Tile is a great material for decorative wall covering, but the main difficulty is that it is difficult to work with after laying.
Sometimes it may be necessary to trim the edges or joints of the tile, cut holes in it for pipes or cable. To do this is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

How to cut
In this case, a number of tools can help:
- Stroborez with a diamond disk. It is very expensive, buying it at one time does not make sense, but you can rent it. They can easily and quickly cut tiles.
- "Grinder" for a smooth cut (angle grinder). By the principle of action, it is similar to a chipper, but it is a budget option. True, it is difficult to make a cut with it perfectly even, but you can penetrate into inaccessible places and perform complex cuts. A diamond blade is also used for work.
- Jigsaw with a diamond file. It is also suitable for rare occasions. For example, they can cut tiles on drywall, since behind it there is an empty space for the canvas to move. If the base is solid, like concrete or brick, then the jigsaw will be useless.

How to make a hole
Sometimes you do not need to cut the tile, but make holes in it. In this case, the listed tools will not cope with the task. There are other options:
- "Shovels" in ceramics and glass. They can make small holes in ceramics or glass, but you need to work very carefully: they are quite fragile and often dull, and with great effort the tile can burst.
- “Ballerinas” - they consist of two elements: a drill and a cutting edge. They can also make large holes, and one drill is configured for different cuts.
- Diamond edged crowns. Sold in sets (as "ballerinas") or separately. There are options for a drill. Crowns will help to make large holes, not only in tiles, but also in other materials.
- Drills with a victorious dusting. If you first properly center the drill, then victory is quite within the power to make a hole in the ceramic. If you use a drill for a perforator, you can not use shock mode.

Using the option suitable for a particular case, you can even cut any tile yourself or drill a hole in it directly on the wall.
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