Onion batun is a popular perennial garden crop of the lily family, which is easy to breed. It is unpretentious in care and resistant to frost without a transplant. Due to its frost resistance, the batun gives early greens in the spring, the snow will barely melt. Greens can be used in salads and main dishes.
- Description and Characterizationpests of perennial onions batun
- Spine-reaver
- Onion fly
- Tripods
- Potato and winter scoops
Description and characteristics of onion batun
Outwardly the batun is difficult to distinguish aboutonions. It has the same leaves with a pipe, but its size is larger and longer. The bulb of a batun is not the same as that of bulb onions, but a false bulb( small thickening).Therefore grow it only for the sake of green .
Batun is the source:
- essential oils;
- sugar;
- protein;
- carotene;
- of vitamins;
- salts of iron, potassium and magnesium.
Varieties for growing and planting in open ground
The most famous varieties are "May", "April", "Tenderness" and "Salat-35" .
The last three are early varieties. They even survive snowless winters. April strongly branched, in May large bright green leaves begin to grow. Not susceptible to disease.
Maysky - late grade. Also frost resistant. Shoots appear late. Excellent branches. Harvesting - from May to June.
Variety Russian winter is also frost-resistant and gives a high yield. Approximately 30 days pass from germination to harvest. Sowing on seedlings is carried out in late autumn or in April / May. When planting seeds to plant every 14 days, you will always have greens on the table.
Terms of seed planting in the spring
In the middle lane begin to sow in June-July .This is a very suitable time interval for landing. Shoots will be friendly and fast, the plants will survive the winter safely. With proper cultivation in the open field, the crop will be as much as you want.
And when sowing in early spring, as early as July-August, the batun will delight with its green leaves.
Selection and preparation of the soil
To grow it needs fertile rich soil( sandy loam, loam, black soil) and a lot of sun. The plot before planting or sowing is prepared in the fall. Mineral fertilizers, humus, manure and compost are applied.
Onion grows well and will sprout well if the soil is nutritious and contains a lot of humus, as well as in those areas where potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage were previously grown.
The ground should be well dug before planting .
How to properly plant and sow seeds
The soil is deeply dug up before sowing , the remnants of vegetation and weed roots are removed, fertilized, the seeds are soaked in a solution of micronutrients. Seeds will germinate more easily and yield will be higher. Avoid seed sowing - this will make sowing difficult.
Prepared beds abundantly moisturize and deepen the bow by 1.5-2 cm. Row spacing must be 25-30 cm .
At moderate air temperatures, the first shoots will hatch in 14-18 days .At warmer temperatures, they will appear earlier.
If the onions are planted or sown as an annual plant, sowing is carried out in early spring, and by next year the plants are completely removed. But you can plant in summer and autumn. The main thing that the onions did not start to sprout in the winter, and that will perish. You can harvest at different times, depending on the time of planting. Perennials are planted in the fall.
When the soil warms up the to 5-10 degrees sow onions. The soil is gently compacted. The beds can be covered with something that retains heat, for example, with a film.
After 8-10 days, the first shoots appear. Conduct the first loosening. So that the thick shoots do not interfere with each other, they must be thinned out. Plants should be separated by 6-9 cm.
Care after sowing seedlings
After sowing seeds and sprouts, you need to regularly remove weeds and wet the soil .For perennials, when there will be 3 leaves, remove excess seedlings. We leave those that share a few centimeters. We repeat the procedure until there is about 5 cm between shoots. Thinning is not done for annuals. At the same time, onions are fertilized and watered.
Not later than mid-July, everything is cut except for young feathers. Until full recovery by September, cut the leaves is not recommended. By winter, leave the beds with feathers. The first crop is cut off after 25-32 days of , and again - after 55-65 days of .
Cleaning feathers as green
You can clean up at the end of May, when the feathers grow to 25 cm .The following cuts are made at intervals of 3-4 weeks.
Heap shoots of young onions are green feathers with excellent taste. If the batun starts to shoot arrows, his taste will deteriorate. Therefore, it is better not to allow this.
If a batun is grown as an annual( sowing seeds in spring), then in a year( March-April) the entire plant is removed. If he is a perennial, it is usually cut off the leaves in spring and autumn once or twice.
Although it is recommended to change the site for the batun every year, in one place it can grow up to 10 years .However, after the fourth year, the yield drops and it is better to transplant or rejuvenate the onions with new crops.
The leaves are cut off at the root when they reach 20-30 centimeters in length. Feathers are tied up in bunches and stored in the refrigerator.
Diseases and pests of perennial onions batun
As a result of the disease, onions can:
- change the color of the leaves or on them appear spots;
- bulbs become soft;
- a white or dark bloom appears on the bulbs;
- dries the aerial part of the plant.
. There are quite a few pests.
The hidden trunk of
The onion weevil is a small beetle with a size of a few millimeters of dark color. The larva is a small yellowish caterpillar. They eat the pulp of the leaves .Especially damaged leaves dry up.
Onion fly
The fly lays eggs, from which the larvae hatch in mid-June. They penetrate young bulbs and devour them from the inside. The batun turns yellow and dies .
. Triad
. Trips or thrips are small insects( up to 1 mm in length) of pale color. Not only harm onions and garlic, but almost all garden plants. The larvae feed on sap from the stems and leaves of plants.
Potatoes and winter scoops
Scoops are small pale butterflies. Their caterpillars eat the roots, leaves and stems of the of most garden and even flower crops.
Pest Control Tips:
- observe the crop rotation( choose a new plot away from the previous year’s plot);
- deeply dig up the soil in the fall;
- pest-prone plants;
- loosen the soil to a depth of at least 10 cm ( with this procedure, most of the pupae will be on the surface and will die);
- process salt and various infusions that repel insects.
Onions batun - a source of early vitamins and a tasty additive to our table.