How to choose a water heater for the house?

The centralized supply of hot water does not exist in all settlements of our country. Installing a water heater is an excellent way out of this situation, but the variety of models and their functionality confuses the consumer. What water heaters are there, which is better, how much water is needed to provide for the needs of the family? To answer these questions, you need to know all the pros and cons of each type.


  1. Choosing a type of water heater
  2. Video about choosing a water heater
  3. The main parameters of water heaters
  4. Manufacturer and model selection

Choosing a type of water heater

Water heaters fall into three broad categories:

  • gas;
  • electric;

Gas water heater.

Water heaters of this type are divided into flow and storage. In a flowing water heater, water is heated passing through a heat exchanger. This version of the water heater is suitable for operation with low water consumption (dishwashing, shower). For fans to take a bath and for families with high water consumption, we recommend a storage water heater. The storage boiler gradually heats up a large volume of water, and then automatically maintains the required temperature.

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The type of ignition plays an important role in the functionality of a gas water heater. Semi-automatic ignition is carried out by pressing a button on the panel, the on-duty wick lights up and, after water supply, the burner is automatically ignited. In automatic ignition, the gas burner turns on immediately after the water supply and turns off after closing the tap.

Due to the cost of gas, a gas water heater is more economical than its electric counterpart, it is not inferior functionally, but special requirements for the installation of gas equipment, led to the fact that gas boilers did not receive due distribution.

Electric water heater.

The difference between an electric water heater and a gas one is that the water is heated by a heating element - a heating element. This type of water heater is in turn divided into:

  • flowing;
  • and funded.

You must immediately decide what type we want to use for heating water.

Flowing electric water heaters. They are not in great demand, all the fault is a lot of power and, as a result, excessive energy consumption. Instantaneous water heater brings the water temperature to a maximum of 60 degrees, despite the fact that the power consumption for heating 7 liters of water is 20 kW. It is unlikely that apartment wiring can withstand such a load; a separate line will be required.

Accumulative water heater (boiler). The principle of operation of the boiler: cold water flows under pressure into a hermetically sealed steel tank and is heated there by a heating element. With the consumption of hot water, its place is taken cold and heats up to a predetermined temperature. Water heating in the boiler (maximum 80-85 degrees) is controlled manually or from the control panel.

If the boiler is not turned on for heating, then gradually the water cools. The cooling rate depends on the design of the boiler, on its thermal insulation. I recommend that you leave the boiler in standby mode, since it takes time (up to two hours) and increased electricity consumption to heat up the cooled water.

Video about choosing a water heater

The main parameters of water heaters

Consider the main selection criteria and parameters of an electric boiler, as the most common water heater:

  • tank material;
  • volume;
  • heater;
  • control;
  • manufacturer choice.

Tank material. Constant contact with water requires special protection of the boiler tank. Inexpensive models have an enameled metal tank. Enamel does not tolerate sudden temperature changes, but if you use the boiler seasonally, the enameled tank will last quite a long time. Recently, some manufacturers have coated the inside of the tank with titanium enamel. The service life of titanium enamel is up to seven years, in contrast to ordinary enamel, the guarantee for which is 2.5-3 years.

The stainless steel tank is not susceptible to oxidation and corrosion, it is guaranteed to serve you for many years, but you will have to pay for quality and guarantee - the price of such a tank is several times higher than that of others analogues.

The volume of the water heater. To choose a powerful water heater with a volume of 200-300 liters, one who does not intend to save on paying a communal apartment will allow himself. We will not conduct complex calculations, but dwell on the following figures:

  • for the kitchen - 15-30 liters;
  • for one user in the apartment - 20-30 liters, without filling the bath, only a shower;
  • for two residents - 80-100 liters, at two points of water intake;
  • for a full-fledged family with children, 100-120 liters of hot water will be required;

Remember that hot water is mixed with cold water at the outlet and the volume obtained with the required temperature is greater than the volume of the boiler tank.

A heating element. The heating element in any boiler is a heater (tubular electric heater). Boilers are equipped with two types of heating elements: wet and dry. Wet heater works directly in the water, and it must be regularly cleaned of scale. The dry heating element is protected by a glass flask and does not require frequent cleaning. A dry element boiler is more expensive in cost, but creates less trouble (see also - how to clean the boiler).

Control. A special thermostat turns the heater on and off, so the boiler is controlled. Mechanical control of the rotary knob is widespread in low-cost economy-class devices, due to its simplicity and reliability. The only negative is the inability to set the exact heating temperature.

"Advanced" models have in their design an electronic mode control system. There was an opportunity to set the program to individual modes: shutdown at night or heating water in the morning.

Manufacturer and model selection

Many manufacturers of water heaters are well established in the market for household appliances. For example, the brands Thermex, Ariston (ABS and Ti), Electrolux, Baxi and Termal have a very good reputation. Combined Czech water heater “Drazicе” is very reliable in operation, but the high price does not justify even such high quality.

We present to your attention several popular models of electric water heaters.

Boiler BOSCH Tronic 1000

Boiler BOSCH Tronic 1000

BOSCH household appliances have established themselves on the market with quality workmanship and a reliable design. The tank volume of this model is 50 liters, which is quite suitable for a small family. A small power of 1.5 kW does not make the cost of the device prohibitive. From the entire selection of BOSCH water heaters we offer to stay on the units assembled in Bulgaria.

  • Size: 80x35x40 cm;
  • Case insulation: 32 mm high density polyurethane foam;
  • Cylindrical shape;
  • Inner tank: glass ceramic;
  • Heating controller: mechanical;
  • Vertical installation on the wall.

Ariston ABS VLS - the required model of a boiler of 80 liters

Ariston ABS VLS

There are two tanks in the body, each with a heating element - this greatly speeds up the time for heating the water. Unit power 2.5 kW. Sometimes there are problems with the electronics, but within the warranty.

  • Size: 110x50x26 cm;
  • Case insulation: 32 mm high density polyurethane foam;
  • Electronic control;
  • Tubular heating element;
  • Inner tank: stainless steel;
  • Protection against freezing, protection against overheating and switching on without water;
  • The rectangular shape.

GORENJE GBF water heater - a good ratio of cost to quality


Two “dry” heating elements of 1 kW each provide a long service life. Such a boiler keeps the temperature of heated water (80 liters) for two days. A shower for 4 people will not be a problem.

  • Size: 80x45x45 cm;
  • Water heater power 2 kW;
  • Mechanical control;
  • Tank: enameled steel;
  • 18 mm of insulation;
  • Vertical installation.

Separately, I want to note the products of those companies that we do not recommend buying. Such unreliable equipment includes boilers produced by “Teplo” and “Nova Tec” produced by Ukraine and Polaris, and Termeks is also of Ukrainian production.

To summarize, what kind of water heater to choose:

  1. First of all, decide what functions the boiler will perform in your house: as a constant source of hot water, temporary performance of the heating functions or just a boiler for the kitchen. Make a purchase after identifying needs.
  2. Choose the type of boiler seriously. A gas boiler is cheaper to operate, but more demanding to install.
  3. Calculate the amount of water you intend to expend. I want to note that boilers with a large tank volume have a longer service life.
  4. Decide on the place where the boiler will be installed. Manufacturers produce devices of various sizes and installation methods (floor, horizontal and vertical).
  5. If possible, buy a boiler of trusted manufacturers with a good reputation and a great guarantee.
  6. Involve specialists in the installation of the water heater.

I hope that you figured out a fairly large selection of water heaters, figured out for yourself what to look for attention first of all, and now you will be able to decide on the purchase of the hot water you need instrument.

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