Plastic panels are quite common materials and also very practical. It is used in almost any decoration. PVC panels are glued both in ordinary rooms and in bathrooms. Where there is a high level of humidity. If plastic is not afraid of water at all, then with an adhesive composition everything is much more complicated. If it is of doubtful quality, then the panels may lag behind the surface. We will figure out the better to stick the PVC panels so that they do not peel off.

Adhesive for PVC panels
By themselves, PVC panels are made of lightweight material. And many people believe that they can be attached to absolutely any adhesive. This is not so, plastic requires the use of special materials, especially for rooms with a high level of humidity. Glue for PVC panels should have the following quality characteristics:
- The main qualitative characteristic of the composition should be moisture resistance. It is this quality of glue that can ensure reliable fastening of plastic precisely in such rooms as a bathroom or toilet;
- The composition must withstand significant temperature differences and their fairly frequent fluctuation;
- The composition should have good adhesion properties, for reliable contact with the surface;
- It is recommended that the composition contains special antiseptic components to prevent the occurrence and spread of fungus and mold, which is very common in bathrooms;
- The composition should have some protection against ultraviolet exposure to sunlight;
- You should choose an adhesive composition that is convenient to work with, that is, the packaging must be fully adapted for both spot and large-scale application;
- You should choose an adhesive that has a minimum set time. This will contribute not only to a quick installation process, but also to reliable fixing of PVC panels to the surface;
- It is mandatory to use an adhesive composition in which there are no various harmful and toxic substances. Safety for human health should be in the first place when choosing materials;
- It can also be noted that in some cases, it is better to choose compounds that have a transparent structure.

Following these recommendations, you can choose a high-quality and reliable adhesive for the installation of PVC panels.

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