Any dish with the addition of fresh greens is not only tastier, looks more attractive, it becomes much healthier. In winter, the garden under the snow. Green harvest will not be soon. How to grow dill on the windowsill, to always have on hand a fragrant, rich in useful elements, vitamins, vegetation - consider in detail in this article.
- How is dill useful for the body?
- Dill on the windowsill - varieties
- Dill - how to grow at home?
- Dill on the windowsill in the winter - cultivation features
- How to grow dill at home?
Dill, grown at home, photo:
How useful dill is for the body
They knew about the beneficial properties of dill in ancient times - they used greens and seeds for preparing decoctions. Today, rarely anyone can argue about the importance of dill for our diet. The plant not only gives a spicy taste to dishes, but bears in its composition a powerful vitamin complex, as well as a source of valuable macro-, microelements. Dill improves the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the intestines( thanks to green fibers), its beneficial components normalize the metabolic processes in the body, eliminate bloating.
Learn the features of growing dill on the windowsill - with viral, colds, this plant will come to your aid. With increased pressure, nerve irritation or sleep disorders, decoction of dill greens( seeds) will be a real medicine, natural and harmless. The exception to the reception is hypotension( so as not to lower the pressure even more), individual allergic reactions. Even pregnant women, nursing mothers will dill. First - it will help get rid of toxemia, prepare the body for breastfeeding, the second - will increase lactation, if circumstances so require. For greater confidence, it is better to consult with your doctor, and then feel free to eat dill, tea, infusions from it. And now, let's start with the most basic - with the choice of variety, which is ideal for home cultivation.
Pot with dill, photo:
Dill on the windowsill - varieties
You can sow the seeds at any time of the year, for harmonious development and growth they need good lighting and fertile soil. An interesting fact is that for indoor breeding of this culture there are no special varieties! Many people unknowingly try to acquire the early varieties - this is not worth doing. Firstly, in terms of ripening, the early-ripe species will outstrip the usual variety by about 10 days, and secondly, it will not have that characteristic spicy flavor to which we are accustomed. Early fennel is short-lived, and its bushes are not so lush as those of late-ripening or mid-ripening varieties.
According to the recommendations of experienced gardeners, in order to sow dill for the winter, give preference to the following varieties: “Gourmet”, “Russian Size”, “Salut”, “Richelieu”.The varieties are especially bushy: “Dill”, “Kibray”, “Amazon”, “Buyan”.Such greens from home garden beds are good not only for use for their intended purpose, it will also decorate your interior, it will please the eye with bright colors and pomp. If you still want to choose exactly the early variety, then take the "Gribovsky" or "Grenadier" - they have the best indicators for home breeding, if based on the feedback from the gardeners from thematic forums on the Internet.
Before growing dill on a window sill in the winter, take care of the containers for it. For these purposes, elongated plastic or clay trays( pots) are best suited, which can be purchased in the relevant departments of supermarkets or flower shops. The tank should have sufficient depth, because in addition to the ground, a drainage layer( expanded clay, medium-sized crushed stone or small pebbles) will need to be laid down. It goes without saying that the bottom of the pots must have drainage holes.
Suitable dredge tank, photo:
Dill - how to grow at home?
After you have decided on a variety, you need to choose the right soil. For this purpose, a ready-made mixture for indoor plants is well suited. You can also independently mix in equal quantities neutral soil and loose garden soil. Or take the same proportions of peat, humus, sod soil - such a composition will be very much liked dill. In order to be sure that no harmful bacteria are absent, calcine the earth mixture in the oven( about half an hour), and then let it stand for 24 hours.
How to grow dill - what to do with the seeds? An important nuance: the seeds should be pre-prepared( "wake up").Soak them in warm water( about 8-10 hours), while the water should be changed periodically( after 2.5-3 hours).Experienced gardeners generally recommend soaking dill fruits for at least a day, and you need to change the water every 5 hours. In any case, both options "work", and the procedure itself accelerates the emergence of shoots, the growth of greenery.
Sometimes several crystals of potassium permanganate are added to the water, this nuance is especially relevant if the seeds are not the first freshness, you have been stored for more than two years. After the fruits swell slightly from the “bath”, they should be laid out to dry using a clean cloth. During soaking, you will see that some seeds have sunk to the bottom of the tank - these seeds are no longer suitable for planting, they should be removed immediately.
How to grow dill? Pure river sand should be poured into the landing tanks above the drainage layer. The sand is laid in a thin layer, it is also recommended to pre-ignite it in the oven. Soil is laid on the sand, must be moistened. Seeds can be deepened as you like - by grooves or simply evenly scattering over the area of the pot, after which they should be sprinkled with a thin layer of peat( about 1 cm), slightly pressed. Then cover the container with plastic wrap, put in a warm place( +18. . + 20 ° C).It will take about 10 days.
The film will create a greenhouse effect. If you plant dill for the winter, then put the pot closer to the battery - so you will create the necessary microclimate for successful spiking sprouts. Periodically lift the film to remove condensation. As soon as sprouts appear, the capacity can be transferred to the window sill or any bright place where the green will grow further. Sprouts need light, this culture is light-requiring by itself, so dill should spend all stages of life in a lighted place.
Sprouts, photo:
Dill - how to grow? South windows are the best place to place pots of greens. In winter, when the day is very short, your mini-garden will have to illuminate with the help of fluorescent lights. The illumination time should be approximately 5 hours, while the lamps should be placed above the containers( distance of about half a meter).Special fitolamps are also perfect for this purpose.
Dill on the window sill in winter - cultivation features
The optimum temperature for favorable growth of dill is +18. . + 20 ° C.Keep in mind that if the thermometer’s column rises much higher, the plants will bend to the side, become lethargic, pale. If you feel the lack of light, dill will begin to stretch in length, the stems will be thin, the leaves will be small. This is a culture of a long day, with a 10-12 hour light day an increase in green mass occurs, and for the formation of fruits you need 14 hours. In our case, obtaining seeds is not so important, because we grow a plant to obtain fragrant greenery.
Biological features of dill imply sufficient moisture saturation, especially during the period of sprouting sprouts and, in fact, the growth itself. Here it is important to find a middle ground, since with a glut of moisture, the culture begins to fade, the earth grows mildew, and with a lack it stops growing the leaves, coarsens. Watering dill for the winter should be often, but moderately, it is also recommended to practice irrigation with a spray. If the plant is grown in the summer, then watering or spraying should be done more often. For these purposes, the water must have a suitable temperature( not lower than 30 ° C), be separated or thawed.
The tricks of growing dill on greens - in addition to the requirements for lighting and watering, you should get rid of weeds in time. If the greens grow too thick, it can be thinned out - remove weaker representatives. This plant loves freedom, so this procedure is important for comfortable development and growth of shoots. Do not be lazy, daily turn the containers with dill 180 degrees, so they will grow more evenly, without stretching in length. Once a month, you can apply fertilizer, for these purposes the complex feeding is optimal. Many gardeners practice biohumus or the drug “BIUD” diluted with water( 1:20).Do not overdo it with top dressing; if you have planted seeds in fertile soil, fertilizer supplements should be minimal.
Harvest, photo:
How to grow dill at home?
Based on the foregoing, the most important criteria for the cultivation of dill are high-quality lighting and proper hydration. The higher the temperature in your apartment, the more actively you should water the soil, irrigate the ground part of the plants. At first, as soon as the seedlings appear, it is desirable to lower the temperature near the containers with plants with the arrival of night. This is done to ensure that sprouts gain strength, and do not stretch upwards. This plan can be implemented by the removal of pots on the balcony before night falls. You can also open the window to the plants "breathe" fresh air. Naturally, consider the time of year outside the window outside temperature.
Now you know how to plant dill for the winter, how to grow it all year round, because for this plant there is no time limit in terms of planting. Light, the duration of daylight hours is an important criterion for dill, in spring and summer it will be much easier to provide yourself with fresh herbs than in late autumn or winter. How to grow dill on the windowsill - the instruction is simple: well-chosen soil, a suitable and bright place, additional lighting( if necessary), proper watering. If you follow these simple rules, you will always have at hand lush, juicy, healthy greens!
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