8 best ways to plant cucumbers

The classic way to plant cucumbers in open ground is not the only one. Yes, and the greenhouse is now a little surprise anyone, because the imagination of modern gardeners abound. Trying to create the most favorable conditions for the cultivation of the beloved vegetable of all, new technologies were developed. Unusual methods include planting cucumber in a barrel, five liter bottles, and we will look at the process of growing each of them step by step.

It is possible to plant cucumbers in the ways described in the summer cottage in the Moscow region, the Leningrad region, and even plant them on a balcony. The choice of method depends on the climatic conditions and your ideas.

The contents ofHow to plant seedlings in peat tablets

Four unusual ways of planting cucumber

Among the most interesting and unexpected options for organizing a bed stand outguides.

In bags

The method of growing greens in bags is very similar to the technology with the use of the barrel.

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packages with a capacity of 70-120 liters or ordinary sugar bags are used as tare. They are filled with a mixture of soil and manure. Peat and humus will not interfere either.

If the tank is large, then dry grass and other small garden waste can be poured onto the bottom. The thickness of the upper soil layer should be not less than 10-15 cm .

Bags for planting cucumbers are chosen with a volume of 70-120 liters.
The place for bags is chosen solar and ventilated, but without drafts.

Installed bags from 3-4 sides are supported by metal bars .A wooden stick( about 2 m) is driven into the center of the improvised garden, at the top of which a nail is driven in. A line or cord is pulled from the nail to the support bars to create a trellis.

An important attribute is 3 plastic tubing 80-100 cm long, through which watering is carried out. They must have through holes from top to bottom for water supply to the soil.

with 10-15 seeds is planted in one bag. After the formation of 2-3 leaves, the shoots are thinned out, leaving the strongest from 3 to 6 pieces( depending on the size of the bag).

The technology of growing with the use of bags has the following advantages:

  • saves space on the site;
  • does not require digging and weeding;
  • provides easy care of the bed;
  • fruits are clean, with heavy rains are protected from rotting and damage.
The method of growing in bags helps to save space.

The disadvantages of the method are insignificant, because you only need to spend a little money and time on the construction of vertical beds. And, of course, you need to monitor the soil moisture level in order to get a quality crop.

Landing technology in a hut

The method involves driving the pipe in the center( 3 m) in such a way that 1 m goes underground. A circle with a diameter of about 1 m is marked on it. According to the scheme, 4 wooden sticks with a pipe mount are installed. The result is a skeleton of a hut or a tent .

Between you need to plant seeds or seedlings with an interval of 30 cm .When the sprouts reach 15 cm, the cord is fixed in a circle to the very top, forming a trellis. On it will crawl up the whip. It is possible to grow in such a way and not compact, but a tall bush, but one can be engaged in its shaping.

You can start planting a bed a couple of weeks earlier, because a film can be attached to the frame that will prevent the plants from freezing.

Advantages of the method:

  • economical allocation of free space for beds;
  • fruits are not contaminated with soil; rotting due to excess moisture is excluded;
  • such beds decorate the garden, serve as shading to other plants that are afraid of the sun.
Landing on the frame in the form of a hut

There are practically no drawbacks to the landing organization of the landing hut, you just have to work with the construction of the supporting structure. The only significant disadvantage is the slow development of bushes planted on the north side, a little lack of light.

How to land in old automobile tires

Such a cultivation technology differs compactness and unusual design of beds .

The process of creating a vertical structure consists in placing 3-5 tires on each other and filling the cavity first with large garden waste, then with a mixture of soil, rotted manure and peat.

In the center, a pipe is drilled with holes along the entire length through which watering is carried out. If arcs are installed over the structure, the landing can be started earlier by pulling a film over the rods.

Growing cucumbers in wheels allows you to harvest 2 crops per season.

Advantages of the method:

  • economical allocation of space for a vegetable garden;
  • bed mobility;
  • unusual design;
  • planting cucumbers can be twice per season .


  • will have to work on the installation and design;
  • need to find tires;
  • soil is suitable only loose and light.

How to grow on wicker

Our ancestors used the method.

The bottom line is to build a fence of willow twigs. This material is distinguished by high flexibility .Moreover, in contact with it, the plant feels comfortable .

Along a row with planted seeds or seedlings, supports from thick branches or thin wooden sticks are driven into the ground. Between them willow twisted. Knitting at the same time should not be dense, cucumbers need light and air. A developing whip is spreading along the hedge, forming a vertical bed.

Advantages of the method:

  • economical consumption of space in the garden;
  • willow branches create diffused light , which eliminates the burning of the plant in steady hot weather;
  • neighboring cultures are slightly shaded;
  • reduces the risk of fungal infections.
Frame of wicker lash for growing cucumber

The main disadvantage of the method is the procurement of the necessary material and the complexity of creating a bed.

How to plant in the open ground under the film

Using a shelter on productive beds makes it possible to get high-quality fruit. polyethylene film or agrofibre is used as a covering material.

Important technology factors are:

  • good illumination;
  • irrigation with warm water;
  • introduction of nitrogen, phosphate fertilizers and organic supplements;
  • loosening and weeding the soil.

When the daily temperature of is stable, 22-23 degrees start sowing seeds in open ground. After watering, the bed is covered with foil. The edges are carefully pressed to the ground with bricks or other fasteners.

Planting cucumbers under the film requires constant care.

After germination in the daytime, the bed needs to be opened, and covering material is closed at night to protect plants from minus and possible frosts, which may even be in May. Such protection prevents freezing of seedlings and rotting in case of rainy weather.

As the seedlings of grow, they install arcs of metal rods to fix the film on them. It is important to adhere to the general rules for the care of cucumbers, which consist in regular irrigation, ventilation, and the introduction of bait.

The technology of growing greens under a film allows early seeding to begin. The period of fruiting accordingly comes faster.

Proper planting in plastic five-liter bottles

. The method of growing greens in five-liter bottles is ideal for growing in regions with the harsh climate .It does not need to transplant young shoots on the greenhouse beds.

The method consists in filling an mixture with a mixture of fertile soil, peat and wood ash .Several drainage holes should be made on the bottom of the container; it is not recommended to cut off the upper part before forming 2-3 leaves. It can serve as a cover to create a greenhouse effect.

Planting in bottles is well suited for regions with a harsh climate.

sprouted seeds are immersed in the prepared soil. As soon as shoots seem, it is necessary to provide good illumination. When saplings reach 15 cm, you will need to install an improvised trellis for the garter of a developing whip.

You can make bottles with grown seedlings in a greenhouse, a greenhouse, or even in an open garden bed. The main thing is to provide good access of light and to exclude drafts.

Plastic bottle with a capacity of 5 liters can be used in a different way. The upper part digs into the ground when transferring to the garden, and the upper part when seeding is cut off completely. The depth of immersion in the ground is slightly more than the length of the spade bayonet.

Growing cucumbers in a barrel

This method involves the use of large barrels placed on the site in a convenient manner.

The main advantage of the technology is the space saving , even on a small courtyard it is quite possible to make a good harvest. Capacities will approach both old, and new wooden kegs or from metal.

The method works under the condition that the interlayers are correctly formed in the barrel. For starters, the bottom of the tank is drilled through holes or simply cut. This is necessary so that the excess moisture does not stagnate in the soil, otherwise it will turn sour. In the case of plastic containers, it is reasonable to make holes along the contour.

The first layer( 1/3 of the container) is filled with large branches, wedges and pebbles ( expanded clay, crushed stone) for drainage. The following layers are stacked in this order:

  • garden waste, paper( 2/3 of capacity) mixed with the soil;
  • substrate( 10-25 cm).
Both plastic and metal barrels can be used for planting.

Soil is used purchased, suitable for cucumbers, or prepared by yourself. For this, fertile soil is mixed with manure, humus, compost. If the ground is too dense, it is diluted with coarse river sand.

In the center of the barrel, a five-liter bottle with a bottom-down mouth is instilled into it. This kind of container serves as a moisture distributor for irrigation, through which additional fertilizers and fertilizers are also introduced. Small openings need to be made from all sides of the container, so the irrigation system will function more efficiently.

After installing and filling the barrel with the mixture, it is necessary to perform regular watering with warm water or a solution of the EM preparation.

In a 200 liter barrel, optimally plant an of 4-6 seedlings of ( depending on the variety of cucumbers).When using plants differing in long whip, it is recommended to build a frame of crossed rods bent into an arc over the barrel.

How to plant seedlings in peat tablets

The technology is used for growing seedlings.

The main advantage is the complete safety of the root system during transplantation of .The young shoots of cucumbers are distinguished by underdeveloped roots, therefore, when transferring a seedling to a garden bed, the probability of plant death is high. In the case of a peat tablet, this is excluded, since the shoot escapes into the hole with it.

The principle of growing seedlings is as follows:

  • in a container with low sides are placed peat cups, filled with water;
  • after swelling of the workpiece in the recess is lowered on the grain;
  • container covered with film;
  • capacity is placed in a warm place;
  • moisturizes as the peat dries;
  • after germination of seedlings box installed in a well-lit place.


The use of this technology eliminates the additional cost of consumables, reduces the time of disembarkation. In addition, the place to grow seedlings in peat pots does not require much, the container is mobile and easy to maintain .When transplanting the plant is not injured and quickly take root in the garden.

Using simultaneously several methods of growing cucumbers, it is possible to get a guaranteed harvest regardless of the vagaries of the weather and the climatic features of the region. And with the right approach, you can pamper your family and friends with fresh green stuff all year-round.

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