Many difficulties come in the way of homeowners who would like to install a fireplace. Everything is not limited to financial investments. In many situations, installing a full fireplace is simply not possible. However, in the house you still want to install a room stove, because it can create a unique atmosphere. There is a way out in this situation, because you can make a decorative fireplace, for example, from drywall. Such an element will make the interior unique; it will be the central figure of the entire room.

If the size of the fireplace is planned medium, you can put a small plasma TV inside the structure. In this case, no ventilation and burners are required to simulate a live flame. And the view in the sounds will match the natural fire. An ordinary LED photo frame can also be used for this purpose, however, it cannot transmit sounds.

An electric heating system can be installed in a decorative fireplace to bring sensations as close as possible to those that arise next to a real hearth.
In this case, the fireplace will no longer be limited only to decorative functions, because turning it on will raise the air temperature.
If the room area is small, it is worth considering the angular version of the drywall fireplace. It takes up less usable space. You can place a TV upstairs. This is a very common use case for false fireplaces of this type.

When planning to make a fireplace out of drywall, you should carefully consider the choice of its location. In the middle of the longitudinal wall, it is best to install the structure, if we are talking about a large living room.

The most plausible look of the fireplace can be given if you supplement the hearth with an imitation of a chimney. In hard-to-reach places, installation is not worth it. No need to place a decorative fireplace next to cabinets and other large items, doors, radiators. The hearth should be surveyed well, otherwise its creation should not bring any effect.

In any case, before starting work, you will need to decide on the designs and size of the finished structure. You can find ready-made projects on the network or make a unique development. It is recommended that you create a full-size drawing immediately on a large piece of paper. Then it will be possible to attach it to the place of the planned installation to make sure that the drywall fireplace will look good. Collect the layout is only after that.

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