How to effectively deal with aphids on the currants?

Each currant berry is an incomparable storehouse of vitamins, a source for tasty homemade preparations, fruit drinks, and a filling for pies. Without exaggeration, a good, abundant harvest of puffed bellied shiny berries is the desire of any gardener. It is quite realistic, with the correct selection of bushes, taking into account the climate, and competent care for them.

However, currant has a serious enemy - parasites that seriously reduce yields, or generally nullify all the efforts of the gardener .The main pests that are prescribed on berry bushes are aphids and kidney mites. The first signs of plant contamination can be dried or folded leaves and shoots. Let's see why such pests appear, what to do and how to deal with them?

Table of contents

  • Why the currant leaves the area
  • What should I do if currants dry?
  • Why the leaves of currant turn yellow and dry

    The causes of bush disease when the leaves and whole fresh shoots start to dry are most often fungal infections and pests.

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    The cause of drying leaves on currants are infectious diseases and parasitic insects

    The main parasites that harm currants are:

    • spider mite;
    • kidney mite;
    • currant glass bowl;
    • currant leaf galley;
    • currant shoots gallitsa;
    • leaf gall aphid;
    • gooseberry shoot aphid.

    Currant sore from the following infections:

    • sphere library;
    • anthracnose;
    • septoriosis;
    • columnar rust;
    • glass rust.

    Currant bushes are most often affected by a variety of aphids and kidney mites.

    Bud mite, methods of dealing with it

    This pest has been living on the currant bush all its life. A very small insect, the length of the female's body is only 1.5-3 mm , and the males are even smaller than .Insects overwinter and lay eggs in plant buds. When the larvae hatch, they become little room, respectively, they move to the adjacent buds, capturing new shoots. Thus, the whole blackcurrant bush is affected, and then the next currant bushes and other plants - raspberries, gooseberries, and others - also fall ill.

    Currant buds damaged by a tick

    Of course, an escape affected by a pest does not develop. If such branches grow, it is only in a mutated form. Accordingly, the yield decreases. In addition to reducing the number of berries, mites cause other harm. They are a vector of many infections that can affect plants, including viral curl or marbling .In this disease, the leaves curl and become sticky, almost as if they were affected by aphids.

    There are a lot of methods for controlling mites on currants:

    Pouring boiling water

    The way to solve a problem is the most ecological and with minimal costs. The method is quite effective - all the larvae die during welding, and the bush becomes only stronger and stronger.

    For the prevention of currant branches can be scalded in late autumn

    The use of boiling water has its own nuances:

    • no need to use boiling water, enough temperature in the 60-80 degrees ;
    • branches will be more convenient to drench if tie them together ;
    • ticks begin activity with the first warm rays, if the bush has already begun to bloom, then it cannot be watered with boiling water .Processing must be done before the appearance of "green haze";
    • douche can also be used additionally to conduct in late autumn.

    Manual removal

    This method requires concentration and patience. Sort the kidneys in order to remove the tick should be in early spring, before their disclosure.

    This method has two major drawbacks of .Firstly, it is very difficult to distinguish a visually healthy kidney from the one in which the larvae lurked. Secondly, the probability of cutting full-bodied healthy shoots is great, especially at the end of the inspection of the plant.

    When choosing this method, all removed buds should be collected in one bucket and burned.

    Sulfuric chemicals

    The most popular and effective preparations based on sulfur are:

    • colloidal sulfur;
    • lime-sulfur decoction.
    Ticks do not tolerate sulfur in any form. Preventive spraying with sulfur-containing solutions is a guarantee that pests will not spread on the bushes.

    If the plant is severely affected, then it is necessary to prepare a solution of sulfur in proportions of 10 grams per 1 liter of water, and treat the plant with them. Shrubs are treated with sulfur twice :

    • before flowering or at the beginning of it use a 2% solution;
    • after flowering - 1% or 1.5% mixture with sulfur.
    Sulfur Chemicals

    Are Used to Fight Kidney MiteIt is important to follow the recommendations specified in the instructions for chemicals to comply with safety measures when working with him.


    This is an extreme, cardinal measure. If a tick suddenly turns out to be resistant to everything in the world, and this, although very rarely, but it happens, the plant is cut off at the root of an late fall, or else it is completely dug out, that is, completely destroyed.

    After the destruction of a sore bush, as well as after its pruning, the entire instrument with which the work was carried out must be disinfected and, if possible, also be calcined additionally.

    Folk remedies and methods

    Long since with mites struggled with garlic .He was simply planted around the bushes, creating a kind of parasite fence.

    Also, the affected shoots were doused with steep garlic decoction - 200-300 grams of peeled garlic per 10 liters of water.

    If flowering has already begun, the bushes are sprayed with decoctions of such plants as:

    • tobacco is a plant, but the tobacco that is used in production is suitable;
    • Dandelion;
    • walnut.

    The use of simple tea brewing has also shown itself well.

    Using popular recipes, you need to remember that these measures are good with a slight spread of the tick. If the area affected by the pest is large, then more effective measures should be taken.

    For the prevention of tick activity, there is nothing better than acaricides .This is a modern line of broad-spectrum chemical agents, which means helping not only with tick control, but also with other pests and a number of diseases. Preparations are presented very widely in any of the shops for gardeners and are a complete alternative to sulfur, having its effect, but without harming the bush.

    Aphids on white, black and red currants, how to fight?

    If blisters appeared on the leaves of red or white currants, and black leaves curled up into tubes. This suggests plant damage by a parasite like aphid.

    Blisters on currant leaves - a sign of the appearance of aphids

    Aphid usually grows on the bushes of the white and red varieties:

    • is red-hallow;
    • currant hairy.

    Black is fond of gooseberry aphid.

    The following weather conditions are dangerous for sick plants and extremely favorable for aphids:

    • is arid;
    • hot;
    • solar.

    All the wonderful days for relaxing in the country, as if meant for barbecue and lawn cutting, are loved not only by man, but also by aphids. It is necessary to fight this pest all the time, since the life cycle of an individual is very short, and the for the summer season can change from 10 to 15 generations in one colony of insects .

    Aphid settled on the currant is an insect very small, on average the length of the calf is only 2.2 mm. With close aggregation, the pests are similar to a spot of light grayish, yellow or green shades.

    Aphids feed on sap of currant leaves, glaring at them from the back. Even a small settlement of these pests takes a lot of power from the bush, significantly reducing not only the crop, but also the growth and development of currants.

    In the case of affected currant leaves, the leaves curl and then die.

    The waste of aphids is pad, or, as it is also called, honeydew, the favorite delicacy of ants. The erroneous opinion is widespread that ants eat aphids, helping the gardeners to fight it. It's not like that at all.on the contrary, ants carefully protect pest colonies and even spread aphids, transferring it to fresh shoots and neighboring bushes.

    Aphids and ants are a natural symbiosis of species, therefore, it is extremely important, starting a fight against aphids, to destroy anthills as well.

    You can get rid of pest colonies in the following common ways:

    • , noticing leaves with bulges on bushes, shoots with twisted lumps of leaves, you should immediately, , cut and burn ;
    • well helps spraying bushes and treating each sheet with an infusion of ash and fringe prepared in this proportion - 400-500 grams per 10 liters of water;
    • gives a good effect to manually washing each sheet of and then spraying the whole plant with a solution of soap and soda - plenty of soap and a tablespoon of soda per liter of water;
    • for aphids is poisonous celandine , so by preparing the infusion in the proportion of 3.5-4 kg of freshly mown celandine per 10 liters of water, you can spray the bushes, as well as already affected, and apparently healthy, but you need to wear gloves and a respirator, becausecelandine can cause severe irritation;
    • is simply to wash each sheet of with a soap, and the escape is best for household use.

    In addition to these widely accepted and fairly simple methods, pesticides and insecticides can be used against aphids, such as:

    • vowatox;
    • karbofos;
    • film mix;
    • actor;
    • castles.

    The list of drugs offered by the industry is quite large and varied, but whichever one you choose, you will have to spray the bushes three times:

    • in spring, before bud break;
    • after the appearance of leaflets;
    • in the summer, about a month before picking berries( July - August, depending on the variety).

    For preventive measures, to initially scare away aphids, it is good to plant plants next to a currant that it does not tolerate:

    • onions;
    • dill;
    • tomatoes;
    • garlic;
    • mint;
    • parsley;
    • Basil;
    • Coriander;
    • Tansy;
    • marigold.
    Comprehensive measures will be most effective, including the detection and harassment of ants. Getting rid of aphids is completely difficult, but it is quite possible.

    What should I do if currants dry?

    There are quite a few reasons for which the bushes may start to turn yellow and dry, but can all be divided into three categories:

    • natural circumstances;
    • pest action;
    • plant diseases.
    Both natural factors and the effects of pests

    can cause the currant bush to dry. Natural causes include weather, such as drought. The wrong place in which the bush grows is too sunny and dry, or, conversely, moisture stagnation, which causes rotting of the roots.

    Insects that harm currants, the most common cause of drying leaves. In addition to traditional parasites, ants and butterflies can cause plant discomforts.

    Diseases leading to the drying out of plants are usually tolerated by insects. The most frequent of them are:

    • streaky and striped mosaics;
    • anthracnose, a fungal infection requiring immediate action;
    • powdery mildew, both European and American;
    • chalcosporosis;
    • rust, both glass and columnar.

    If the sources of currant drying out are due to weather reasons, for example, in a hot and sunny summer, then it is easy to fight with them. It is only necessary to provide watering. Drink a lot of bushes, from 1.5 to 2 x buckets a day .During the ripening of berries, the amount of water received by the plant should be increased to three buckets.

    It is impossible to water the currants with cold water, the plant can get sick from such care. The water should warm up well in the sun. To do this, you can dial in the morning, leaving a day.

    In case the bush dries due to rotting of the roots, due to their flooding, which is typical of a very rainy summer, the actions should be as follows:

    • pour the plant under the plant;
    • around the bush, at a distance of 50-60 cm, dig through the drainage grooves.
    After the completion of heavy rains, when the earth is dry, the drainage layer needs to be filled up, as the currant is a moisture-loving plant, and under normal conditions does not need water drainage.

    If the bushes dry due to the fault of insects or diseases, then it is necessary to take appropriate measures.

    Not every modern summer resident understands the types of insect pests or a variety of plant diseases. Therefore, is very popular chemicals of a wide complex action, such substances include:

    • sulfur;
    • phosphomide;
    • karbofos;
    • vitriol;
    • Bordeaux liquid;
    • phytosporin;
    • foundation.

    Fungal infections, such as anthracnose, require the fastest treatment of the bush with fungicides. The causative agent of the disease, fungus, starts up in fallen leaves. That is why is extremely important to clean the leaves on the site and burn it .The disease itself manifests itself in the middle of summer, in the form of red-brown spots on the leaves. If the disease is not cured, the “rash” will seize all the leaves, eventually exposing the bush, and infect the neighboring plants.

    Red-brown spots on currant leaves - a sign of anthracnose

    As preventive measures against insects and diseases are very effective:

    • treatment of currants and soil under it with 2% solutions of nitrophen or karbhos in spring. Before bud break;
    • intermittent spraying of during the summer of bushes with foundationol.

    Often a currant dries simply because the bush has already grown old. In this case, either you need to rejuvenate it by pruning, or dig it up, and, after disinfecting and fertilizing the soil, plant a new one.

    To ensure that the currant is well fruited, not sick and not dried, is not so difficult. It suffices to meet certain conditions:

    • correctly choose a place for the bushes , not too dry and without stagnant water;
    • to provide irrigation in drought;
    • clean up the fallen leaves ;
    • prophylactically to process plants ;
    • carefully to monitor the status of bushes.

    If you follow these simple rules, currants will surely delight with large, juicy, tasty and very useful berries from year to year.

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