Quietest refrigerator

Quietest fridge considered adsorption. The refrigerant in it moves by heating TAN. Quietest refrigerator is not economical, expensive, but is able to work on a gas cylinder. There is no difference where to get energy. Even mobile refrigerators for cars, powered by a network of 12 V and running by cooling semiconductors passing current can not be compared with the adsorption. In the latter case can be heard only the sound of the circulating refrigerant. Gel using for the battery under the hood, require at least two fans and heated salon.

adsorption Chiller

Adsorption Chiller is not too rare, but often unknown to the public. Seems improbable fact that cooling is achieved by gas combustion. Today, the idea of ​​creating soars adsorption chiller operating at the expense of solar energy. Similarly Unknown Established the first model. During the Cold War, construction of the device was classified for use in military and space industries, creating too favorable seemed adsorption chiller. Data were removed from the textbooks, so it went to a conference in Paris in 1992. Separate data on the first adsorption chiller extracted from specialized textbooks published before 1960.

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Let's talk about the terms. The literature mentioned absorption and adsorption refrigerators. This kinship structure, working on species sorption, some writers make the mistake of not really knowing the meaning of what is happening. More important than the existence of this type of equipment, operating through the absorption cycle and kickback refrigerant adsorbent granules or liquid absorbent.

adsorption Chiller

The difference between the phenomena underlying the work:

  1. The absorbent material absorbs throughout.
  2. In the case of adsorption it is only the surface layer of the absorbed substance does not penetrate inside.

Taking into account these considerations, it is easy to understand the confusion in the section of household appliances. The liquid sorbent is called the absorbent, and the solid (in granules) - adsorbent.

The operating principle of adsorption chiller

Sensible description of the operation of a quiet refrigerator in the network can not be found. The good news is an interesting excerpt from an old textbook, without pictures. There are two technologies that are used in the adsorption chiller:

Adsorbent granules absorb the refrigerant leaving the evaporator. This continues until there is a carrier in the gas phase. Then evaporate the refrigerant required for this adsorbent is heated. The steam enters the condenser, where it is converted into a liquid and gives off heat. Later, the refrigerant discharged to a special device and enters the evaporator. In the transition to the gas phase heat is absorbed up to 50 times more than is already present in the carrier. The temperature in the cooling chamber lowers. Granules adsorbent immobile during the working cycle, run periodically switching on the heating element.

The questions arise:

  1. Why refrigerant is not able to move in the opposite direction;
  2. How to implement the system without valves;
  3. As TEN understands when the duty cycle came to an end.

A general description of how to see blurry, but the second method, where the refrigerant ammonia absorption refrigerator has become, not better!

  • As used distilled water absorbent and the refrigerant becomes the ammonia. To prevent corrosion of sodium chromate tucked inside the system, the desired pressure difference creates hydrogen - in the area of ​​the evaporator substance concentration below. The water is at the bottom of the absorber where the liquid is absorbed by the ammonia in the gas phase, coming from the evaporator. The concentrated solution was pumped into the reboiler termonasosom. In the process of boiling ammonia evaporates water much better due to the low boiling point, resulting in a pair of its rush to the capacitor. Evaporate moisture collected dephlegmator (something like a cooled external tube medium) and flows into an absorber which receives gaseous ammonia from the evaporator. The cycle is closed.

It is unclear how maintained different hydrogen partial pressures at the evaporator and condenser, and working principle termonasosa - insoluble riddle. Otherwise it would be desirable to understand why a concentrated solution is supplied to reboiler is separated from weak liquor. Presumably, heating element temperature is maintained rather big, water evaporates better than ammonia, but is deposited on the reflux condenser is much better. Weak liquor is obtained. With termonasosom ideas does not even arise.

quiet refrigerator

Disadvantages adsorption chiller

Noise parameters of the adsorption type refrigerators limited coolant gurgling, but the type of equipment detects flaws:

  1. Consume excess energy.
  2. Long ramp-up (an average of half an hour).
  3. Abhors inclinations and distortions relative to the Earth gravity.
  4. Ammonia, other refrigerants, simply dangerous substances from long ago abandoned in compressor models.

Summing up, we say that the firm producing the quietest coolers are required to satisfy the interest of the consumer. Today, equipment is popular with fishermen it is better than the fish to freeze carbon dioxide fire extinguisher. However, complaints about the low reliability of equipment, according to the minds of scientists capable of working forever, in the absence of moving parts, give reason to think that not all so smoothly in the field of adsorption. Reviews of the quietest coolers reaffirm the dignity and disadvantages of devices, while the authors did not mention the high price of the equipment. As noted by users, for rather big money want less complexity and greater reliability.

How do you know, quiet or noisy fridge

For household appliances impose specific standards indicating what characteristics should have the equipment to fall into a certain group. Often the interpretation of laws overlap, contradict each other. Instruments applicable to the quiet refrigerator, considered ST SEV 4672-84. Despite the antiquity of the document, he is acting. Regarding refrigerators evidence to carry out a classification there are:

  • Group A:
  1. Up to 200 liters - 40 dB.
  2. From 200 to 400 liters - 43 dB.
  3. Over 400 liters - 50 dB.

adsorption Chiller

  • Group B:
  1. Up to 200 liters - 42 dB.
  2. From 200 to 400 liters - 45 dB.
  3. Over 400 liters - 55 dB.
  • Group C:
  1. Up to 200 liters - 53 dB.
  2. From 200 to 400 liters - 55 dB.
  3. Over 400 liters - 60 dB.

Klassnost refrigerator in terms of noise determined by the volume. We add that the inverter compressors today are capable of providing 42 dB (expensive Liebherr models achieve 38 dB), but a lower level it was not possible to observe. Adsorption refrigerators clearly fall into Group A. The devices simply nothing to make noise, only slightly rustling the refrigerant. Select the quietest fridge - so pick a synonym for adsorption. No options.

How to measure the noise of the refrigerator? The method is based on the adjustment of the sound pressure, eliminating from the spectrum of frequencies that are not audible to the human ear. This applies to the compressors that can supply ultrasound. As for the adsorption chiller does not have to adjust here, the measured sound pressure becomes the desired parameter. For the purposes of the experiment will need a microphone and method of work.

The test quiet refrigerator is installed in a room with no sound reflections. For living conditions require the suspended ceiling and carpet on the floor and walls. Composition apparatus determined by CT or CT CMEA CMEA 1351-78 1807-79. Refrigerator set to a hard floor at a distance from a reflecting wall 15 cm. Let's say an ordinary piece of painted concrete. The nearest corner is at least 1.5 m. The microphones are arranged as in the drawing.

Noise measurement

where d - at least 1 m; a, b, c are selected on the basis of a reasonable amount. The surface area measurement is given by:

S = 2 (2ac + 2ab + bc), in fact, square parallelepiped net of the floor and the rear wall of the concrete.

Before the measurement, the refrigerator is 6 hours on average mode, then a break for 10 minutes. After the device is switched on again, after 3 minutes, is held still. Processing of the results is carried out on the document ST SEV 541-77 (GOST 23941-2002).


To summarize, the choice in favor of a quiet refrigerator adsorption type is not always appropriate. This apparatus for the cottages, nature gas rigs. At home, while it is better to put up with some noise, although established products Dometic typical cuisines.

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