placed from south to north, if the bed on the prepared site allows. If the seedlings are short and stocky, they are planted vertically.
Before planting, one liter of water is poured into each well and 100 grams are poured into each well.wood ash, which will serve as potash fertilizer. Also, add ammonium nitrate per well in the amount of 50 g .Sapling put in the middle of the hole, straighten the root system in different directions. Then pour the earth around the stem of the seedling and compact the soil to get rid of airbags. As the bush grows, it will require a garter to a peg or other support with the help of a loop.
. Features of
care. If you fulfill the agrotechnical requirements correctly, you will always get a good harvest of tomato black prince.

Watering should be done regularly so that the soil around the bushes does not dry out to a state of dust. Since the plant is high, then it needs water enough to grow fruits on a bush. Watering is carried out early in the morning or in cloudy weather during the day .
The temperature regime does not depend on us, but is considered the best 28 degrees of heat .

Weed weed after each watering or rain for the next day .This will increase the access of oxygen to the root system of the bush and will increase yields.
Top dressing methods
Top dressings are foliar and root.
Extra-root is carried out on sheet plates in cloudy weather or in the evening at sunset, so as not to burn the leaves.
root dressings are applied directly under the root of the bush after watering. These two types of dressings should be alternated using such drugs :
- Humate.
- Emerald.
- Ideal.

The black prince variety is not only a good-looking type of tomato, but with excellent taste and if all the recommendations of the are followed, the gardener will not be left without the tomato .Since his tomatoes, growing on the top, do not have time to ripen by the end of the season, they are removed in a green form and allowed to taste delicious winter salads.