We study useful properties of actinidia and contraindications to use

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This plant is becoming more and more popular every year in Russian gardens. And, if you have already decided to acquire them, you should carefully study the useful properties of actinidia and contraindications to its use.

Actinidia along with ginseng, eleutherococcus and honeysuckle came to us from the Far East taiga. The genus of these plants includes about 75 species, of which four species of actinidia are growing in the Russian Far East, and only two are cultivated everywhere - the colomicta or the argument.

Everyone knows the fruit of kiwi fruit is also a fruit of actinidia delicacy.

Introduction to Actinidia

All types of actinidia growing in our country are deciduous shrubby lianas. They are unpretentious and have good winter hardiness. These plants are highly decorative, in gardens they often decorate gazebos, fences, walls of buildings or leave to curl over the trellis. But they are bred most often because of its outstanding medicinal properties.

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Undoubted useful properties of actinidia, as well as contraindications to it, noted a Russian academician and breeder I. AT. Michurin, when he wrote that actinidia is not inferior to grapes in its qualities. But, if the grapes are considered medicinal only berries, then actinidia is useful all - berries, leaves, bark and roots.

What are the useful properties of actinide

The main value of the berries of actinidia is the record content of ascorbic acid. By the amount of this vitamin, the Far Eastern liana is second only to the dog rose, exceeding the citrus and black currants. Berries also contain:

  • tannins and pectins, which have a positive effect on digestion and remove slags from the body;
  • carotene, improving vision;
  • vitamin P, which enhances the action of ascorbic acid;
  • glycosides, beneficial for the cardiovascular system;
  • various microelements and organic acids, necessary for the body.
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Berries, flowers, bark and leaves of lianas are used for gastrointestinal diseases, beriberi, anemia, pulmonary diseases, constipation, rheumatism and hypertension. Also, it is useful as a hemostatic, soothing, analgesic and restorative.

From the fruits of the plant, a substance unique in its action, actinidin, was first isolated. It restores the function of the heart muscle after a heart attack, reduces the likelihood of its repeated damage and promotes digestion.

The use of actinidia in losing weight

The berries of this miracle liana contain unique substances, in a complex able to effectively reduce weight. The use of actinidia in losing weight comes from its properties to remove toxins and toxins from the body while saturating with essential vitamins and microelements. In this case, 100 grams of fruits contain only 47 kilocalories.

Regular eating of actinidia can quickly normalize weight with a balanced diet and sufficient physical activity.

Who is contraindicated in the use of actinidia

The use of actinidia far exceeds the possible harm from it. So, you need to consume fruits with caution in unstable stools, low blood pressure, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and increased blood clotting. Peptic ulcers and patients with gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice to consume the berries of actinidia should only after consulting a doctor.

Unambiguous contraindication to use is individual intolerance, which can cause a strong allergic reaction.

Useful properties of actinidia, even briefly described, provide an opportunity to assess its effect on health and on the body as a whole. If you have not found any contraindications to its use, try planting a healing vine on your site and will always be provided with delicious and healthy berries.

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A video about the therapeutic properties of actinidia

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