Infrared heater rating

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Every buyer wants to get a quality, economical, efficient, safe and durable heater. These are the infrared heaters, the rating of which will allow you to choose the appropriate model.

Infrared heaters are classified by a heat-radiating element, which is:

  • Quartz tube.
  • Open spiral.
  • TEN.
  • Carbon heating elements.
  • Thermal insulation plate.

The modern market of appliances for home heating or cottages is saturated with a wide range of products. Manufacturers do not get tired to develop and introduce new items that allow to increase the functionality of heaters. The leader in this segment is UFO.This manufacturer and occupies the first line of the rating of heaters.

TOP 10 infrared heaters

The rating of infrared heaters is based on comprehensive statistical data in the spectrum of popularity of a particular model among customers. Already at the beginning of this year, UFO heaters are rapidly increasing their ratings, reaching the top of the top ten.

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So, the top 10 infrared heaters:

UFO Alf 3000 is in tenth place. The power of this quartz heater is 3 kW.It is enough for space heating up to 30 m2.It has a rectangular appearance( 19x108x9 cm), which allows you to heat a large space. The installation method is chosen by the buyer himself( the heater can be put on the leg or hung on the wall).

The ninth place belongs to the ENSA P900G mikatermichesky heater. Power - 0.95 kW.This is enough to warm the room to 18 m2.This type of heater appeared quite recently as a result of the fruitful work of the company's engineers. The principle of operation of this heater is based on the heat transfer from the heat-insulating plates covered with mica. It is a completely safe device that can be used even in the nursery. The main property - it does not burn oxygen at all. Its popularity is growing rapidly.

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The eighth line is again occupied by a representative of the UFO company with the ECO 1800 model. This is a quartz heater, the power of the heating element is 1.8 kW.They heat a room that does not exceed 18 m2.An excellent model for use even in nature( dimensions 16x86x11 cm) from the electric generator.

Seventh place behind wall-mounted ENSA P750T mikatermichesky infrared heater. Its capacity is designed for heating small rooms up to 14 m2, and is only 0.75 kW.This is the most economical device. Thanks to the aesthetic appearance, it fits easily into any interior.

The sixth place is occupied by a quartz heater UFO LINE 1800. With a power of 1.8 kW., It is able to heat 18 m2 of space. Dimensions - 19x86x9 cm( such compactness makes it easy to transport).

Fifth line. Micatermic heater Polaris PMH 1501HUM.The power of the heating element - 1.5 kW.Heats up to 15 m2 area. Installation method - outdoor. Equipped with a heater information display, timer, thermostat.

Fourth line. Carbon heater Polaris PKSH 0508H.Power 0.8 kW., Which is designed to heat the room, an area of ​​which has 20 m2.Installation method - outdoor.

The three leaders are opened by the quartz infrared heater UFO Star 3000. It has 4 power levels, the maximum level is 3 kW.Can heat about 30 m2.Dimensions - 19x108x9 cm. Installation method: universal( ceiling, wall, floor).

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The second place is assigned to the Polaris PKSH 0408RC carbon fiber heater. It has a cylindrical shape. This floor heater has one of the greatest efficiency. Only 0.8 kW.Electricity consumption is heated to 24 m2.Equipped with a display and remote control.

First place. The leader of the rating of the most popular heaters TOP 10, the best infrared heater - UFO Eco 2300. Designed for space heating, which has a 23 m2 area. Contributes to this power heating element( quartz tube), which is a maximum of 2.3 kW.Dimensions - 16x86x11 cm.

Throughout the year, this dozen heaters never let down their owners, who warmed up in country houses or in private homes in the cold part of the year. Therefore, these devices deservedly received their positive reviews and the corresponding places in the rating.

Overview of infrared heaters for home and cottages that are not included in the TOP 10

According to the review of infrared heaters for home and cottages, film heaters and catalytic ceramic plates( heating element is a flexible heating element in the form of a heat cable) did not make it into the top ten and open heatersspiraling. This is due to the fact that these devices have appeared relatively recently, the product has just entered the market, and begins its life. They are rarely used because they have not yet received enough feedback due to the lack of popularity.

Film Heaters is an innovation on the market. They are very convenient in that they are easily transported, do not take up much storage space in the warm part of the year. It is enough just to roll it into a roll. As for the technical characteristics, the power range of such heaters varies within 0.4-4 kW.A 0.4 kW device is enough to heat a room of 15 m2 in a short period. Accordingly, the more powerful the heater, the larger the area it is able to heat. Type of installation of film heater wall.

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The most popular producer of film heaters is Ballu Industrial Group( models BIH-AP-0.8, BIH-AP-1.0, BIH-AP-4.0), Almac( IK-5B, IK-16), BiLux( B600, B1350).

Catalytic infrared heaters have the appearance of a metal plate that is coated with a polymer material. The heating element in the form of a flexible thermal cable gives off heat much more efficiently than conventional heating elements. In addition, it is absolutely safe, ecological and durable.

The most popular catalytic heater is BiLux B1000.Power - 1 kW.This is quite enough for heating 20 m2 area. Dimensions - 16x150x4 cm. Installation method wall and ceiling. It refers to heaters that do not burn oxygen.

Also do not hit the top ten infrared heaters with an open spiral. This is due to the obsolescence of technology, because they are used extremely rarely. Such kind of heaters are unsafe and harmful( they burn oxygen).In the free market they are very few. An open spiral does not allow the heater to be left unattended. It is especially dangerous for children, who very often can be injured by touching the heated area of ​​the heater.

Video review of the infrared heater UFO

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