Planting rules zucchini and care for them in the open field

This is an early maturing crop that produces fruit throughout the summer. The plant is unpretentious, but requires care. Planting and cultivation is carried out in open ridges, for early harvest, seedlings are planted in greenhouses. In this article, we will look at how to properly plant a zucchini in open ground, as well as how to care for it at home and how to feed it during the whole growing season.

Table of Contents

  • Terms for planting seeds of zucchini in open ground
  • Proper preparation of the beds and planting seed at home
  • Care during the growing season
  • How can you feed and fertilize zucchini?
    • Mineral fertilizers
    • Organic fertilizers
    • Other organic fertilizers and top dressing
  • Pests and control
  • Harvesting and storing the crop

Planting seeds of the zucchini in the open ground

Crop the seeds in the plan, by the means of the session, we served it. MayIn the cold earth, the seeds will not germinate, rot and die. Therefore, landing is left to warmer weather. With late night frosts, tender growths will freeze. Planting zucchini seeds for seedlings is carried out at will, since the fruits have time to ripen and planted immediately seeds on the depth of the soil.

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You can do this at the beginning of May( for the middle lane), pre-spilling the hole with warm water. Seeding site is covered with a plastic 5-liter transparent canister with a cut-off neck. It turns out a mini greenhouse for each plant. Do not forget that planting vegetables in the soil and in the greenhouse or greenhouse is significantly different.

After the onset of sustained heat and the absence of night frost, the canister is removed and the seeds can be grown further

Proper preparation of the beds and planting seed at home

Best to prepare the ridge in the fall. When digging bring rotten manure or compost, a full range of fertilizers - superphosphate, potash salt, ammonium nitrate. Fir need, pre lime.

Where and which side to plant the seeds? Squashes can be sown on compost heaps. A loose, humus-rich land is a good place for this culture.

Pumpkins do not plant near the pumpkin. Pollination will reduce the yield of both crops.

It is enough to loosen the bedstead prepared in the autumn and make holes in it. The bush at the zucchini is volumetric; it is planted at a distance of 0.5-0.8 meters. Treat the seeds with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, ash, or nitroammofoski, soaking for 20 minutes. Then washed with water. This will protect the seeds from diseases and provide a friendly germination.

2-3 seeds are placed in the well in case one does not rise. At emergence of shoots, leave one sapling, the others pinch off.

Planting zucchini seeds in open ground in the soil with ash

Care during the growing season

Zucchini loves heat and moisture. In dry weather, water is watered once a week, not colder than 22 degrees. With a massive growth of fruits - every three days. Under each plant poured up to two liters of water. Before cleaning, do not water, so as not to suffer taste.

Culture does not tolerate the ingress of moisture on the leaves. Water under a root from a watering can without a spray. After that, spud and mulch.

A large shrub and large fruits require a lot of nutrition. Fertilizers begin to make after the appearance of these leaves and continue the entire period of fruiting. Fertilizers are well applied in liquid form. Most of all he loves organic. The development of vegetable positive effect have foliar dressing. Spraying the bush every 10 days with a solution of fertilizer, you can significantly increase the yield.

Weeds are dangerous only until it grows, in the future they simply can not grow under a spreading crown.

Watering the recently sprung-up

zucchini How can you feed and fertilize zucchini?

What fertilizers are used for the plant, list them:

  • Mineral.
  • Organic.
  • Fertilizers from improvised means.

Mineral Fertilizers

For the development of this crop, the full complex fertilizer is used in this composition: 1 tbsp.spoon of potassium sulfate, double superphosphate, urea is dissolved in 10 liters of water. After complete dissolution, water under the root system of 1.5 liters per plant.

Nitrogen causes an increase in the green mass of the plant. Apply in the spring and summer. Closer to autumn, their use is undesirable. These are urea, ammonium, calcium and sodium nitrate, ammonium sulfate.

Phosphorous helps fruits to ripen faster, reduce the growing season. These are superphosphate, double superphosphate, phosphoric flour.

Potash increase plant resistance to moisture and heat deficiency. Increase resistance to diseases and pests. There are potassium sulfate, potassium chloride, potassium salts.

Magnesium and iron containing include magnesium oxide, boron, iron. Increase the yield of fruits and their quality. Magnesium promotes soil deoxidation. Fertilize better in the fall according to a certain pattern, as indicated in the instructions.

It is very convenient to use ready-made complex fertilizers. They contain the necessary chemical elements as a percentage. Azophoska, nitrophoska, diammophos include phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium in a state of easy assimilation for plants.

Very important for plant development microadditives: boric, molybdenum, manganese, copper. They require a small amount, add to the complex.

Urea is a mineral fertilizer used for feeding zucchini

Organic fertilizer

Organic is an important component in the nutrition of zucchini. They consist of the main elements - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, trace elements, vitamins. All this is easily digested. So feed zucchini can be at any time.

Manure. Organics of animal origin. Not very nutritious feeding. Improves soil structure. The simultaneous application of mineral fertilizers and manure improves the absorption of mineral.

Humus. Overfilled manure. Improves the condition and composition of the soil. Digest after making a bush in a short time.

Compost. It turns out after decomposition of vegetable and kitchen waste. Its maturation lasts at least three years. Used for feeding, mulching.

Bird droppings .It contains all the necessary components, the most valuable manure fertilizer. It takes time to be prepared to make a culture. Fresh, corrosive, can burn roots and leaves.

Peat .Makes soil easier, nourishes. Not every peat is useful. Sour peat is used in composts.

Bird droppings for fertilizing the soil

Other organic fertilizers and top dressings

For food they use grass and leaves, yeast, ash, food waste.

Green grass, nettle is especially good, soaked in a barrel of water, kept for 10-15 days, and get a herbal infusion. Strain it and get a fertilizer that is easily digested in a quick time.

Green grass dressing is obtained by digging and embedding in the ground, grown on the garden sideratov.

Stimulate the growth and development of zucchini, yeast supplements. Yeast can be added to the herbal infusion or diluted in warm water with sugar.

People's infusion of wood ash contains many trace elements, reduces the acidity of the soil. Does not contain nitrogen, it should be added.

Pests and control of them

Squashes are subject to such diseases:

  • White rot
  • Gray rot.
  • Mealy Dew.
  • Fusarium wilt.

White and gray rot covers leaves, stalks and ovaries with bloom, they soften and dry out. This is a fungus. Appears in cold wet weather in dense landings. Disputes persist in the ground. To destroy the disease spray copper sulphate, sulfuric zinc, urea solution. Do not thicken the landing, watered with warm water.

Mealy Dew. The leaves are first affected, then the disease affects the whole plant. Absorbs plant nutrition, reduces yield. Distributed with fluctuations in temperature, excess nitrogen. It is treated by spraying colloidal sulfur, manure infusion, solution of potassium permanganate.

Fusarium wilt affects the roots. With further development goes to the stem, and it dies. You can destroy only completely replacing the soil.

All these diseases are stored on plant residues and in the soil. It is possible to prevent their occurrence by thoroughly preparing the ridges, burning plant residues, post-harvest processing, and observing crop rotation.

Insect pests for zucchini:

  • Gourd aphid.
  • Spider Mite.
  • Whitefly.

The larvae of gourd aphids hibernate on the remains of plants, multiply rapidly in the spring. Damage the stems and leaves, after which they dry out. To prevent insect invasion will help autumn cleaning of the ridges, burning vegetable debris. In the summer, the plants are sprayed with an infusion of hot pepper, onions, potato tops, and powdered with tobacco dust.

Spider mite is a small invisible pest. Populates the bottom of the sheet. Causes leaf spot and their drying out. Control measures such as with aphids.

The whitefly forms a sticky sugar coating on the back of the leaves. This is the environment for the formation of various fungi and plant diseases. The pest can be flushed away with water, not allowing them to remain on the ground afterwards. When a large number of insects, the soil after harvest, treat the insecticide "Commander".

Harvesting and storing the crop

The most tasty and useful are green fruits up to 25 cm long. They have thin skin and small immature seeds. Taking off the squash in time, we help the formation and growth of new ovaries. In this case, all summer we will have fresh Zelentsy. From the end of August, we begin to make storage for the winter. We collect fruits with hard skin and a long stalk for better storage. Crop harvested to the frost.

Well ripened zucchini can be stored in a cool room for 4-5 months until March.

Squashes early-ripening crop, we get the first harvest 20 days after flowering. Early harvest, allows you to get fresh vitamins in early summer. The wide possibilities of their use makes zucchini a popular crop among gardeners.

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