February is the right time for pleasant hassle in the greenhouse

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Hard-working farmers try not to miss the opportunity to prepare for a new garden season. When a new sheet appears on the calendar with the word February, it's time to think about the greenhouse. Let the cold wind still blow and blow in the street, but time runs inexorably forward. Only after 28 days will spring come and ask: "Is the greenhouse and beds ready? What did the truck farmer do in the last month of winter? "It's good when the work is done, and it's not a shame to show the fruits of your hands. And the return will not take long.

Repair and preparation of greenhouses in the suburban area

Before starting to plant the plants in the greenhouse, in February the truck farmers carefully inspect the structure to fix the malfunction. In winter, often gusty winds tear off the film, turning it into tatters. As a result of severe frost, glass structures are damaged. And because of rodents, the internal supports lose their stability.

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When repairing the outer covering, it is necessary to carefully remove the remnants of the film, replacing it with a new one. Similarly, the cracked glass on the structure is changed. Such roofing works are performed on a fine winter day, when the head does not fall precipitation. In areas where there is a lot of snow in February, the regular cleaning of the greenhouse can not be avoided so that the roof does not break under its weight.

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It happens that during the winter hibernation the importunate rodents made a "digging" in the greenhouse and the supports slightly tilted. It is very important to strengthen them in time, so as not to damage the whole structure. Just February is the right time to start internal work in the greenhouse:

  1. Cleaning. If there are weeds or rhizomes of last year's crops left on the beds, they are taken out into the street. The inside of the cover is cleaned of dirt, flushing from both sides.
  2. Disinfection. Effective way to control pests - sulfur balls. If you want to use the classic method, a solution of hydrated lime is suitable. It is prepared in such a proportion: 10 liters of water are taken 3 kg of lime plus, kg of copper sulfate. All mix thoroughly. The resulting mixture is treated with a ceiling, walls and a frame of a greenhouse.
  3. Improve the quality of soil fertility. To improve the fertility of the soil, it must be regularly changed. In February, truck farmers remove the top layer of the soil, replacing it with a purchase.

If there is no opportunity to purchase a quality soil for a greenhouse, you can prepare it yourself. To do this, sand is mixed with turf ground, add to the mixture peat, neutralized with lime and humus.

Having completed such works in February, we can safely say that the greenhouse is ready to grow a new crop.

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Working on the beds in the last month of winter

Someone might think: "What kind of work can there be in the beds in winter?" But, the gardeners know what they're talking about. It's time to start growing seedlings on artificial beds in the room.

Since the sun shines brighter in February and the day is a little longer, truck farmers are starting to grow seedlings. In the prepared beds spread cabbage seeds, early varieties of tomato and cucumber. You can sow parsley and dill.

Depending on local climatic conditions, it is necessary to sow the vegetable crops taking into account their planting in the open ground. As a result, the seedlings will not outgrow, which affects the crop yield.

Sowing seeds on seed beds of early vegetable crops, it is necessary to perform such operations:

  • cover seeded seeds with a layer of sand a half centimeter high;
  • gently pour;
  • cover the beds with film or glass;
  • when the shoots appear, the coating is removed;
  • containers put in a well-lit place;
  • in the room to keep the temperature at least 18 degrees;
  • Strengthened seedlings dive into separate containers.

Seedlings grown in this way, sown in February, are well established on the open ground.

Purchase of planting material

When the earth is still lying under the snow, it's time to think about the future harvest. After all, in February, seeds appear on the market. For sellers, of course - this is a golden time, and truck farmers - a serious game of roulette. Either you won, or stayed with nothing. To make a successful choice of seeds, it is important to remember a few tips. Planting material should be:

  • in its pure form;
  • the same size;
  • without soil impurities;
  • some species with a smell (carrots or onions).
Read also:How to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse?

Most often, seeds are sold in hermetically sealed packaging, which prevents them from testing their quality. Still, something can be done. Carefully probing the contents of the package, it is easy to notice in it debris or lumps of earth. If you lightly rub the carrot seeds, a delicate aroma will appear. This indicates the freshness of the planting material.

In addition, it is desirable to buy seeds in specialized stores with a good reputation. Also, do not neglect the information printed on the package. Before you buy the product, it is worth to carefully read about the proposed variety and the number of seeds in the pack.When they should be sown and harvested. Judgment in this matter never hurts. It's not for nothing that they say - "what a person sows, that's what he will reap" in his field. So let us sow the seeds in a fertile land, and collect abundant crops.

Choosing seeds, it is almost impossible to say for sure whether they will ascend or not. Therefore, you need to be prepared for any result.

Preparing the greenhouse for the new season - video

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