The value of the temperature in the incubator for the incubation of chicken eggs

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At the time of the arrival of spring, owners of household plots want to receive young growth and update the number of chickens, using for this purpose a special device - an incubator. An important parameter is the temperature in the incubator for chicken eggs, since the results of breeding and health of chickens depend on it, and, accordingly, the quality of their own eggs.

Preparatory stage

The elimination of poultry can be done by any farmer who does not even have experience in this matter. After all, the appearance of small chickens in the world is not just a pleasant event, but also a good material support. If desired, by increasing the number of layers, you can make profit by selling eggs.

In order for the preparatory measures to be successful, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime in the incubator for chicken eggs. The quality of the collected progeny - its survival and health depends on the quality of the collected material and on compliance with the conditions of the heat regime, humidity, as well as the observance of ventilation and turns.

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Eggs that appeared at the laying hen in the evening and at night (from 20.00 to 8.00) are unsuitable for use in the incubator, they are unlikely to be fertilized. It is better to choose eggs that have been laid down at noon or lunch time.

Selection of chicken eggs for incubation is no different from the rules for selecting goose, duck and turkey eggs.

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Observance of the regime

In order to understand the features of storing eggs in the incubator and to observe optimum conditions, it is important to pay attention to such a parameter as the temperature in the incubator for chicken eggs. The table below contains the values ​​of the optimal parameters that contribute to the healthy full-fledged offspring.

The process of incubation is conditionally divided into 4 stages, the duration of each of them is from 1 day to a week:

  1. At the first stage (from 1 to 12 days), the future chicken is formed.
  2. On the second - the next 4-5 days the process of formation.
  3. The third stage begins at day 18 and lasts until the baby's squeak appears.
  4. At the last stage (20-21 days), babies are actively pecked through the surface of the shell.

At each of these stages, it is very important to maintain proper temperature parameters that will allow you to observe the incubation regime. Depending on the stage of formation of the chick, the parameters of temperature, humidity, as well as peculiarities of ventilation are changing.

Before laying in the trays eggs are heated to +25 C, this room temperature. Then the temperature regime will gradually change. The figure shows the changes in the conditions of incubation of chicken eggs by days.

First step

The indicator is +3, - +38 C (in the first 3-5 days it is even more - +3, C, and then starts gradually decrease) on a dry thermometer, and on a wet one this should be + 29 C, the moisture content - less than 65-70%. At this stage, the eggs should be rotated every couple of hours. Under natural conditions, the chicken does it by itself. Some incubator models have a built-in turn option.

Proceeding such procedures is necessary in order to avoid the growth of the embryo to the wall, this will entail death.

At this time, the embryo needs the most comfortable "weather" conditions, as the body of the embryo develops, and its complete formation takes place. Do not need to air the eggs.

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Second phase

The temperature indicator in the incubator for chicken eggs is slightly reduced - +3, C. Turn and shift the eggs at least several times a day, the moisture index is reduced to 55%. Eggs are boiled at this time 2 times a day, for 5 minutes.

The third stage

During this period, all processes are under the auspices of air circulation, since there is an increased metabolism and gases. At this time, the entire space inside the egg is filled with an embryo, and from inside it can already be heard squeak. The incubation temperature of eggs in the incubator should be + 3, C. Airing is carried out 2 times a day, each time for 20 minutes.


Fourth stage

On it it is necessary to create all conditions for the final period of breeding chickens. The temperature is slightly reduced, to + 3, C, on a wet thermometer the temperature in the incubator for chicken eggs should be 31 ° C. Humidity indicator of air is brought to 70%.

Heat output should be increased, if possible, it is necessary to maximize ventilation. Eggs should lie on their sides, with observance of a certain space, no overturning is provided. The chick produces a calm monotonous sound, which indicates its normal state. Airing is carried out 2 times a day, for 5 minutes.

Read also:What is necessary for chickens except feed?

Withdrawal of chickens

The temperature in the incubator when chickens are hatched must maintain the same temperature values, and they must be from +37 C to +3, C. Hatching chicks after drying are selected and sent a separate box for the first feeding and further heating.

What is important to know

Measurements are carried out every 2-3 hours on the surface of the egg. For measurement it is necessary to attach a mercury ball near the nougat where the embryo is located. Based on the tables, you need to compare their data with those that you received. If overheating is observed, it is necessary to reduce the temperature indices as soon as possible, otherwise the embryo will not survive.

Particular attention should be paid to the second half of the incubation period, since in the summer air temperature can reach + 30 C or more, there is a great risk that the eggs overheat. In this case, it is necessary to cool the air by blowing, but the eggs do not need to be taken out of the incubator. The duration of the procedure is up to 40 minutes, until the desired parameter is reached on the surface.

A home temperature incubator for chicken eggs is an effective device that will allow you to get the number of chickens in optimal and natural conditions.

The ideal mode of incubation of chicken eggs - video

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