Types of insulation for a loggia


  • 1 Styrofoam
  • 2 Penoplex
  • 3 Expanded polystyrene
  • 4 Polyurethane foam

Many owners of apartments with loggias once think about how to conduct quality insulation. After all, the room often remains cold even after glazing. In such situations, one can hardly talk about comfortable living.

The selection of suitable insulation is an important issue that must be resolved before repair. One of the most famous is polystyrene and a number of materials created on its basis.



Popular due to its low cost and high thermal insulation qualities. An additional advantage is the fact that foam-insulated surfaces are much less exposed to moisture.


However, low fire safety is the main disadvantage of the material. For this reason, the use of foam will necessarily require the use of special protective equipment.


At the heart of the material is foam. Its advantage is a higher resistance to mechanical damage and the ability to use in almost any weather conditions. The uniform structure provides high-quality protection against moisture and noise.

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An ideal solution when warming loggias with a small area. The thickness of the material does not exceed 2 centimeters, so you can not be afraid of a significant reduction in space in the room.


Low resistance to fire, even lower than that of polystyrene, is the main problem of the material.

Expanded polystyrene

Another type of foam. It provides high-quality thermal insulation due to its composition: 98% air and only 2% polystyrene. It has a white color.


In addition to polystyrene, other materials are often used. They are in no way inferior to him, and even surpass in some characteristics.

Polyurethane foam

Completely environmentally friendly material. The main difference from polystyrene is high fire safety. In addition, it should be noted the method of its application: spraying or pouring. Material goes on sale in cylinders.


For many people, this method will be more convenient than laying plates, as when using polystyrene foam. In addition, the liquid substance when applied easily penetrates into the smallest cracks. Polyurethane foam is perfect in cases where not only a heat insulator is required, but also a high-quality sealant.

A properly selected insulation is the key to a comfortable stay in the house. Therefore, its purchase must be approached with all attention.

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