Diarrhea in broiler chickens: treatment and prevention

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Digestive disorders, accompanied by a frequent liquid or foamy litter, are very often observed in young chickens and can signal dangerous infectious diseases, helminthiases, poor quality stern. If the poultryman notices diarrhea in broiler chickens, treatment should begin without delay.

How dangerous is this symptom, and how to determine the cause of its occurrence? An accurate diagnosis can be made only by a specialist after a laboratory study of litter. However, the first, urgent measures must be taken.

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Whatever the reason for the occurrence of diarrhea, this phenomenon is always accompanied by irritation of the mucous membranes of the intestinal tract. The food ingested in the digestive system is poorly digested.

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Even with the same appetite, the chicks suffer from a deficiency of nutrients, dehydration, and a strong intoxication of the bird body begins. If the treatment is not started on time, the symptoms of other infections are added to the broiler chickens' diarrhea.

To start therapy sooner, experienced poultry farmers advise on the color and nature of the broiler chicken to determine what caused the problem. If you are attentive to a diseased bird, she will tell you the likely diagnosis, and what to treat if the broilers are scapegoating.

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White diarrhea in broilers: treatment and possible causes

Possible cause of liquid frequent litter with a whitish shade are salmonella. Infection is very common in poultry and, unfortunately, can affect a person. To the chickens, the disease passes from infected chickens, as well as by contact with common equipment or non-compliance with cleanliness in the poultry house.

When choosing a treatment strategy, in addition to white diarrhea in broilers, the presence of salmonella, pay attention:

  • on the depressed state of the bird;
  • the unwillingness of the chicks to move, inhibition;
  • on the backlog in development from healthy peers;
  • to rapid, labored breathing through a slightly opened beak.

In the case of salmonella-induced diarrhea, the treatment of broiler chickens in industrial farms is considered inexpedient, since the course can last about three weeks.

On private farmsteads with a causative agent of the disease, they are fighting with sulfanilamide preparations. It is important to set off sick birds and carefully monitor the well-being of the remaining ones.

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Broilers have brownish diarrhea

If the dyspepsia in chickens and chickens is expressed in a liquid, rapid litter of a brownish or brown hue, this can testify both to the use of poor-quality feeds, and about such a formidable disease as coccidiosis. Most often this disease is diagnosed in the spring-autumn period, and infection occurs through contaminated bedding, feed, water.

In addition to brown diarrhea, broilers can be seen:

  • reluctance to move, they are immovable, ruffled and ruffled;
  • decreased or no appetite, increased thirst;
  • mucus or signs of blood in the litter;
  • pallor of the beard and scallops, indicative of the development of anemia and dehydration.

Often in coccidiosis, it can be seen in the feces of broilers blood. This indicates the active destruction of the intestinal mucosa and the need for urgent complex treatment with the use of specialized drugs that suppress the vital activity of pathogens.

If the listed symptoms are not seen, but the impurity of blood in the litter still exists, probably in chickens traumas of cloaca or intestines due to improper feeding, lack of vitamins and minerals.

Chicken diseased is signaled by greens in feces or particles of unquenched food.

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Broilers complain: than to treat?

Among the priority measures that should be taken to a poultry farmer:

  • checking the quality of feed given to chickens;
  • isolation of sick and weakened birds;
  • Cleaning and disinfection of premises and all equipment, including feeders and drinking bowls.

If the bird, in spite of the measures taken, is vilifying, than to treat broilers? What else can be done until there is an exhaustive analysis of the litter:

  1. As an absorbent, broilers are offered activated carbon.
  2. Potassium permanganate is added to the drinking water.
  3. Be sure to check whether there are enough chalk, gravel, shells in the trough.
  4. It is useful to use lactic acid products, probiotics, aimed at normalizing the intestinal microflora.
  5. In the moist feed, you can add a decoction of rice.

To exclude the morbidity of birds due to infection with helminths, anthelmintic treatment of the livestock is carried out.

The next stage of fighting diarrhea in broiler chickens is treatment with antibiotics and specialized drugs that cope with bacteria, protozoa, fungi and other microorganisms.

Since some diseases, accompanied by diarrhea in poultry, are dangerous not only for birds, but also for humans, and their treatment is labor-intensive and long-lasting, the sick population is destroyed.

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