How to apply liquid wallpaper on the wall, instructions for dummies

Liquid wallpaper, not really wallpaper. They got the name due to their use - interior wall decoration. From this article you will learn the basic knowledge that you will need when decorating walls with liquid wallpaper, namely how to glue them properly, what advantages and disadvantages are inherent in this type of finishing material and how to care for him.

Liquid wallpaper


  • What is liquid wallpaper?
  • Properties of plastic wallpaper
  • Wallpaper Composition
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Types of liquid wallpaper
  • What walls can be applied liquid wallpaper?
  • How to apply wallpaper on the surface?
  • Brief instructions for dummies: what, how, and why?
  • Surface preparation
  • How to prepare a liquid wallpaper mixture?
  • Liquid Wallpaper Care Tips

What is liquid wallpaper?

Liquid wallpaper, a mixture of polygamous compounds, similar in texture to the plaster used to decorate the walls.

The scope of wallpaper on a glue basis is quite extensive and multifunctional. Using them, you can arrange any room giving it a concise, luxurious or stylistic design. So, for example, the bedroom can be decorated in pastel colors, using liquid wallpaper interspersed with silk fibers.

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Lacquer coating will help to give additional strength and gloss to the wallpaper. The same maneuver will increase the life of the wallpaper. The use of liquid wallpaper is appropriate in any room, that is, wherever pasting ordinary is possible. If you want to try something new in decoration, give preference not to traditional, but to liquid wallpaper.

Properties of plastic wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper before bringing them into working composition, most likely resemble cotton wool. Only after pre-soaking them, they acquire a liquid form and the consistency necessary for work. The time to soak the wallpaper is about 10 hours.

After that, they can be applied to the prepared surface. When choosing a type of wallpaper, one should take into account the fact that for each type different requirements are put forward, so before working, you should carefully study the instructions for the material.

The porous structure of the wallpaper gives them additional warmth and soundproofing effect.
The coating has a vapor-proof property, which allows the walls to “breathe”, forming a good air circulation between the wall and the coating applied to it.

The antistaticity of the wallpaper makes them hypoallergenic and absolutely safe. Due to this property, dust accumulations do not linger on the wallpaper.
These characteristics, of course, should be attributed to the advantages of liquid type wallpaper.

Wallpaper Composition

Liquid wallpaper consists of various types of dyes, components of silk, cellulose and cotton materials based on glue. Depending on the type of wallpaper, the composition may vary. So it can include so-called exotic components in the form of wood chips, algae or mica elements.

Advantages and disadvantages

Liquid wallpaper
Mixtures for the preparation of liquid wallpaper

Due to their texture, liquid wallpapers have earned respect among consumers. The glue base in combination with fabric fibers allows you to create not only a variety of texture elements, but also to hide minor wall defects. This fact simplifies the repair process, because now you can do without puttying or local leveling of the coatings being glued.

High elasticity of liquid wallpaper will prevent crackingwhen shrinking at home or peeling in particular near the batteries, as is the case with ordinary wallpaper at elevated temperatures. In the case of the appearance of small cracks, it will be rather difficult to consider them due to the special crystalline texture.

An important feature of liquid wallpaper is maintainability. The whole point is that any defects formed on the surface of the wallpaper are easy to eliminate. To do this, remove the old layer of wallpaper at the site of damage, and instead apply a fresh, updated composition.

Due to the liquid consistency and the absence of seams, which cannot be said about ordinary traditional wallpaper, adhesive-based wallpapers are easily applied to any surface. Moreover, when repairing or updating a part of a wall locally, you can reliably save a texture, pattern or pattern. After complete drying, the place of updating will not even be noticeable.

Despite the inherent advantages that are so compelling, as with any finishing material, there are flaws in liquid wallpaper, presented in the form of disadvantages.

The high price of this type of wallpaper. However, when you consider the fact that when pasting ordinary wallpaper you can spoil even a small the amount of web that you will ultimately not get - liquid wallpaper is excellent alternative. It is impossible to spoil them. It is on this difference that you can significantly save.

Relating the aesthetics of wallpaper to advantages, it should be said that diversity leaves much to be desired, the number of colors and textures is small in order to satisfy consumer needs. However, it is worth saying that, given this fact, every year they expand their product range.

Therefore, it is absolutely appropriate to emphasize the fact that in a few years, liquid wallpaper will become the basis for interior decoration and completely displace traditional wallpaper today.

Having moisture resistance, wallpaper is still amenable to the action of water. Water resistance is not inherent in them. You should not experience such wallpaper for washing. Unless you decide to open them with varnish. But even in this case, washing or wet cleaning of surfaces should be carried out extremely carefully.

Types of liquid wallpaper

  1. Silk - wallpaper based on silk fiber.
  2. Cellulose.
  3. Silk and cellulose.

According to the type of application, the wallpaper is divided into two types:

  1.  ready to use (they only need to be diluted with water);
  2. liquid wallpaper for painting, requiring additional processing and a professional approach to application.

What walls can be applied liquid wallpaper?

The basis for applying wallpaper should be carefully prepared. A prerequisite is a primed, even surface coated with water dispersion paint. Liquid wallpaper best adheres to a rough surface.

To achieve this effect will help a special primer paint used for facade work. Moreover, this coating will save time, due to the rapid drying of the layer. To achieve high-quality preparation of walls for wallpapering, paint-primer is best applied in two layers.

Some materials and tools for gluing liquid-composite wallpaper are quite specific. Among them, not everyone knows a half-trowel or trowel. Additionally, you should prepare:

  1. Plastic spatula.
  2. Spray.
  3. Capacity for bringing wallpaper in working form.
  4. Paint roller.
Liquid wallpaper

How to apply wallpaper on the surface?

Wallpapering is the most crucial moment of the whole process. It is not so difficult to produce it, if you are well prepared. Prepare the surface, move the furniture. If you are new to this area, start the “training” from the section of the wall that the furniture will cover.

Try to accurately calculate the volumes of the first portion of wallpaper on a previously designated area for application. If the wallpaper does not stick well to the surface of the wall, try diluting the composition by adding a small amount of water.

The application of wallpaper on the surface is carried out using a spatula in an even thin layer.

The layer thickness is adjusted using a roller. The recommended finishing coat parameter after drying with a thickness of 2 mm is considered ideal. If this factor is observed in the entire area of ​​the finished premises.

When smoothing the wallpaper with a spatula, you should control the force of pressing, trying to keep the level of pressure at an average level, since excessive efforts will lead to pressing elements and distortion of the texture of the composition, and insufficient pressing will lead to the formation of bumps on the surface, formed due to the uneven distribution of liquid Wallpaper.

Depending on the layer applied to the surface, as well as the individual characteristics of each type of wallpaper, the time to complete drying is 12-72 hours. Moreover, it is directly proportional to the method and technology of application.

Brief instructions for dummies: what, how, and why?

Surface preparation

Liquid wallpaper

A carefully prepared surface equals a quality finish. The list of preparatory work should include the removal of old trim elements, such as wallpaper, whitewash or other previous elements. Surface cleaning results in a clean concrete surface.

Elements of any type (especially metal) found in the wall are removed without fail. Otherwise, being under a layer of wet wallpaper, even at the stage of applying the material, they may succumb to moisture, which will lead to a corrosion process, as a result of which the repair just done can be stained rust.

How to prepare a liquid wallpaper mixture?

Typically, such actions are described on the packaging. So, having acquired the material packaged in bags for interior decoration, in appearance resembling sawdust - read the instructions. The standard guidelines for the preparation of liquid coatings for walls most often are brief instructions and the composition of the mixture.

The components included in the mixture are easy to process and under the influence of warm water, heated to about 40 degrees, they are soaked, forming an adhesive mass of medium density and consistency. According to the standard preparation scheme, one packet of dry wallpaper mixture should be diluted in 6 liters of water.

To give the composition a homogeneous consistency should be done manually. It is not recommended to resort to technical tools for mixing - they can damage the structural elements of the wallpaper.

Liquid Wallpaper Care Tips

Liquid wallpaper
  • Liquid wallpaper as a coating does not need careful care. Caring for such material is easy. If you took into account the fact of washing and varnished them, easily wipe the wallpaper with a damp cloth.
  • Due to the high maintainability of the wallpaper, in case of damage, it is easy to eliminate the defect by cleaning the patch area and applying a new composition to it. Cleaning is carried out using warm water and a spatula - in order to get rid of wallpaper, they again should be soaked.
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