Proper planting and care for parsley in the open field

It is difficult to imagine a farmer who does not grow greens on his plot. Any gardener will definitely allocate a bed for sowing parsley. No summer dish can do without this greenery. Parsley has a fairly wide range of applications. It is added to hot dishes, salads, used for decoration, making preparations for the winter in dry or frozen form, eaten raw as a spicy herb. With proper care, planting in open ground and before winter, and in the spring is not difficult.

. Contentsharvest and storage

Characteristics and beneficial properties of parsley

Parsley is of two kinds - root and leaf .Contains a large number of nutrients:

  • vitamins PP, E, C( 5 times more than in lemon and rosehip);
  • elements P( phosphorus), Ce( selenium), K( potassium);
  • Calcium, Iron, Magnesium;
  • complex of water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins thiamine, riboflavin, retinol.

Root is different from leafy in that Root , formed at the end of the season, is used for food. It has the same taste properties as the sheet.

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Used for the preparation of marinades and pickles.

Sheet can be - regular and curly .Curly is used to add to dishes and as decoration.

Proper sowing of parsley seeds in the garden in the spring

. Seed work should be carried out in April , as soon as the frost and the ground warms up to +5 degrees .

Soaking for successful germination

It should be noted that the seeds contain essential oils that prevent germination. In order for the seeds to sprout faster before planting it is necessary to soak them.

You can do this in one of the following ways:

  • Method 1 .Before soaking, seeds are dipped in hot water( not boiling water).Under the influence of hot water from the seeds will wash off the essential oils. Then pour water at room temperature( 19-23 degrees) to the bottom of the saucer, pour out the seeds and leave for 12 hours. Then the seeds need to soak in a growth stimulator. In the process of soaking, they need to be pulled out every 3 hours so that oxygen goes to the seeds. After three days, the seeds are ready for planting.
  • Method 2 .Before soaking, pour vodka on the bottom of the saucer and dip seeds wrapped in cheesecloth for 15–20 minutes into it. You should carefully observe the time that the seeds did not get burned. Removing the vodka from the saucer, rinse the seeds thoroughly with water and dry.
Soaking parsley seeds
Both ways will help the seeds to germinate faster.

Also, some gardeners use soaking parsley seeds, carrots or dill in milk, and are satisfied with the result.

How to make the treatment and preparation of soil for growing

Before planting seeds in the garden it is necessary to prepare and process the soil. The soil begins to prepare in the fall. Garden beds dig and mullein introduced into the soil.

If the soil is predominantly clay, add sifted river sand and sawdust .In the spring, the ground should be well loosened and mineral fertilizers should be applied( it is better to plant parsley in fertile soil).

A bed where tomatoes, zucchini, onions, and cucumbers were previously grown is best suited for growing greens. Garden beds should be in the sun, or slightly shaded. To sow the seeds you need no deeper than 1 cm .Dust the grooves with earth, water well, mulch with humus or cover with polyethylene.

Leaving after planting in open ground

When the first shoots have risen, should loosen the soil and thin the shoots of .The first thinning is carried out in the presence of 2-3 sheets. The distance between the bushes should be more than 2 cm .

The second thinning must be performed with 5-6 sheets. Between plants leave not more than 6 cm .

Soil loosening and weed removal should be performed at least 4 times.

must be fed 2 times during the season and must be loosened at least 4 times .The first dressing is applied to the soil if the seedlings have 2-3 leaves. Nitrogen-rich fertilizers are best suited for this purpose.

To cut the stems you need as close as possible to the ground .It is not recommended to immediately cut a large number of leaves from a bush in one day. You need to cut 1/3 of the bush to give the bush time to recover. If you do not plan to collect seeds, the stem with buds must be removed, since new leaves will not grow.

Regular watering, weeding and loosening the soil are imperative for good crop production. Watering should be carried out in the evening. Loosening is necessary to give oxygen access to the roots of the plant. If there is a need for harvesting late parsley, it is recommended to sow twice a month.

The following varieties are recommended for planting in spring:

  1. Parsley " Ordinary ".Refers to early ripening varieties. Ripens in 70 days. The taste is spicy, the leaves are dissected, the socket is powerful. Only leaves are good for food.
  2. " Breeze " - sheet. The term of aging is 80 days. Taste is gentle, retains freshness and taste for a long time after cutting.
  3. " Astra " is a variety curly. Matures after 65 days. After cutting the bush quickly recovers and grows.
  4. " Yielding " - a variety of root greens, with a pointed root. The term of aging is 130 days;
  5. " Festival " - leaf parsley. Ripening period 56-65 days. The leaves have a dark green color, fragrant, strongly dissected. After cutting it grows well.

How to plant seeds for the winter

Sowing for the winter parsley is good because the greens will begin to appear as soon as the snow has melted and become warm.

Seeds, wintered in the ground, germinate very actively .Cutting and the first greens, garden can be used again.

The soil for planting should be prepared in the fall. Having dug a bed it is necessary to apply fertilizer. For this purpose it is better to use mullein.

In November, , after the onset of frost, when the topsoil is frozen by 2 cm, you can sow the seeds. seeds are not recommended to soak , so that they do not ascend before the onset of frost.

In the soil it is necessary to make grooves 2 cm deep with a distance between rows of 15-20 cm. Pour a layer of quick lime of 0.5 cm thick into the grooves and sow parsley seeds thickly in them. Fill the grooves with earth and mulch with humus. Humus will keep warm and protect from the wind.

In the spring, as soon as shoots appear, it is necessary to irrigate 3 times a week with warm water .Water the plants should be in the evening.

When planting before winter, after emergence of shoots, water 3 times a week.

After the appearance of 2 leaves on the shoots, the first thinning is necessary. Leave should be only the strongest shoots. The second thinning is carried out when there are 5-6 leaflets on the seedlings. The distance between the bushes and the leaves is 10 cm.

. Feeding is necessary to make twice .The first time after the leaves appear. The second feeding to carry out in two weeks. After applying the dressing, watering is necessary so that the nutrients penetrate well into the soil and dissolve there.

If the soil is not depleted in top dressing is not necessary, because parsley does not like abundance of fertilizers.

Causes of poor seed germination

Even experienced gardeners sometimes face the problem of poor parsley germination. Let's try to understand the reasons why it may not rise:

  1. Increased acidity of the soil .Normalize the level of acidity by adding ash to the soil;
  2. Soil heavy .If parsley seeds are planted deep, it cannot penetrate a thick layer of soil. It is necessary to sow to a depth of no more than 1 cm in spring and 1.5 cm for the winter. In the event that the soil is clayey, it is necessary to add sifted river sand and sawdust to the soil;
  3. Bed in the shadow of .Greens grow well in sunny beds. In the shadows can not ascend at all. In the case of seedlings on shaded beds, it will be very pale, with a faint aroma and poorly pronounced taste;
  4. Seeds with a poor shelf life .Saves germination for only three years. To get a good harvest you need to sow only fresh seeds;
  5. Long sprouting period of .The high content in the seeds of essential oils repels water and makes germination difficult. To speed up the process, seeds are soaked in hot water.
One of the causes of poor germination is seeds with a bad shelf life.

Harvesting and storing

Parsley greens can be harvested throughout the season.

The best way to store parsley leaves is freezing. Why?- When frozen, parsley does not lose its flavor, the color remains the same, its taste does not change.

Wash parsley leaves, towel dry, chop finely. Sliced ​​leaves folded in a plastic bag and put in the freezer, even when frozen, they will look great.

If necessary, the right amount is easily separated from the total mass( frozen parsley is cut easily).Parsley stalks to collect in small bunches and freeze.

Their is used in the preparation of any hot dishes. It is enough for 5 minutes before the end of cooking to lower a bunch of stems into a hot dish. It will improve its taste. Also parsley can be stored in a dry form, having previously dried it in a dry room with poor lighting.

Root parsley is harvested in late autumn, before the onset of frost. Cut the leaves and store in the basement, sprinkling it with sand.

This spicy and healthy plant with proper planting and proper care will surely please with a rich, full of vitamins harvest. Planting and growing it is easy, the main thing is to carry out seed treatment and care for it properly.

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