Instructions for assembling by yourself the lifting garage doors

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If the location of the garage does not allow it to be equipped with sliding doors, the garage lifting gates will be the optimal solution. The low price, easy installation and exceptional ease of use give them a huge priority over other types. Read about the sliding gates to give your own hands!

What are lifting gates?

The construction of the lifting gates is a solid panel in the entire opening, which when opened, rises up and is fixed under the ceiling inside the garage.

Car enthusiasts who have chosen the option of garage gates for themselves, note their following advantages:

  • simplicity of opening by one movement, not requiring great efforts;
  • possibility of installation in the garage of any type and design;
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  • complete safety in case of sudden gusts of wind;
  • preservation of useful space both inside the garage and in front of it;
  • the complexity of unauthorized penetration.

Before choosing a lifting garage door, one should take into account their features:

  • the design of the gate does not hold heat;
  • there is a high probability of overloading the mechanism that opens the gate;
  • manufacture will require skill, accuracy and the availability of a special tool.

In severe frosts, great efforts will be made to open the doors.

In order to successfully install their own lifting garage doors, you need to have a welding machine, have the skills to work with it and be able to read the drawings, since you will have to carefully compare them all dimensions.

Types of gates (sectional, automatic)

At the gates there is one interesting variety, when the entire door leaf is divided into equal rectangular parts, located horizontally. When you open the gate, these parts are folded at a certain angle, allowing to maximize the usable area in front of the garage. Before such gates, the car can be parked almost right next to the leaf - the opening canvas does not hit the car. Sectional lifting garage doors are even easier to open and noiseless, but it is much harder to mount them yourself. Also experts believe that such a gate is easier to crack.

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If the garage is located in a protected area and the probability of hacking is not present, it is worth considering the option of installing rolling shutters. They consist of narrow horizontal bars. When you open the gate, the straps are wound onto the shaft at the top. This option is extremely convenient at low ceilings.

The most convenient to use are automatic lifting gates. They allow you to open the sash and go into the garage without leaving the car. Any motorist will appreciate the opportunity not to leave the warm cabin in bad weather or, if necessary, quickly remove the car from the roadway, if the garage is built on the edge of the plot and borders on the road. Provides this convenience electric drive and remote control.

Automatic lifting garage doors have one significant drawback - the door is blocked when power is cut off. The solution of the problem can be the installation of a special deblocker or connection of automation to a gasoline or diesel generator.

How to make self-leveling gates

The design of these gates is quite simple, and many garage owners decide to make garage gates for themselves using the blueprints. The whole process consists of one preparatory and several basic stages:

  • preparation of drawings, materials and tools;
  • installation of the door frame and guides;
  • door leaf assembly;
  • manufacturing of the driving mechanism;
  • installation of the gate;
  • installation of a counterweight system.

We will analyze each of the items in more detail.

Preparatory stage

The following tools are required for installation:

  • welding machine;
  • electric drill (perforator, screwdriver);
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • set of wrenches;
  • pencil.

To install the lifting gear, prepare:

  • channel bars and steel corners;
  • counterweights (special for elevators or cast-iron blanks);
  • brackets, corners, metal guides;
  • springs of return type;
  • steel rope.
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Also it is necessary to choose a sealing tape, which is laid along the entire perimeter of the leaf.

For the door skin sheathing, use a metal profiled sheet. It is strong enough, has low weight and protection from corrosion.

Mounting the door frame and guides

For a successful installation, it is important that the doorway is perfectly flat.

The door frame is assembled from metal corners or a wooden bar in the shape of the letter P. The lower part of the frame must be lowered to the floor screed by at least 2 cm.

Next, guide the hinges. Install the upper bracket under the ceiling. It is fixed with metal pins into the ceiling. Using the bolts on the bracket, reinforce the two hinges.

To prevent the wedge from jamming, the hinges should be installed so that the bracket moves freely around it.

Assembling the door leaf

The metal frame is welded to the exact dimensions of the door frame. At this stage it is necessary to think over the place for fixing the handle, locks and various anti-burglary devices. On one side of the frame, a corrugated sheet is screwed onto it. Self-tapping screws should preferably be chosen with a painted head of the same color. On the reverse side, the frame is insulated with sandwich panels or other insulation. At the end of the assembly glued seals.

Mounting of the opening mechanism

The lifting mechanism of the door consists of:

  • door leaf, whole or sectional;
  • left and right racks that control the movement of the gate along the desired path;
  • two counterweights, one on each side;
  • devices for adjusting and fixing racks.

On the door panel install 4 brackets with guide rollers-bearings. Two parts are welded to the lower brackets to secure the counterweight cable from both sides.

Racks consist of five parts:

  • Stand-channel, bent from galvanized steel in an amount of 4 pieces;
  • arc - two parts curved in the template;
  • internal arc, two parts;
  • steel plate;
  • mounting bracket, for each rack for 3 pieces.

The mechanism should be assembled in strict accordance with the drawings.

The assembled structure should be made without the slightest deviation in the plane of the door leaf and the location of the parts, otherwise it may be jammed while driving.

Assembling the gate

Assembly of the entire structure is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The posts are installed in place in the door frame. Align them strictly perpendicular to each other.
  2. Mark the holes for the ceiling on the mounting brackets. They should be 12.
  3. Push the rack and drill the holes in the markings. Install dowels in them.
  4. Return the rack to its place and strengthen the ceiling brackets with self-tapping screws. Until the end of self-tapping screws yet;
  5. Once again set the rack perpendicular to the opening, then tighten the screws completely.
  6. Weld to the racks of the stops, which will adjust and fix the distance between the two racks.
Read also:We make simple sliding gates of non-standard width

Then repeat all the actions for the second rack. All the details on it should be installed in a mirror image to the first one.

Between the posts are installed a screed - a metal rod with a thread at the ends. When installing on the rod, 4 nuts are screwed in such a way that they are located on both sides of the stops. This system allows you to accurately adjust the position of the racks and save it for a long time.

Installation of the gate with counterweights

The door leaf in the driving mechanism is made in the following order:

  1. Drill holes for brackets with rollers in the sash.
  2. Install the cloth between the posts.
  3. Place the rollers in the grooves of the racks and fix them with screws.
  4. Collect the counterweight system. Their total weight should be equal to the weight of the collar assembly. For example, if the leaf weighs 60 kg, each counterweight must weigh 30 kg.
  5. Install handles, locks and other accessories.

After all the actions are performed, it is desirable to paint all the ends of galvanized steel parts with metal paint for external work in order to avoid corrosion.

At this stage, the installation of garage lifting gates can be considered complete.

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