Power consumption of the refrigerator. What is the average power of a refrigerator?

Every economical owner is interested in how much power his electrical device consumes. The power consumption of the refrigerator is determined by a number of indicators. For example, the power of freezing depends on it. Refrigerator capacity is also affected by overall productivity, energy costs and energy efficiency. The presence of additional functions also affects the parameter being studied.


  1. The capacity of domestic refrigeration units and what it depends on
  2. Refrigeration Freezing Power
  3. Economy class
  4. Refrigerator Energy Efficiency Recommendations

The capacity of domestic refrigeration units and what it depends on

Refrigerator Consumption Power - This is the total amount of electrical energy that it consumes during operation. This electrical appliance consists of other devices that also consume energy: compressors (one or more), heaters, fans.

Average power consumption in watts

The considered parameter consists of:

  • capacities of the above devices, external dimensions of the refrigerator;
  • seal insulation;
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  • the presence of additional features and the presence of the No Frost system;
  • the amount and temperature of food placed in the refrigerator;
  • operating conditions and time of year.

There is average power the refrigerator, which is stated in the instructions. Its size in most cases does not exceed 250 watts. Along with this power, you may encounter the real power of the refrigerator. It is capable of reaching 500 watts. The most significant share of energy consumption is determined by the compressor power of the refrigerator.

What is the power of the refrigerator measured in? Of course, in power units well-known in physics - in watts (W). In order to determine the average power indicator of an electrical appliance, it is necessary to establish how much electricity in kilowatts the unit consumes per day.

In order to find out what power the refrigerator has by measuring, you can use a device called a multimeter. This meter measures the reading of the refrigerator circuit while the compressor is running. The values ​​you get must be multiplied by the value of the mains voltage, equal to 220 volts. Although it is necessary to take into account that when starting the compressor, a current will pass through the circuit, which is 2-3 times higher than the nominal voltage value. In view of this, multiplication by 3 is required for the readings obtained.

A special sticker should be informed about the power consumption of the refrigerator, which is often located on the outer wall (sometimes in the chamber) of the appliance. You can find the same data in the instruction manual that came with your home appliance.

In the aforementioned manual, as a rule, indicate the maximum power (it is fixed at the time the compressor is turned on) and the power of the refrigerator, which is called the nominal average. The standard values ​​for these capacities are as follows: 0.3 kW per hour for maximum and from 0.1 to 0.2 kW per hour for average nominal. The use of the concept of maximum power consumption is due to the fact that the compressor performs operation with time intervals. This happens only after special sensors signal the temperature change.

Refrigeration Freezing Power

The power of freezing is measured in kg / day. Different devices have different power and freezing technology, therefore, for example, the Indesit brand may cope with 30 kilograms per day, LG will cool up to 17 kg of food for the same time period, Bosh and Atlant 20-22 kg In the instructions, the parameter is marked with an X and three ***, it can also be found on the information line pasted on the refrigerator.

Economy class

Under economy class they usually understand the conditional indicator, which characterizes the consumption of electric energy by the refrigerator. To designate this class, capital letters were used: starting from A and ending with G. The following three classes have recently been added to the old 7 classes (A +++, A ++ and A +). Profitability of these classes is higher than A. Thus, the refrigerator capacity in kW hours per year for the LG brand belonging to class A is 350-360 kW per year.

The values ​​given for these letters determine the average power consumption of the refrigerator. This so-called average power consumption of the refrigerator for a class D refrigeration unit is taken as 100%. Relative to this class, the values ​​of energy expenditure, measured in kW per hour, are 55% lower for class A, for 65 + for A +, 95% for A + and 95% for A +++. For convenience, refrigerator manufacturers highlight all the classes in question in color. The differences between the classes in the electrical energy they consume are significant.

The video describes the cost-effectiveness classes of modern refrigerators: from A +++ to D in order of decreasing cost-effectiveness. It is also said that a stationary cooling system is more economical than No frost.

Refrigerator Energy Efficiency Recommendations

There are a number of recommendations aimed at reducing the energy consumption of your refrigerator.

  1. It is important to open the door of the household appliance in question for a minimum short time and a minimum number of times.
  2. Its ventilation grilles must be kept open. It is known that the air, which heats up its back wall, needs absolutely free circulation, so that the electrical appliance under study could be switched off as rarely as possible.
  3. Before moving into the appliance in question, food should be allowed to cool.
  4. Ice that accumulates in freezer, on the evaporator, it is required to clean monthly at least once.

Good to know: how to defrost a refrigerator?

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