A sort of red Ural plum was developed by selector KK Mullayanov.
The plant is well adapted for growth in the Urals region and has good frost resistance. All varieties of the Ural plums are characterized by precocity and yield.
Table of contents
Description of the plum variety in the red Ural
planting, reproduction
Protection against aphids and diseases
Description of the plum variety red Ural Ural
Red Uralus I will be a part of the letter and the outliness of this I am in the form of the letter I am writing a letter. The height of the trees is about three meters. The plant has a lush sprawling crown, the average level of foliage. The tree has a strong healthy look.
The fruits of red plum are small, their weight reaches only 15 grams. plum has an oval equilateral shape, with a weakly pronounced seam .The seam is subject to cracking.
The base and the middle of the fruit are rounded, the top is slightly pointed. Outside, the plum is dark red, but the flesh is yellowish.
It has a fine fiber structure. The skin is well separated from the pulp. Red plum has a juicy sweet taste , the acidity level is low.
Red plum starts to bear fruit in the fourth year after planting an annual seedling. Productivity increases rapidly from year to year, ranging from 10 kg per tree, gradually reaching 20 kg per tree per season.
The Ural variety of red plum was bred by Chelyabinsk breeders at the beginning of the XXI century .This type of plum produced from the hybrid cherry plum family.
The plant is able to withstand even extreme cold .It is ideally adapted for life in the harsh Ural climate.
The Uralskaya red variety plum is able to withstand severe frosts, ideally adapted for the Ural climate.
The Ural Red Ural Plum is the best pollinator for all other varieties of plums that are grown in the Ural .
In addition, it also has a number of advantages, including:
frost resistance, the plant is able to withstand severe frosts;
yield, from one tree under favorable conditions, you can shoot up to 30 or even more kilograms per season;
plant is not demanding on pollinators, partially self-pollinated;
tree has a good immunity to diseases, including to closters, which is the enemy of all horticultural crops;
on plant rarely start aphid.
All these advantages of make the variety of red plum popular among gardeners of .
Planting, reproduction
In order for the plum to grow well and bear fruit, should be taken into account during its planting, some important rules. Especially it concerns the choice of a place for planting seedlings.
Red plum is adapted for growth in harsh conditions, and yet, for its landing is required to choose the southern, well-lit by the sun places .The best place will be on the hill.
In lowlands and plains, a tree may freeze. The ideal option would be the site, protected from the cold northern winds.
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The soil for this plant must be neutral and fertile. Increased acidity will adversely affect in the future on crop fertility and yield.
The more fertile the soil is, the better the plant will take root and in the future it will provide a rich harvest.
Plum is very demanding on moisture and does not tolerate drought .Therefore, it needs to be watered once every two weeks, depending on weather conditions.
However, should not be overfilled with an plant. With an excess of moisture, the tree can stop growing.
For planting plums of the Uralskaya red variety, neutral soil is needed, the southern side of the
section. The reproduction of the plum is carried out in different ways:
The best time to plant a plum is early spring .Seedlings are planted in March or April.
It is important that the soil finally melts and warms up. For planting is better to take annual seedlings, they will take root better.
Pits for planting prepared in advance. This is done in the fall, but you can start preparing the planting hole two weeks before planting.
The depth of the landing pit should be about 60 cm , its diameter is about the same size. The contents of the pit are mixed with fertilizers; humus and peat are suitable for this purpose.
This mixture is laid on the bottom of the hole in advance, because the soil should have time to settle a little. No need to use fresh manure, it can burn the young roots of plants.
Before planting the , it is very important to inspect all the trees well. Particular attention is paid to the condition of the horse system, it should be well developed. Roots should not be over dried.
Saplings with damaged roots will not survive well, they are likely to die.
It is important to pay attention to the trunk .He should not have any bifurcations. The seed bark should also not be damaged.
In the process of planting the seedling is lowered into the hole so that so that the root neck rises above the ground at a distance of 5-7 centimeters .Then the tree covered with earth without admixture of fertilizer.
A plum sapling is lowered into the hole so that the root neck rises above the ground at a distance of 5-7 centimeters
A little more soil is directly under the plant. Then the ground is slightly tamped, since there should be no air near the roots. This will adversely affect the state of the roots.
The tree after planting will need to pour abundantly on .The next watering will need to be done in two weeks. After watering the soil must be mulched.
In the center of the pit before planting, you can drive a peg into which to fasten the plant, placing it on the north side of the peg.
A young tree does not require additional feeding. All that will need to do in the first years of the plant's life is pruning .It is produced in spring, preferably in April or May. This procedure is aimed at the formation of the crown.
In the first year of life, annual saplings shorten the to about 70 centimeters. A year later, the conductor is cut, it should be 20 cm higher than the side branches.
After a year, another trim will be needed, during which a third of the length of the branches is cut, the conductor still has to lead.
How to properly prune the plum:
Adult fruiting plants require additional feeding. The first top dressing is made in the spring. In May, plum trees are fed with organic fertilizers and mulched using peat.
will also need to shed plants, pouring from three to six buckets under one tree.
The following dressing is carried out in the summer, after flowering , mineral and organic fertilizers are applied. You can feed the plums this way in the fall, so that they gain strength and prepare for wintering.
Plum cultivar Uralskaya red needs pruning, fertilizing and preparing for winter
Organic fertilizer will be required for the plant once every four years, mineral fertilizer once every three years.
Approximately 12 kg of organic fertilizer is required per square meter.
Nitrogen fertilizers are needed only in the spring.
Phosphate and potash fertilizers are usually applied in the fall.
The plum will need to properly prepare for the winter .To do this, you will need to clean the branches of dead bark and moss.
Examine trees for wounds and damage, if any, they will have to be treated with copper sulphate and garden pitch.
Adult plums do not require any special preparation for winter. It would be enough to to grumble with an admixture of peat near the trunk of the .Under the covering material saplings can grind, it is better not to use it.
Protection from aphids and diseases
And yet, it is necessary to carry out prevention from this and some other ailments that are dangerous to cultivated plants.
These diseases include:
gray mold;
fruit rot;
black fungus;
milky luster.
Plum prone to diseases such as gray and fruit rot, black fungus, monilioz, gum treatment and milky luster. In the autumn, after all the leaves fall off, they need to be removed and burned.
Affected leaves and plant parts must be removed.
After 2 - 3 weeks, the plant is treated with Bordeaux fluid for preventive purposes, such treatment can be carried out before flowering.
All wounds and injuries that appear on the plum tree need to be treated. Dead bark must be removed.
Many pests of are dangerous for plums. The most common of which are:
plum and apple moths;
ringed silkworm;
plum aphid;
Plum aphid is the most dangerous pest. If you do not take preventive measures, you can not only lose the crop, but also the tree itself.
All stone fruit cultures are susceptible. To avoid trouble, you need to take care in advance about the preventive measures .
For this:
tree trunks are treated with lime;
does not allow the formation of vegetation under fruit trees;
parsley, dill and coriander scare away aphids, they can be planted near plum trees;
spray the plants with Hom or Bordeaux mixture before and after flowering.
Preventive measures taken in a timely manner will help to avoid diseases and harmful insects.
Ural Red Plum is one of the best varieties bred by Chelyabinsk breeders. It is well adapted to the harsh climatic conditions and has many advantages.
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