Choose early varieties of apples for photos with a description

;)traditionally considered one of the most beloved and revered fruits in Russia. And since in most regions summer is not happy with duration and warmth, the fruits of summer varieties become a real table decoration, a source of vitamins and joy for children and adults.

Today, breeders created a lot of interesting summer varieties of apple trees, which give abundant crops in regions previously considered unsuitable for growing this crop. The old early varieties, obtained not under the conditions of experimental stations and institutes, but by the method of “national selection,” and tested by many generations of gardeners, have not been forgotten either.

As a rule, the first summer apples are rich in sugars, quite juicy and have excellent taste. The only drawback of such fruits is that they cannot be stored for a long time, therefore they are used fresh, they are used for juice and fruit preservation.

Descriptions and photos of early varieties of apple trees will be a good help when choosing a plant for planting in the garden or laying a new garden.

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Description and photo of an apple tree. White filling.

. The history of this popular variety dates back to the end of the 19th century, when White filling plants obtained as a result of spontaneous pollination were identified as a separate variety, however, known in Russia, the Baltic States and nearby countries under various names such as Alabaster., Dolgostebelka, Bel and Papirovka.

From the beginning of the 20th century to today, botanists have been arguing about the equal sign between the variety and the Bely filling and Papirovka. If in 1937 reference books for agronomists of the variety were mentioned separately, then the descriptions of fruit trees published in 2005 combined these varieties of popular plant breeding. Indeed, the description of the apple-tree Belyi filling almost duplicates the information about Papirovka, which over a hundred and a few years has become one of the most common early varieties in Russia. And today, the old variety is zoned in all regions of the country, except for the Far East, the Urals and Eastern Siberia. In addition, on the basis of Papirovka or the White filling, scientists have created about 20 new promising varieties.

The Bely poured apple variety is a tree of medium height with an almost pyramidal crown, which has grown wider with older plants. The main part of the ovary is formed on kolchatka, shoots are covered with medium-sized foliage egg-shaped. On the back side, the leaves are heavily pubescent, have small, well-defined partitions and jagged edges.

Apple Tree Paping

Paping quickly begins to bear fruit, the first ovary appears in the trees 4–5 years after planting. The variety tolerates frost well, but traces of scab are quite often seen on the leaves of the apple tree and on the fruits.

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seed Apple trees bloom in May, and apple fruits Papirovka, described by photos and familiar to gardeners from different parts of the country, ripen in the first decade of August.

Medium-sized apples have a conical shape and clearly stand out on a light yellow, without a blush peel ribs. On most fruits there is a peculiar rush of skin or seam. When the fruits are ready to be removed from the branches, the thin, dry skin becomes almost white, due to which the variety has received one of its names. The same white in apples and coarse-grained pulp of refreshing taste with well distinguishable acidity.

Like many summer varieties of apple trees, the fruits of White filling are good immediately after removal from the branches, since dark spots soon appear on the skin from the slightest pressure, and the flesh becomes friable, dry and powdery. Apples Papiroka can not be transported and stored for a maximum of two weeks.

Apple variety Candy

As a result of over-pollination of the old “folk” varieties of Bely Pouring and Korobovka in the VNII.Michurin was obtained a variety of apple Candy, featuring fast growing trees, unpretentious and good, in the conditions of the Russian regions, winter hardiness.

On average, the Candynoe variety tree begins to form the ovary as early as 4–5 years after planting, forming a powerful, spreading crown. Apple shoots are densely covered with leathery leaves of saturated green color. At the same time, the tree responds well to pruning, not only increasing the number of ripening fruits, but also allowing gardeners in the northern regions to grow crops like a bush or a creeping plant. And although gardening farms, because of the complexity of crown formation, do not use candy varieties of apple trees, amateur gardeners have long appreciated the merits of this crop.

The frost resistance of the variety allows planting apple trees even in the Siberian region, and in central Russia the northern limit of cultivation runs along the north of the Moscow region. Even young trees of the Candy variety can produce from 30 to 50 kg of juicy, fragrant fruits, ripening in mid-August, not crumbling until harvest and stored for up to two months.

According to the photo and description of the apple variety of Candy, the tree gives even very sweet commercial quality apples weighing from 80 to 120 grams. The surface color of the fruit is yellow, and on top of it by August a bright pattern of large red stripes is formed.

Photos and descriptions of the apple tree Golden Chinese

The small apples of the early Golden Chinese ripening in late July attract both with their unusual appearance and sweet-sour taste. The variety appeared at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries, thanks to the efforts of I.V.Michurin from crossing White poured and Chinese. Today, the variety is zoned in the Volga-Vyatka and North-West regions of Russia, but is grown in a much larger number of regions.

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Trees are medium tall, having a vertical crown in the shape of an inverted pyramid until a certain point. As it grows, the apple tree becomes sprawling, and under the load of fruits are long, with rare leaves, the branches are able to bend to the ground. The leaves on the apple of this variety are elongated, light green at most located on the tops of the shoots.

The golden fruits of the Chinese Chinese, as in the photo, are attached to flexible stems, weighing from 20 to 40 grams and are distinguished by a beautiful amber-yellow color without any traces of blush. The pulp of sour-sweet apples has a light aroma and is quite juicy.

Like some other summer varieties of apple trees, the fruits of Golden Chinese as they mature ripen, becoming almost transparent. If you miss the moment of ripening, the apples quickly fall off, and after a week almost lose their juiciness.

Early fruiting of an early apple variety occurs in 3-5 years, while the apple tree tolerates frost well, but is often affected by scab. The variety is characterized by periodicity of fruiting and requires pollinating apple trees, for example, Bely pouring or, according to the description, the Grushovka Moskovskaya apple tree is nearby.

Apple variety Melba

The famous summer ripening variety in 1898 was created by Canadian breeders from free-pollination Macintosh varieties. Already at the beginning of the last century, Melba became known in Russia, where it gained considerable popularity.

Until now, the apple variety Melba has been zoned and grown almost throughout the country, except for the most unfavorable regions of the Urals, the Far East and the North-East of Siberia.

Apple trees, fruiting from the age of 3–5 years old, are Melba tall, sprawling with a rounded middle crown density. At young saplings the pyramidal structure is observed. Fruits are tied on kolchatka, branches are covered with oval light green or yellowish leaves, which are noticeably larger on young, powerful shoots. In May, there is a massive appearance of large pink-purple buds and white flowers. The variety is distinguished by high yields of early dessert apples.

Melba apple fruit weighs 120–140 grams, and in some cases it is possible to achieve 200 gram, round or round conic apples. In ripe fruits, smooth, oily or wax-coated skin of a light yellowish or greenish color with a pink or carmine blush spreading over a large part of the surface, on which red stripes are visible.

Compared to other summer apple varieties, Melby's fragrant fruit can be transported, and slightly unripe apples, when stored carefully, retain their properties until January. Gentle juicy apple pulp does not change its properties and does not lose the sweet, similar to candy flavor. According to the available photos and the description of the early apple variety, the main disadvantages are weak scab resistance, cyclic fruiting of adult trees and insufficient winter hardiness. Under normal conditions, Melby apples ripen in August, but in cold, cloudy weather, the harvest dates are delayed until mid-September.

With the participation of Apple Melba created more than 20 new varieties. Among them, the apple variety Early Aloe and Red Aloe and Caravel, which are more resistant to diseases and large, brightly colored fruits.

Early Aloe Variety Apple-treeThe apple tree has taken a lot from its "parents", but it is distinguished by better scab resistance and frost resistance. In addition, the fruiting of low trees with a practically round crown begins two weeks earlier than Melba. The branches of this summer-apple tree are covered with medium-sized oval leaves with a bright, shiny outer surface.
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Apple trees produce stable, high yields of roundish or cone-shaped apples covered with a thin glossy skin, half of the surface of which is occupied by a bright dark red striped blush, increasing to a fruit stem. The flesh of apples is juicy, white or cream with a barely noticeable grain.

Apple Tree Grushovka Moskovskaya: description and photo

Moscow Pear Tree is a long-known and favorite variety of “popular” breeding, featuring an early and abundant fruit formation. As stated in the description, the apple tree Grushovka Moskovskaya can be grown in many regions of Russia, including almost the entire European territory, the Urals, the West and the East of Siberia.

To date, apple trees that can withstand even 50-degree frosts, are one of the most resistant to cold varieties. Large trees with a well-developed round or spreading crown begin to bear fruit 5–6 years after planting in the ground. Flowering begins, like most apple trees in summer, in May. The petals collected in buds are pink in color, and whiten as the flowers open. In the summer, the branches have a dense foliar cover consisting of oval or elongated green or yellow-green leaves with a finely toothed margin.

The fruits of the apple Grushovka Moscow ripen in July and August, the average weight of round or flattened flat apples does not exceed 120 grams. In this case, from one tree is collected from 80 to 170 kg.

However, fruiting cannot be called mass, since the ripening of apples inside the crown and at the top, compared with the lower branches, is significantly delayed. The peel of the fruit of the apple of Pearka Moscow, according to the description, is covered with a wax layer, rather thin and smooth. The cover color of a ripe apple is almost white or with a faint yellow tint. Up to 80% of the surface of the fruit is dark pink or carmine blush with blurred or even stripes. Juicy after harvest, the creamy or pinkish pulp of the fragrant apples quickly becomes powdery. Apples are not stored, and when rainy weather can be affected by scab.

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