How to make an air ionizer with your own hands: schemes, instructions

The air ionizer has a simple design, so you can create it yourself. This is a device that will make the air in the house cleaner and fresher. In addition, its assembly will cost the homemaker a penny, since this will require only available materials, as you can see later.


  1. Why is an ionizer needed?
  2. Principle of operation
  3. Varieties of ionizers
  4. GOST requirements for ionizers
  5. Primitive assembly scheme
  6. The scheme and manufacture of the Chizhevsky chandelier
  7. Homemade Car Ionizer
  8. Safety precautions
  9. Contraindications in the use of the device

Why is an ionizer needed?

Famous Professor A. L. Chizhevsky wrote that a man built a house for himself, but being inside it, he deprives himself ionized air, and the more negative ions are enriched in air, the more it more useful for humans.

For comparison, it can be noted that the air in the forest has about 1,500 negative air ions. The air in modern cities, respectively, and in houses, contains more than 10 times less useful ions due to the numerous transport, asphalt, and heated concrete. This is much less than necessary for excellent well-being, therefore, breathing far from the city is much better than in the apartment.

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Fortunately, there is a device that can solve this problem. A device that purifies the air and increases the number of negative ions in the apartment - this is air ionizer. It helps to saturate the air with negative air ions, which give their energy, thereby have a beneficial effect on the health of all who are at home, namely:

  • reduce fatigue after a working day;
  • restore sleep;
  • normalize the work of internal organs, including the heart;
  • improve memory;
  • activate the immune system.
An ionizer is necessary if the house is inhabited by elderly people and young children, especially if they have allergies or are prone to colds. In addition, it will be useful to those who rarely go outdoors, working in the office or at home at the computer. For more information on using an ionizer in a newborn’s room, see this article.

Principle of operation

Before proceeding with the assembly of the ionizer, it is important to understand the principle of its action, and it is quite simple:

  1. Air particles pass through a corona electric charge to get a negative charge.
  2. Together with air, dust, bacteria and viruses pass through the charge, so they also become charged.
  3. Charged substances are attracted to the plate, which has an opposite charge, and settle on the surface of the device. They can then be removed by wiping the body of the ionizer with a normal damp cloth.

Coronary discharge is created due to the high voltage electric current. Like pulses, it is supplied by a step-up metal transformer to sharp electrodes. In this case, immediately the formation of ozone molecules that are considered harmful to health occurs, therefore it is better to make the device yourself in order to comply with all necessary standards.

Varieties of ionizers

Several methods are known for ionizing air artificially, each of which requires special attention.


Hospital wards, rooms in preschool institutions and the school, especially during a viral infection, are treated with a quartz lamp, which is an ultraviolet ionizer.

During operation of this lamp and for half an hour after it is turned off, it is not recommended to be in indoors, since ozone and nitrogen oxides are formed in the air, which can be determined by the characteristic smell. 30 minutes after turning off the lamp, the air again becomes safe for inhalation, since these particles disintegrate due to their inconstant nature.


Such an ionizer atomizes water, which has an electric charge, that is, it produces not light negative air ions, but water dust (aerosol) with an electric charge.

Initially, such ionizers were produced for domestic purposes - they turned distilled water into water dust. Later, scientists found that the benefit from them is small, so the device was discontinued, but the method was not forgotten, but was widely used in medical practice. It is used to obtain electroaerosols from medicinal liquids.


Such a device is also called an effluvial aeroionizer. It works by the coronary discharge method and is equipped with an electrical circuit. It performs the function of converting AC voltage to high voltage (several tens of kilovolts).

It is the corona ionizer that is collected at home. It has a peculiar design with pointed electrodes, on which voltage is applied. A corona discharge occurs. As a result, the electrons seem to flow to the tip and they are captured by oxygen molecules. The principle of operation of such an ionizer is presented in the diagram:

Ionizer circuit

In simple devices, the operating mode is unregulated, as is the ion performance, however, there are more complex modifications with adjustable control. They take into account the voltage of the surrounding electric field and, depending on it, adjust the voltage at the electrodes.

Corona discharge appliances come in two types:

  • unipolar - produce only negative ions;
  • bipolar - produce negative and positive ions.

Household appliances in the apartment and so on form positive ions, and negative ones are considered useful, which means it is more advisable to assemble a unipolar ionizer.

If there is no household equipment in the room, you can assemble a bipolar device, since the imbalance between ions of different signs will practically negate the positive impact of negative particles. However, it is believed that bipolar devices do not have any beneficial effect, since generated negative particles will be attracted to positive, forming a neutral zero charge. So, the device will only spin the counter for nothing, without forming anything useful.

GOST requirements for ionizers

The ionizer emits negatively charged particles, which are measured in 1 cm cube. This parameter is called the concentration of air ions and is basic for any type of ionizer. According to the requirements of GOST, the minimum and maximum allowable parameter values ​​are determined. You can find them in the table:

Normalized indicators Air ion concentration Unipolarity coefficient, y
Positive polarity Negative polarity
Minimum Allowed ≥ 400 >600 0.4 <= y <1.0
Maximum allowed < 50 000 ≤ 50 000

To keep the meaning of the air ionizer, it is worth considering that the indicator at a distance of 1 m should be no less than the rate of natural concentration of air charges, that is, at least 1,000 ion / cm cube In this regard, it is advisable to adhere to a concentration index of 5,000 ion / cm3.

GOST also defines the requirements for voltage at the emitter, that is, at the ionizing electrode. It is measured in kV. In the case of household air ionizers, this voltage should be in the corridor of 20-30 kV.

If it is more than 30 kV, then the meaning of using such a device is lost, since a voltage of 20 kV is enough for stable formation of ions. In addition, this is fraught with the formation of spark discharges, contributing to the release of compounds harmful to the body, for example, ozone.

Air ionizer

Primitive assembly scheme

There are very simple designs of the devices in question, for which you do not even need many different materials. Such an ionizer can be assembled by a beginner or an inexperienced master.

What is required?

To assemble the most simple ionizer, you need to stock up on the following materials and tools:

  • a plastic box from Kinder Surprise;
  • 2 wires with a diameter of 0.5 mm;
  • a plug that can be taken apart;
  • scissors for installation;
  • electrical tape;
  • a needle for making holes.


Having picked up the necessary materials, you can start collecting the air ionizer. A step-by-step instruction is as follows:

  1. In the walls of each half of the Kinder box, make holes with a needle. It is worth not just sticking it in, but also gently moving it in different directions, since holes with wide edges are required. To make it easy to get holes, as well as to prevent cracking of plastic, the tip of the needle should be preheated over a low fire.
  2. Take the wires and dissolve their ends on the cores.
  3. Insert them into the holes in the boxes, but so that the core with a positive polarity passes through one half, and with a negative one through the other.
  4. Wrap the wires with electrical tape, and connect the insulated conductors.
  5. Disassemble the power outlet.
  6. Connect the wires on the other side to the plug contacts.
  7. The resulting appliance is placed in a solid case. This can be a box of any solid material. So, the device is ready, you can insert the plug into the outlet.

The device, simple in design, will purify the air in the room, destroying harmful bacteria.

The scheme and manufacture of the Chizhevsky chandelier

Having assembled the simplest ionizer, you can try to design a more complex one - the Chizhevsky chandelier, which was invented in the 30s of the last century. It is actively used in medicine and agriculture. She was also tested in kindergartens and schools. This invention showed a high degree of aeroionization, has preventive and therapeutic value.

Chandelier Chizhevsky

The device is also called an electrofluvial chandelier with a voltage converter. Just it performs the function of generating negative particles. This is due to the laws of physics. On the chandelier there are pointed ends of the wire, from which electrons flow off due to the high voltage. Then they stick to oxygen molecules, creating negative air ions, which acquire a high speed of movement and spread throughout the room.

You can buy a device, but it’s very difficult to find a suitable one that will really have a positive effect on health. The fact is that factory devices often have a voltage of less than 25 kV. This is not enough, so there is no effect on the operation of the device. In addition, overvoltages are unacceptable, otherwise toxic elements (nitrogen oxides and ozone) will be produced in large quantities. The high concentration of such substances can be judged by the characteristic odor, which some mistakenly take for the "aroma of freshness."

The operation of the correct ionizer is not accompanied by any odors.

If possible, it is best to independently assemble the Chizhevsky chandelier. How to do this, find out further.


The scheme of the original artificial emitter, which was presented by Chizhevsky, is as follows:

Artificial emitter circuit

Radio amateurs when assembling the device also use the electrical circuit shown below:

Ionizer circuitry

The proposed scheme guarantees optimal potential. The following radio components are used in its manufacture:

  • resistors - C5-35V at 1 kOhm (R1), MLT-2 at 20 kOhm (R2), C5-35V at 10 MΩ (R3);
  • diodes D226 (2 pieces - D1 and D2);
  • rectifier column of 4 diodes D1008;
  • thyristor KU201K (VS1);
  • capacitors: MBM at 1 uF, 400 V (C1), POV 390 pF, 10 kV (4 pieces - from C2 to C5);
  • B2B motorcycle ignition coil at 6V (T1).

The operation of the circuit is carried out in the following order:

  1. Each time the diode D1 is opened, the capacitor C1 charges, which is passed through the primary winding T. At the time of the 1st half-cycle of the alternating current, the diode maintains its open position.
  2. When the current flows in the opposite direction, a discharge of the capacitor C1 is created in antiphase, and the diodes D1 and D2 remain closed, the thyristor VS1 opens.
  3. The primary winding of the T1 coil receives a pulsating current, but the secondary coil increases the voltage supplied to the primary winding. After that, it goes to the block, which consists of a 4-diode rectifier column and a multiplier. In turn, it consists of capacitors C2-C5.
  4. Through the multiplier, a high-voltage voltage is output, which is also called rectified. It enters the ionizer through resistor R3, which is responsible for limiting the current.

It should be noted that for the implementation of the proposed scheme, you can use other radio components:

  • Resistors of marked brands can be replaced with one resistor - MLT-2. To obtain the element R1, it is required to connect 3-4 similar elements in parallel, and for R3 - 4-5. Resistor R2 does not matter much and there is only one requirement for it - its power dissipation must be at least 2 watts.
  • Diodes D1 and D2 of the marked brands can be replaced with any other diodes that support a current of 300 mA and a reverse voltage of 400 V. Examples of such diodes are KD109V, KD109G, D205.
  • When assembling the rectifier column, a diode of the D1008 type can be replaced by similar elements, for example, 7GE350AF, 2TS203B, 2TS202KG, KTs105G, KTs201G.
  • Capacitor C1 of the specified brand can be replaced by a non-polar element, designed for a voltage of 250 V.
  • In the assembly of the multiplier, any high-voltage type capacitors with a voltage of at least 15 kV can be used.
  • As the element VS1, you can use the KU202K thyristors (/ L / M / N), KU201L, 1N4202, NCM700C.
  • The motorcycle ignition coil (T1) can be replaced with any other, for example, a step-up transformer, which can be removed from an old TV (TVS110AM, TVS110LA, TVS110L6). If there is no suitable product, the transformer can be assembled with your own hands, but take into account that the leads of the elements in places of high voltage are at the proper distance from each other friend. Otherwise, an electric shock may occur.

In order to better insulation after soldering, the conclusions should be poured with the help of heated paraffin.

Schema setup

It is carried out if radio components of other brands are used in the assembly of the circuit. Most often, you need to select the value of R2 to open the thyristor VS1. To adjust the voltage that is supplied to the chandelier, you need to change the values ​​of the resistor R1 and capacitor C1.

When assembling the chandelier, it is best to use the elements that are indicated in the instructions. In this case, additional configuration is not needed, just plug the plug into the network.

Chandelier assembly

A step-by-step instruction for assembling the Chizhevsky chandelier is as follows:

  1. As a chandelier frame, use a metal hoop with a diameter of about 1 m. For these purposes, a gymnastic hoop is suitable. If there is none, you can use a copper wire without insulation to make a ring with a diameter of 4-5 mm.
  2. In a circle, at an angle of 90 degrees, at a distance of 4 cm from each other, pull bare wires, preferably made of copper. Their diameter is 1 mm. You should get a mesh sagging down.
  3. Solder needles in the corners of the grid using a soldering iron. Their length should be equal to 5 cm and a thickness of 0.5 mm. Previously, in order to make needles, the wire must be tightened from one end to increase the voltage. Due to this, the formation of ozone, which is considered harmful to breathing, is reduced. It is even easier to purchase safety pins with a ring on the end. They have a length of about 4 cm. These pins with a soldering iron can be fixed to the frame.Chandelier Chizhevsky
  4. In three places, attach three copper wires to the rim. They should be at equal distance from each other - every 120 degrees. In the center of the wire you need to solder into one knot.
  5. To the point of connection of the wires, conduct a high voltage by connecting the voltage converter connected to the socket with a plug.
  6. To fix the chandelier at the center point to the ceiling at a distance of 15 cm with a fishing line.
  7. The voltage supplied to the chandelier must be at least 25 kV. Only in this case air ions will be beneficial for health. In the classroom and gym, the recommended voltage is 50 kV, but not more, as the smell of ozone will appear.

You can verify the correct operation of the chandelier with cotton. If you bring it to the needles at a distance of 60 cm, you can feel a little cold. This confirms the correct operation of the device.

Homemade Car Ionizer

In addition to the ionizer for housing, you can make a device for use in the car. When driving a car, the driver must be attentive and focused. When there are not enough negative ions in the cabin, his condition worsens. He feels the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • lack of fresh air;
  • desire to sleep;
  • poor coordination;
  • loss of mood;
  • restlessness and fussiness;
  • decrease in reaction speed;
  • pain in the temples.

Gasoline combustion products and dust entering the car interior can even lead to loss of consciousness and fainting. Scientists have developed a special ionizer that releases negative ions with silver. They destroy pathogenic bacteria and toxic impurities. At the same time, the air received invigorates, fills with energy and improves mood. Such a device can also be made with your own hands.

What do you need?

To collect car ionizer, the following components will be required:

  • pulse generator;
  • step-up transformer;
  • voltage multiplier.


Armed with the necessary parts, you can start assembling the device according to the following instructions:

  1. First you need to assemble the transformer. It can be obtained from the power supply of the old computer. To remove it, you can use a soldering iron, but it is easier to heat the ferrite using matches or a lighter.
  2. Using a needle, divide the block into 2 parts.
  3. Release the core from the wires, and then replace them with new ones by wrapping the windings. Screw 14 turns on the primary, and 600 on the secondary.
  4. Lay an insulating layer between the parts. In this quality, you can use transparent tape folded in 3-4 layers.
  5. When winding the coils of the secondary winding, insulation is also required. To do this, after 100 turns, you need to apply tape.
  6. Attach a timer to the transformer. For these purposes, it is recommended to use KTs106 diodes and capacitors with parameters up to 10 kW and 3300 pF.
  7. Assemble the voltage multiplier. Connect the assembled transformer and timer to it.
  8. Electrodes extend from the multiplier. Install them from each other at a distance of 3 cm.
  9. The ionizer is ready, and it can be connected to the network.

You can assemble a car ionizer from two field-effect transistors according to the instructions from the video:

Safety precautions

Having made an ionizer, we must not forget about the safety precautions for using the device:

  • the device must be 1.5 meters away from the person during operation;
  • Do not touch the ionizer with your hands, even after turning it off, until about 30 minutes have passed, since capacitors have the ability to accumulate energy;
  • during operation of the device, do not put your hand to the needles to check if there is coolness from the device (for this purpose, you can use a piece of cotton wool that should be attracted to the device).

Contraindications in the use of the device

An ionizer is a useful device, but there are contraindications in which its use is prohibited. These include:

  • oncological diseases;
  • fever;
  • age up to 12 months.

Also, the ionizer must not be turned on until wet cleaning has been carried out, since in a too dusty and smoky room the device will only drive dirt.

Living in a big city where there is little green vegetation, and industrial enterprises are around, you need to purchase an air ionizer. Home masters can assemble the device with their own hands, using ready-made schemes and instructions. If there is no experience in assembling household appliances, you can assemble a primitive appliance.

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